
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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All open area clue borders are updated on posts 2.1, 2.2. and 2.3.

On these couple of last weeks (or months) I have been working on clue border confirming and finishing my clue border map. With help of Moon, Novus and Powotae in herding and trapping, and specially Pow giving immediate feedback of ideas, correcting old and feeding new theories, I think we have cracked it :D
Now you may ask what there is to crack as clues were mostly confirmed already by just testing over and over again.

What we have done boils down in finding the basic module of RS map (or so we think). This module is 32 x 32 squares. It holds 1 degree change in co-ordinates.
Amost everything on RS map is within this 32 x 32 square or its multiples.

If you go check the actually on spot tested clue borders on the list you notice there are lots of repeating numbers in minutes. For example:
big tree east border = 1'43''e
around Ardy east border = 7'43''e
Kandarin east border = 9'43''e
castle of Arthur east border = 10'39''e - anomality of only 30 squares wide clue area
bees and flax east border = 11'43''e
mountain of wolves east border = 13'43''e - but the jump of 2 west at south end of that border is 13'39''e, wich is 3 modules east from castle of Arthur east border
Asgarnia east border = 19'43''e
Misthalin east border = 29'43''e
I suppose I am not very much mistaken to assume Morytaninan clue area bordering Port Phasmatys clue area to be
bloodsuckers norther east = 35'43''e
bloodsuckers southern east = 37'43''e

On west end of map, the module border equals on the co-ordinate 1 minute gap. The median 0'0''e acts as a mirror: on both sides of it is 1 minute gap - 0'1''w and 0'1''e and the next ones are 2 minutes gaps again. The border between eagles and big tree is between 2'15''w / 2'16''w and north Ardy and around Ardy is between 0'15''w / 0'16''w
The median 0'0''n acts similarily, but the horizontal borders are 1 minute off from the median also on the south end of map.

Team Penguin

29-Sep-2010 20:08:23 - Last edited on 29-Sep-2010 20:10:25 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v109 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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This weeks roamers are 3 western and 1 eastern.
Feldip Hills bush (near some ogres) is the one most likely to be found in Oo'glog boulder special (near some ogres) as it respawns close it, but also Observatory crate (south of Ardougne) and Gnome maze bush (south of Ardougne) may find their way south. If they start to go north instead, the traps in Keep Le Faye (near coast, west of Ardougne), Seers churchyard and anvil (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin) and also on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves) are likely to catch them before they hit White Wolf Mountain.
Estern lonely one, Goblin Village bush (in the kingdom of Asgarnia), has a new selftrap just north of Zammy Temple by Wildy wall (in the kingdom of Asgarnia). Also Barbarian village anvil (in the kigndom of Misthalin) has changed to special trap. Both of these are vulnerable to npc's bumping penguin out though, and Barb village anvil also needs to be bumped in.
More likely place to find Goblin Village or any roamer penguin in east is the good old east of Draynor Manor special (in the kigndom of Misthalin). Interesting to see though if either of these new traps will catch penguins .

Team Penguin

29-Sep-2010 20:29:39

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v110 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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Week of 3 roamers, all rocks and all 1 point penguins. Two are from eastern areas and one from west. To actually know wich penguin is wich is only possible if resetting them.
The eastern penguins respawning in Digsite (in the kindom of Misthalin) and on Ice Mountain (in the kingdom of Asgarnia) have equal possiblities to find their way in the East of Draynor Manor trap (in the kingdom of Misthalin), but if they are both in there at same time, one will eventually bump the other out.
The western one respawning in Witchaven (near coast, west of Ardougne) is very likely to end up in Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), in Keep Le Faye special (near coast, west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).

As we also have Sawmill penguin this week wich is always activating "in the kingdom of Misthalin" -clue, it is always hiding penguins on Misthalin area.
And to make things a bit more confusing, also Mort Myre (were bloodsuckers rule), Lletya (near some pointy-eared ones) and Wilderness (in the Wilderness and somewehre in RuneScape) penguins may hide roamers under their clues.
To find out wether there is need to search Misthalin for roamers, it is very important to look at the whole bunch of possible roamer clues Larry/Chuck gives.

