=+= Build a Ship =+=
Spend 20K, 30 Wood, 15 Ore, and 5 Flax on a new ship - The Gallant Knight
Stats: 5 attack, 1 cargo, 3 speed.
Docked in Crandor
Saradomin's Blessings upon you, Dame Nydia.
You have honoured the Aegis with your current service while I have been attending to other matters. I have recently inspected the ship, and it is a fine vessel. The ship appears rather similar to the vessel seen in Port Sarim with it's Saradominist trappings. This masks the speed and ferocity of this vessel rather well, I've seen the cannons and gunpowder below deck, along with arms for boarding actions. The hold itself is quite small, but that is to be expected for a vessel such as this.
I have taken the liberty of christening this ship "The Gallant Knight". Perhaps not the most creative name, but you don't give names like that to a simple merchant vessel. In time, we will have a strong navy to ensure Saradominist dominance upon the seas, and to guide pilgrims and defend trade routes.
Word of your incorporation of the Paladin Order and influence over the reagent of East Ardougne has also reached my ears. Well done indeed. The Paladins have suffered under the influence of a corrupt king, and many died for that cowardly tyrant, including some of their strongest and most devoted warriors. Saradomin must have wept at the loss of such noble warriors in the defence of such a detestable tyrant as Lathas. Perhaps in time we can shape these once esteemed warriors into an order that Saradomin may look upon with pride, and grant them the wisdom to see the folly of blind loyalty and unchecked zealotry.
I hope to see you again during the monthly meeting of the inner circle. You do us proud.
Saradomin's light be with you.
Highlord Siegfried Helbrecht.
We are united in Saradomin's light. From this unity we draw strength.