Question about gathering: Will this be something that only certain ranks will have access to? We use our ava's to gather at end of week. We are putting in the dragon perch at the moment and wait and see what we need after most have capped already, before using the ava to gather. We really don't want them used soon after reset.
This post
(found on page 7 of this thread) may help to answer your question.
All avatars summoned as pets in the Citadel will automatically gather whichever resource has been set by ranks with the permission to do so.
If you want to wait until later in the week for avatars to gather, you'll likely need to make sure no one sets a resource for them to gather (at the control stone).
Alternatively, you may need to tell people not to summon their avatar pets in Citadel until you're actually ready to have them gather whichever resource you need.
And this post was found on page 4:
I have a question about the Avatar Control Stone and the Gather Resources option. Currently in my clan only admin & above can direct which resources to gather. Will there still be rank restrictions on who can use this option? I don't want management of resource gathering opened up to everyone's whim.
I just asked Moltare, it will still require admin rank and above to set the resources.
26-Apr-2018 05:42:05
- Last edited on
26-Apr-2018 05:43:56
An impressive list of changes there. Thank you so much for all the work you have done thus far, Shauny (and the other Mods through the years of course).
I really cant wait for this!
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.