Team Penguin

07-Oct-2010 21:36:27 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2010 21:37:36 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Updated post 2.4.

The clue border beween "in the Wilderness" and "somewhere in RuneScape" has been confirmed.

29'43''e / 29'45''e

20 squares east from the beginning of Dungeoneering music (wich is 3 squares west from the lighter gray ramp up to Daemonheim)
10 squares east from the standards
2 squares west of the table rock wich has a rook by it on south side of the path

This border is dividing the lowest western terrace into wilderness clue area and daemonheim clue area, also on the north side of the block, as well as the narrow but longish stripe of land north of Daemonheim entrance.
It is running along the the same line as is the border between "in the kingdom of Misthalin" and "where bloodsuckers rule" just west of Temple of Paterdomus and on the east end by river at Digsite.

Ty Pow and Lori

Team Penguin

12-Oct-2010 14:09:58 - Last edited on 12-Oct-2010 14:24:11 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v111 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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Mudskipper (deep in the jungle) is the lonely roamer this week; all open area clues point to it. It is likely to be found selftrapped in east of Draynor Manor special (in the kingdom of Misthalin).

This weeks speciality is the amount of closed area penguins. Couple of them activate clues that hide possibly roaming Mudskipper.
- Eastern Karamja (deep in the Jungle) hides Mudskipper at its respawn area
- McGrubbors (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin) and Lighthouse (between Fremennik and barbarians) hide Mudskipper, if it crosses White Wolf Mountain, on a large area from Fremennik provence to Seers, Sorcerers Tower, Fishing Guild, Baxtorian waterfalls and Barbarian Outpost as well as east of Falconry if the penguin roams all the way to Piscatoris hunter area.
-- Wilderness penguins(in the Wilderness / somewhere in RuneScape) hide Mudskipper if it is roaming at Wildy wall, behind Black Knights Fortress or on a narrow stripe of land just west of the new charm hunt area.

On the other hand this weeks set of closed area penguins means that if Larry/Chuck gives clues
- "where banana smugglers dwell", the penguin is just south of Rimmington on coast
- "where bloodsuckers rule", the penguin is at Temple of Paterdomus or by the river on east end of Digsite
- "near a big tree surrounded with short people", the penguin is at Gnome Strongholds east fence, southwest of stronghold or west of stronghold up to Kathy Corkats boat
- "near some pointy-eared ones", the penguin is by mountain side west of the new charm hunt area.

Team Penguin

13-Oct-2010 10:59:46 - Last edited on 13-Oct-2010 11:01:28 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Updated post 2.4
The clue border between "in the kingdom of Misthalin" and "in the northern desert" has been confirmed.
On north it is between 5'11''n / 5'13''n.
- along the fence north of scorpion mine, 2 squares south of border guards.
On west it is between 25'43''e / 25'45''e.
- - south from where the fence between Lumbridge and Al Kharid meets the river, 1 square west of the bank, and includes the dock of Daemonheim boat.

Thanks Pow.

Team Penguin

18-Oct-2010 22:57:50

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v112 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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A week of 4 roamers, 3 western and 1 from the middle. Also a week of 3 pumpking roamers (pumpguins) and 1 crate.
Feldip (near some ogres) pumpguin is the one most likely to be found in Oo'glog bolder special (near some ogres).
Rellakka (between Fremennik and barbarians) and WWM (near a mountain of wolves) pumpguins are both close to other western self traps: Seers anvil and churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), Keep Le Faye special (on coast, west of Ardougne) and Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).
Piscatoris (where fishers colonise) crate needs to go first to Ardy and from there it may choose south or northeast and end up on self traps in those areas.

Of the closed area penguins elf clues (near some pointy-eared ones) may hide a roamer on relatively small area by mountain side, and Wizard's clue in Misthalin area (in the kingodm of Misthalin) may hide a roamer in Misthalin outside the starter area.
Some other possible closed area clues tell immediately that there is a roamer
-- just south of Wildy wall or behind Black Knights Fortress (in the Wilderness)
-- west of 3 ponds but not at mountains side (somewhere in RuneScape)
-- at Temple of Paterdomus or close river on east of Digsite (where bloodsuckers rule)
-- on Mudskipper point (deep in the jungle)
-- south of Rimmington on coast (where banana smugglers dwell)
-- west or east of Gnome Stronghold (near a big tree surrounded by small people)

Team Penguin

20-Oct-2010 21:10:26

Sep Member 2005


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I should have made more reserves when starting this thread. I had to combine and re-organise posts 1.4. - 1.10. to get all new information in.
Clues – where to listnig is now in alphabetical order on posts 1.8. - 1.10.


