“They help us as long as it is in their interests to do so,” he stated flatly, emotionlessly. “You forget the cycle of chaos. Today’s friend is tomorrow’s enemy. Today’s master is tomorrow’s slave. Today’s helping hand is tomorrow’s knife in the back. One day, it will be in their interests to end our dream, and on that day they will. Unless we end their cycle first.” He stepped forward once more. “Join us,” he reached out from the darkness, pale hand glowing, “and together, we will bring order to Gielinor.”
She shook her head in despair. How could it be possible for two people to want the same thing, yet be so far apart? The space between them spun out to the void that must have divided all worlds, all civilizations down the eons. Peace or war. The laurel or the sword. The open hand or the clenched fist.
She made her choice. Uttering a silent prayer to Seren to grant her courage, she threw herself backwards. A death spell she had never seen before arced over her as she plummeted over the cliff edge, and she heard an inhuman shriek of rage over the howling wind as she fell down, down, down…
02-Nov-2017 01:51:31