Lockdown Within the Verus Estate
Azakul remained with the hatchlings, easing their worried minds with toys simple enough for their own entertainment. He was delighted to see that contrary to reports across the land, these hatchlings were not becoming violent. Lukraag was quickly becoming his favorite, as his quirky adventurous personality began to show. In moments of fear, he would read to them from the book of Guthix, all the while making sure they felt safe.
A knock on the doors of the Verus Estate. "We represent Kaz Uthor." Azakul remained hesitant. He opened the doors of the Verus Estate slowly, all the while holding some runes within his hand ready to defend himself. As the door opened, four men in the Black Knight's armoury walked through. "We are here to defend the hatchlings. Kaz's service to the lost General."
Azakul approached the situation carefully. He was not so willing to leave the hatchlings to people he did not know. "As the General's right hand, I reserve the rights towards these hatchlings above your own authority. In the event of any developments, you are to report to me. It is per my request that you shall guard the Estate from intruders, with your life should it be necessary. The people of Gielinor are out of sync with the nature of these younglings."
The Black Knights only nodded. They began to take guard posts, and Azakul tossed the mithril ball out as the hatchlings scampered towards it. He felt uneased by the decision of Kaz Uthor, but all the while, slightly thankful.
At the same time, he pondered on the status of the General, and for now, began to pray he was still alive.
02-Apr-2017 18:15:55