Some more clue areas and borders have been confirmed by Pow and me.

The clues in the northern parts of Piscatoris hunter area:
-- area west of fishing colony is "where fishers colonise"
-- area north and east of Falconry is also " somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin" like south of Falconry is, clue border just continues north through the Falconry

The clue border between "between Fremennik and barbarians" and "near the bees and flax" is running on
13'11''n / 13'13''n
Bees and flax area in Fremennik is only on the most southern row of squares at the lake south of Fremennik Slayer Cave.

Team Penguin

21-Oct-2010 19:25:14

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v113 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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This week we have just 2 roamers, both western. Eagles Peak (where eagles fly) starts its journey towards south and then east. If it continues east it meets the route Barbarian Outpost (between Fremennik and barbarians) has to use when roaming from its respawn areas.
Both of these roamers have a great possibility to end up trapped in Seers Anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), in Keep Le'Faye special (on coast, west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).
They may also roam south through Ardougne and find Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres) to settle in. If they pass all the temptations of Seers and surroundings and manage to cross White Wolf Mounitain, the trap to find them is East of Draynor Manor area (in the kingdom of Misthalin).

Of closed area pengiuns Desert (in the southern desert) is very likely to be found in Nardah herbshop, like Ladylee proved in her tally posted on Penguin Locations v112 and on Penguin Herding & Trapping.
Lumbridge peng (in the kingdom of Misthalin) has also pretty good chanse to get trapped in Draynor Village pottery house like Scatty D M proved in her tally posted on Penguin Locations v113.

This weeks Gnome stronghold clue "near a big tree surrounded by short people" may hide a roamer, but also roamer clues for Kandarin, North Ardy and Around Ardy may hide the Gnome Stronghold penguin.
The other umbrella-clues for the week are pretty much the same as last week: "near some pointy-eared ones", "in the Wilderness", "somewhere in RuneScape" and "where bloodsuckers rule".

Team Penguin

28-Oct-2010 14:33:02

Sep Member 2005


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Confirmed clue borders:

The border between "in the kigndom of Asgarnia" / "near a mountain of wolves" continues on 13'43''e / 13'45'e like in north of Taverley. It runs just west of the western buildings and meets the fence 2 squares west from the tables, and continues until meets coast sw of Taverley Dungeon.
Only still uncertain spot is the most westernmost bump sw of sword shop behind a small hut with crates where the clue border might be streched 2 sq west.

The whole of Entrana is "where no weapons may go" although there is a music border and a map module border running 2 sq south of the most northern bump on coast.

Starter area has 4 possible clues :P .
The east edge of "in the kingdom of Misthalin" runs on 19'45''e, from stone fence 4 squares west from border guards west of Draynor Manor, 2 squares east from Draynor Village border guards, through the square with red berry bush until coast 2 squares west from a plant.
Area between fence, 19'43''e and 3'11''n (square west of red berry bush) is part of "near Port Sarim" clue area.
Area north of 3'13''n (square northwest of red berry bush) between fence and 19'43''e is part of "in the kingdom of Asgarnia" clue area.

All of the above confirmed clue borders are running on music borders and on RS map module borders.

I also tested some music borders with a brand new f2p account. I noticed that nearly all music borders are on a map module border, and also most of the map module borders are music borders.
After this test I am pretty sure that the Starter area border between "in the kingdom of Misthalin" and "in the northern desert" is following the fence around northern desert. The music border is stretched over map module border and my brand new f2p account didnt trigger northern desert music untill it actually stepped south of the border guards and south of the northern clue border between "in the kingdom of Misthalin" and "in the northern desert"

Thanks for help again Pow

Team Penguin

02-Nov-2010 11:45:44

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674 Back to Top