Kicking seems a little harsh seeing as they are the Clan Owner, maybe demote to something like deputy leader instead?
Also, how will the automated system pick the new Leader?
If they become active again, I'm sure they could just be re-invited? I think kicking is better than figuring out what they are demoted to.
As for who it will pick for the new leader, I guess it would be the same as it already is when a leader quits a clan, it falls to one with the next highest rank.
Kicking seems a little harsh seeing as they are the Clan Owner, maybe demote to something like deputy leader instead?
Also, how will the automated system pick the new Leader?
If they become active again, I'm sure they could just be re-invited? I think kicking is better than figuring out what they are demoted to.
As for who it will pick for the new leader, I guess it would be the same as it already is when a leader quits a clan, it falls to one with the next highest rank.
This whole just re-invite thing seems to be very common thought, can we be reminded that people do value their clan xp. No kicking for me isnt an option.
yeah i very much dont like the idea of kicking. it resets xp, loses orts, and makes you have to wait a week to cap and all kinds of things. it would be better if it just demoted you to the deputy owner rank and if the new owner doesnt like the old owner being that high they can change the rank as needed. i dont really have an issue with this cuz when im going to be gone a while i usually hand off my key to someone else. what will the timeline be? how will it be decided who will take over? dont wanna switch ownership from one inactive just to give it to a new inactive and have to wait the entire amount of time all over again. and then it needs to prepare for the what ifs as well. cuz that will make or break a clan. what if the key transfers to the wrong person and they disban the clan? just some of my first thoughts :3
I fully support this idea , I would set time limit at 3 - 6 months (6 months seeming to long)
I assume the key would switch randomly to any of the co -owners ,so careful judging of that rank should alleviate any of the fears Mssantapawsy mentioned.
Scret said
On another note about that i would like to see avatars require tier 3 cos theres too many "fake clans" just built for personal use of an avatar
Nah Aaron, Maz and I will just eat too many acorns and make a random decision based on Oaky drunkeness
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Since all warring polish clans closed (that includes mine) you can remove my access to this forum, I'm not leading a clan anymore. If anyone needs any advice about leading a clan feel free to leave me a pm on zybez forums (my nickname is Mateusz328) or just pm me in game.
@ iMatzz - this is not concerning "legacy leaders" but instead is about inactive leaders, ie people who have not logged in for a long time, either game or forum wise, who are clan owners. I have no current plans to remove legacy leaders
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey