With the Elven lands and people finally reunited Grand Elder Travis meets with King Narnode Shareen of The Gnome Stronghold.
"Our two kingdoms have been on good terms since the First Age, and elf and gnome have always been friends. During the God wars both of our races stayed out of the fighting and remained hidden and because of our inaction, the Gnome Stronghold was destroyed. It is time for elves and gnomes to work together and forge one grand empire. With elven wisdom and gnomish innovation we can rule this land and restore the balance and harmony both Guthix and Seren so desired."
Thus the gnomes of The Gnome Stronghold joined the Kingdom of Isafdar.
As the Grand Elder and the gnome king leave to celebrate the new alliance, Xul- Guardian of the Kingdom, approaches TrueAmerican, Commander of KOI's military. "Prepare the army and begin the drills. I want the gnomes mounted cavalry and war machines to be perfectly in sync with our warriors and rangers. The army must be prepared for when the Grand Elder executes the next phase"
=+= Land Claim =+=
Clan: Kingdom of Isafdar
Land: The Gnome Stronghold
Access to Land: Arandar
Sir Travis 2
Grand Elder and Leader of the
Kingdom of Isafdar