
How long have you been leading

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Mar Member 2005


Posts: 287 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
2007 - 2009 = I was one of the 4 leaders of 3v0lution X. Durial321 was in 3v0.
2009 - present = founder/leader of Zero Tolerance. We moved to OSRS.
Zero Tolerance - P2P PK clan - "Turning White Dots to Red Dots Since 2009"

30-Sep-2016 01:03:43

Body btw

Body btw

Posts: 19,488 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Welcome to the latest leaders who have shared their clan history with us :) It's always a fun read.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"

All I do anymore is fish - 2017

07-Oct-2016 17:31:33 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2016 16:22:38 by Body btw

Jul Member 2019


Posts: 17,032 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The British Assassins Jan-March 07 was the only time I was an outright leader.

Here is a video of a KBD event, I look so pro with my proselyte and dscim :D

Best time on this game was in the clan 06-08 After that we started to get too big for my liking and the higher ranks tried steering the clan in a direction at odds with the clans ethos. Eventually after a few years and the departure of the best clan leader they changed the name of the clan and its purpose, thankfully they changed their mind a short while down the line and reverted back.

The amount of drama I've experienced in this clan is ridiculous but at least it made the clan more engaging.

I was even accused of blackmailing and bribing clan members when I was made leader I left for a few month after that drama to prevent the clan falling apart.

12-Oct-2016 23:18:18

Sep Member 2006


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Secure Haven began on 12th March 2012 Due to not being able to play my favourite game as often as I would want and therefore not having the time to devote to running a clan I left Secure Haven in the hands of one of my most trusted deputies who has done a good job of keeping the clan together since 7th November 2015.

Recently, around three weeks ago, I joined 69 or bye and much to my surprise have been fast tracked to Deputy Leader. I still don't have as much time as I would like to play Runescape but will see how it goes.

You may be wondering why I didn't just demote myself from my old clan. I wanted the new leader to have full say over how it was run without everyone running to me every two minutes saying this isn't right or that isn't right. I am still in touch with my old Clan Leader and offer advice if needed.

15-Oct-2016 06:36:02

Nov Member 2007


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The Fallen
Co-founded it back in 2008, been the owner since 2009, and Gold key since day 1 of clan chats.

Was originally Velocity in 2007, had a dispute between leaders and I took most of the clan to make a new one called Azure Skies, then due to irl i wasn't able to play for about a month and it fell apart. Reformed and patched up hard feelings with the other leaders and helped co-found The Fallen. 8 nearly 9 years later here we are, out of the fc days into the cc life. Started from the bottom and here we are now xd
The Fallen
- Quit your clan today, Join today!

17-Oct-2016 19:19:14

Jul Member 2010


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Started playing RS at beginning of August 2010, 8 weeks later had a healthy "FC Clan" that turned into a clan called Nunc Morere. This lasted until Sept 2013 when I merged it with No Bad Days, which I lead until Aug 2015. Due to a split, I formed a new clan "The Rune Lounge" which has been going well. So that makes 74 months of playing and 72 months of clan leading.
~•••~ | Leader of
The Rune Lounge
| ~•••~

13 yrs playing, 13 yrs leading clans

~•••~ | Applying Buddhist ideals to the game, Namaste | ~•••~

19-Oct-2016 02:21:32

Dec Member 2023


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Swa (Soulwar Army)

I founded the clan in 2009 and ran it for 6 years. Today it is more of a community of old friends than an active clan.

After the day Soul Wars was released, i lived and breathed that minigame until it died. I never cared about the zeals or winning games, only to have the most enjoyable wars possible and to embarrass the established world clans as much as possible.

Im proud to have led the longest running Soul Wars clan, and potentially the oldest after W2ls. (I made the fc within 24hrs of the minigame's release.) Im proud that despite running a clan in perhaps the most dramatic and political landscape in runescape, we always remained a neutral force - our motto "we crash all" meant no world or clan was off limits.

Most of all im proud of our members. I could not have asked for a better group of clan mates over the years, and many many many of them remain in the clan to this day.

The secret to our success was that we all shared our acute passion for Soul Wars and for crashing, and we fostered a team spirit that could not be broken by any bad results in the field.

My 2-cents worth to any new leaders:
Have a clear idea of what you enjoy in Runescape and build your clan around this.
Maybe in the future you can expand into all areas of RS when you have 400 members and an extensive leadership team, but at its roots your clan must build from your passion.

Invest in loyalty;
perhaps this was more important at Soul Wars than other areas, but i never ranked people based on reputation or connections. Many clans back in those days did, and those high profile members were always the first to jump ship when a better opportunity arose. Loyal members love what your clan does, they adopt your philosophies, and with time they may develop into future elites or leaders as they play the game/grow up.

Ive enjoyed reading this thread.

25-Oct-2016 15:28:21 - Last edited on 25-Oct-2016 15:30:50 by Argn



Posts: 199 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Deputy Owner of MDH - I run the joint when the leader 0 Gainz isn't around which is a lot of the time ;)

Clan was founded some time between July/August 2014 (though I've only been deputy since early 2015) can't quite remember tbh. We've been through a lot of members along the way but have managed to achieve our initial goal: to be the largest Aussie RS clan . We have a fair few inactives and we clear some out every now and then to replace them with new people :)

I started off as simple recruit doing drop parties for f2p people b/c I didn't think I needed money, worked my way up the ladder the hard way by dedicating a lot of time and effort into clan events, such as drop parties, capping raffles, warbands, pvm masses, exp competitions and so on.

This clan is the only reason I still play.
It has it's disputes at times like I'm sure all clans do and we have to say goodbye to people we've bonded with quite well. That being said, it is all a good experience for me and I hope I can actually use conflict resolution IRL to solve workplace disputes! :D

I recommend meeting your Clan Members in real life

I make really bad dad jokes and will spontaneously burst out into song (can't actually sing)

18-Nov-2016 11:45:15 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2016 12:02:51 by Badgerrs

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