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Zandos Zaahl

Zandos Zaahl

Posts: 188 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
chronology: after the fight between Snow and Xul


After Xul and Chono had left the ship, one of the corpses littering the deck climbed to its feet. The Elf’s visage twisted and resolved into that of a Human, black hair whitening to snow. He banged the hatch. “It’s time,” he called down. The crew quickly snuck out onto the deck and began raising anchor. The ship’s sails had been made into a semi-ready state prior to the battle, so the preparations were swiftly completed. “Ready to sail, Admiral,” Reeve intoned.

Snow nodded. “Go,” he commanded. A strong wind carried the flagship out of port on its final voyage…


Crystal Fleet order

battle order

Crystal Harmony:
move from
Ape Atoll
(distance: 1.5 speed: 2) and engage
Spirit of Seiryu


14-Jan-2018 22:45:56 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2018 22:50:59 by Zandos Zaahl

Sora Verus
Jun Member 2014

Sora Verus

Posts: 4,264 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As the residents of the Varrock palace slept peacefully on a white wintry night, Casper Silverhill strided through the freezing, torch lit halls. The wind blew violently through the inconsistent openings in the walls causing shadows created by the fire to dance along the walls. He grunted in annoyance, pulling the hood of his wool cloak closer to his face and reaching inside of it to locate three letters as he reached his destination, a door bearing a simple bronze plaque reading "Raven Master" on the front.

Casper glanced down at the letters to make sure he had grabbed the right papers. On the front of one letter, written in neat, curving hand writing, was Captain Arya Sol . The second letter read: Augustin Buchanan . The third read: James Buchanan . Satisfied, Casper slipped them under the door and began the walk back to his room.


Elder of Avarrocka - Draynor Village (4C 3M 3 SEA 2SPD)
Captain: James Buchanan, until further notice

HMS Reaver - Port Sarim (5C 2M 3SEA 2SPD)
Captain: Arya Sol

Discord: Indie#2017

14-Jan-2018 23:58:19

Damion Avah
Dec Member 2014

Damion Avah

Posts: 583 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile



Scouts have detected movement from the crystal fleet towards the Arc region.
Oddly, it would appear that only one ship has been dispatched.

We will attempt to make contact but we recommend immediate fortification at Waiko in the scenario that aggression is seen.

Raise the threat level to Critical in the western region of the Arc Region.

Send word to the C.L's of G.D, S.o.B, and the D.L.A immediately.

And most importantly, send word to the Vizier of Menaphos. Only he is available to make commands.

