In regards to simply closing dead clans, perhaps there is a way that this can be done a little simpler by incorporating the coding issues into removing inactive leaders. What I would suggest is instead of coding clans to detect how often the clan leader logs in, instead make it check how often all clan members log in, and removing that person from the clan if they don't log in for X number of months.
This would then give us the best possible scenario:
- An in-game automated clan sweep
- If all members are removed due to inactivity, the clan would cease to exist
- If the 'swept' person is the clan leader, Ownership would automatically pass to the next highest rank
Of course this would require alot more resources in terms of the system having to store data for up to 500 people x all clans, so I understand if this isn't possible. I am merely suggesting what would be, in my opinion, the ideal system that would (presumably) require less coding because it's all based off the same "check time since last login" style system.
If it IS possible for the system to even allow a check on Owner's activity (Which Mod Maz has not even confirmed yet), then presumably/hopefully that could be extended to all clan members.
24-Jan-2014 18:00:19