*As Travis leans back and takes a sip of his mug he would begin to smirk.*
“It would appear those wings, were only good for fleeing. For when the army landed, there was no enemy, no fortifications, no fight… only chaos. The demon-lord had fled and left the land to sort itself out. With no enemy to fight, the kingdom's forces eventually reboarded their ships and sailed home.”
*Placing his mug back down the Grand Elder's face again looked serious. Shadows played around him as he began to consider his next move*
“The army is restless, robbed of a victory. To be honest I was looking forward to testing our new might. But we must be patient. We will move again in the future, but for now we must secure our own objectives and prepare for the bigger battles ahead. A northern route is required for the safety of our fleets.”
*Leaning towards the table, Grand Elder Thorn would drip wax from the candle upon the letter and seal it with his signet ring. He would then summon a messenger and pass the letter to the messenger, directing him to Elder Wenu.*
“With these orders the kingdom will pull its troops from Burthorpe, who are now better trained to handle the troll threat, and move them to an outpost on Miscellania where we can control the northern naval passage between the kingdom and its Western territories.”
Land Claim :
Clan: Kingdom of Isafdar
Land: Miscellania (and drop our claim on Burthorpe)
Access to Land: Ship
Sir Travis 2
Grand Elder and Leader of the
Kingdom of Isafdar