-Jade Khal
Scout of the western Arc boundry
~~† Emperor of the The Menaphite Empire †~~

~~~Search for the laws of harmony, and you will find knowledge~~~


15-Jan-2018 00:25:30 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 01:34:45 by Damion Avah

An Epic Fool
Nov Member 2023

An Epic Fool

Posts: 3,376 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cain knelt next to the Pharoah, who was lying on his bed, in great duress and pain. Dayan muttered things from time to time, but they were often unintelligible and always out of context – he was a man talking nonsense in his sleep. The only thing that was clear was the pain.

Sei strolled into the room with a bag. “Vizier, I have the energy you asked for.” He glanced at the Pharoah and sighed. “He doesn’t look good,” Sei said, tossing the bag to Cain, who almost dropped it.

“I know,” Cain remarked, opening the bag to reveal the glowing positive energy deposit within. With a snap of his fingers, the energy emitted a bright flash and charged his staff. Cain placed his hand over Dayan’s head and fumbled for his rune pouch.

“Are you quite sure you know what you’re doing?” Sei said, his tone doubtful.

“Absolutely not.” Cain winked at Sei. The runes disappeared from his hands, and a Dream spell was cast on Dayan. A disc of bright light appeared over Dayan’s forehead, and the Pharaoh began to breathe a bit easier.

Cain was about to take a sigh of relief, but before he could break off the spell, a dark figure appeared in the room, visible only to Cain.

Fool. You are only delaying the inevitable.
The figure seemed to only speak using telepathy.
Soon, all will be purged.

Cain blinked, and the figure was gone. He stood in shock for a solid minute.

“Uhh..Gielinor to Cain, you still there?” Sei waved his hand in front of Cain. Cain snapped back into reality.

“Y-yeah, I’m here. Sorry, lost in thought.”

“Everything ok?”

“Never better. That spell should keep Dayan’s condition stable, at least for a while.”

“Alright. Let’s proceed to HQ. We have a lot to discuss.” Sei picked up Dayan’s scepter and handed it to Cain.

“I can’t possibly take that.”

“You don’t really have a choice. The Empire is on the verge of chaos. We need a leader.”

Cain reluctantly seized the staff. It felt heavy in his hands.
Cain Izrail |
Court Jester
of The Menaphite Empire

15-Jan-2018 02:55:57 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 04:02:35 by An Epic Fool

An Epic Fool
Nov Member 2023

An Epic Fool

Posts: 3,376 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Grand Library was silent, as Sei had assured that no eyes would be on them as the pair descended down the multitude of stairs toward the dial in the center.

Well, Yami could always still be watching, Cain mused.

Cain walked up to the dial and entered the secret combination to get into the Shadows of Blight Headquarters, which is…

Nice try, reader. You must think you’re so smart , tricking me into almost giving you the passcode that way. And yes, I just broke the fourth wall. My apologies.

…and once the passcode was entered, the dial dialed back a bit into the floor, sinking into the ground and revealing a dimly lit spiral staircase.

Cain took in the headquarters for the first time in a while. The large map of Gielinor still took up the center of the room, but Cain noticed some new notes and intel was plastered all over it. He smirked as he saw that his new map order was put in – there were now miniature ships and knights that Cain could use to represent real troop movements (and perhaps play with when he was bored).

The main chamber had several exits, all leading to different chambers. Two chambers were dedicated to holding intel on other Kingdoms and political entities in Gielinor. Another chamber was dedicated to discreetly sending out messages to Cain’s various agents. It provided runes for remote contact spells, an abundance of scrolls, and a long ladder to a hidden eyrie, where agents could send messages via birds to other agents. There were sleeping quarters as well, though they were rarely used.
Cain Izrail |
Court Jester
of The Menaphite Empire

15-Jan-2018 04:47:22 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 04:48:32 by An Epic Fool

An Epic Fool
Nov Member 2023

An Epic Fool

Posts: 3,376 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Two agents greeted the pair as they entered the main chamber. Sei stood at the large table opposite Cain, taking in the intel.

“What’s the news?” Cain asked.

“Not good. The threat level has been raised to Critical.”

“Critical?! That’s…that’s the bad one, right? The really really bad one?”

Sei rolled his eyes. “Yes. The Spirit of Seiyru is under attack in Waiko from a lone Elven ship. It is odd.”

“What else?”

“The Morytania Liberation Front is active. Some chump named Azazel is leading them and stirring up trouble. They are using Dayan’s disappearance as propaganda, saying that it is a Varrockain plot to seize control of our Empire.”

Cain’s eyes furrowed. “So, they are using my failure to cure Dayan as a weapon against our allies. I’d say they were clever, if it didn’t upset me so much.”

“I didn’t know you got upset,” Sei jested.

“I’m not immune to these things, Sei. I just try not to dwell on them. What else is there?”

“Ridley has requested that we set up eyes and ears in the region. She was one of the first to raise the threat level.”

“So even Ridley thinks this is a problem…must be serious then. Send all of our agents to Morytania.”

“I’m sorry, what? All of them?”

“Yup. I’ll head there once the intel network is established. Have some people scouting the region for hostiles. Disguise yourselves as travelling missionaries for the most part, though not all of you…some of you should be something else…perhaps a bard here and there…”

“Vizier, with all due respect, we can’t send all of our –“

“And then once you have the agents in place, dedicate one or two of you to establishing a safe house. A base of communications. Somewhere nondescript. Contact me via bird or lunar magic, and I will head there if need be. Also establish contact with any of our allies in the area. Let them know we are watching.”
Cain Izrail |
Court Jester
of The Menaphite Empire

15-Jan-2018 04:47:31 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 04:57:02 by An Epic Fool

An Epic Fool
Nov Member 2023

An Epic Fool

Posts: 3,376 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Cain, are you even listening – “

“I will head to the message chamber and dispatch three of our biggest ships to aid our lone ship in Waiko. It’s a major port, so we can’t lose it, right? Money is good. It buys things. Also, big ships beat little ships, I think..”

“CAIN!” Sei put his foot down.

Cain stopped. “Yes?”

"Honestly, you can't just make all these important decisions yourself."

"Well, you insisted that I get the staff."

Sei stopped to think. " a good point. But still, we should leave a few people behind at base in Menaphos.”

“Ah…good thinking. Why didn’t you say so before?”

Sei raised his hand a bit, but stopped himself. “Never mind. The rest of the plan is actually…good.”

“Excellent. Let us begin.”
Cain Izrail |
Court Jester
of The Menaphite Empire

15-Jan-2018 04:53:07 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 04:55:35 by An Epic Fool

May Member 2020


Posts: 426 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A envelop would arrive in Menaphos, that read:


Dear Dayan,
I hope this letter finds you well. It has come to my understanding that your health is worse than when we spoke in Menaphos. I apologize for not being able to help you, and hope that your advisers can.

I write to you with unfortunate news. My investigation has discovered a web of secrets within the Kingdom of Isafdar. Led by, what I believe, was Admiral Snow Dusken, fanatic elves have established themselves across our lands. Their goal seems to unite the world under the Isafadarian banner, by any means necessary. During my confrontations with the Admiral, he talked about 'unstoppable experiments'. Before I was able to retrieve all of his information, I was faced against skilled elven warriors, clearly supporters of the Admiral and his dangerous beliefs.
In fact, the Admiral managed to flee on his ship, Crystal Harmony, and has gone full rogue. He might still be sailing under the Isafdarian banner, but Snow and his ship are corrupt and have no affiliation with us anymore. If you confront him, please try to keep him alive, as many of his secrets could still be useful to the Kingdom of Isafdar, and other Empires and Kingdoms. The rest of the ship, however, may be terminated.

The battle drained me severely, and I will be going into hiding for now. My work discovering the full secrets is not done, but I ask you to beware and prepare - these fanatics could be bigger and stronger than anyone had anticipated. Maybe they had some relations to the zombies invades Prifddinas and Gielinor experienced? Time will tell.

Stay healthy.

Xul of Daemonheim.
Ok good luck

15-Jan-2018 05:42:45 - Last edited on 15-Jan-2018 05:43:53 by Xul

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