
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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New founds of clues and clue borders on south of Eagles Peak area are updated on posts 1.4, 1,7, 1.9, 1.10 and 2.1

I need to make some more space to add "somewhere in RuneScape" and definitions

Team Penguin

18-Aug-2010 12:07:38 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2010 17:45:37 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v103 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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What an interesting week ahead of us. 4 roamers, all from west or middle and 3 of them northern; no Wildy penguins but still possiblity for both Wildy clues.
The northern roamers - Piscatoris (were fishers colonise), Rellakka (between Fremennik and barbarians) and White Wolf Mountain (near a mountain of wolves) are all likely to end up on Seers/Catherby area and get stuck in Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves) or on Keep Le Faye special (near the coast, west of Ardougne).
Port* Khazard (south of Ardougne) has equal possiblity to head south as well as north and get self trapped in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres).

The clues to watch for this week are " in the Wilderness" and "somewhere in RuneScape".
If White Wolf Mountain chooses to go east, or any other roamer crosses the mountain, it may get stuck on East of Draynro Manor trap (in the kindom of Misthalin) but also find its way behind Black Knights' Fortress or follow the Wildy ditch and activate "in the Wilderness".
If Piscatoris (or any other roamer) pushes towards south end of western mountains below Eagles Peak it will cross a 3 square wide clue area for "somewhere in RuneScape"

Also "near bees and flax" is interesting. It is likely to be activated by White Wolf Mountain penguin (or any other roamer) on the northwestern corner of the mountain, but also on east side of Sinclair Mansion. It is also possible, but not yet confirmed, that a penguin on coast south of Slayer Cave will activate bees and flax -clue.

Team Penguin

18-Aug-2010 12:08:50 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2010 18:21:08 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v104 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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Four roamers again this week, all western and all bushes. Eagles Peak (where eagles fly) and Barbarian Outpost (between Fremennik and barbarians) penguins are northern and Gnonme Maze (south of Ardougne) and Feldip (near some ogres) penguns are southern.
The northern ones have a great possiblity to end up on Seers / Catherby area traps: Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin, Catherby docks (near a mountain of wolves) or Keep Le Faye special (on coast, west of Ardougne).
Most southern Felip penguin is likely to be found in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres). Gnome Maze penguin may end up in both southern or northern self traps depending on wether it gets out of the maze from northwest or southeast.

This weeks special is again the possiblity to get "somewhere in RuneScape" and "in the Wilderness" clues without Wildy penguin, the latter being less likely though.

Closed area clues are also again hiding some open area clue possibilities. Lumbridge penguin will mostly be on Misthalin clue area and hides any roamer in Edgeville, Barbarian village, east of Draynor Manor and north and east of Varrock. Elf penguin hides roamers on clue area "near the pointy-eared ones" at the mountain side south of "where eagles fly" clue area.
Barbarian Outpost pengenguin, soon as it gets south of its respawn area, hides Eagles Peak penguin when/if it is northeast, east or southeast of Falconry.

Team Penguin

25-Aug-2010 19:43:06

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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v105 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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Week of 3 roamers, 2 western and 1 eastern.
The western ones, CW bush and Observatory crate, start very close to each other and share a respawn clue area (south of Ardougne). Both are as likely to be found from southern Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres) or from northern self traps; Seers anvil and churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), Keep Le Faye specia (near a coast, west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).
Digsite (in the kingdom of Misthalin) from east is the roamer most likely to be found from East of Draynor Manor trap (in the kingdom of Misthalin).

Exitement for this weeks clues is brought by the 4 closed area penguins with possiblility for two or more clues. All of these "semi-roamers" may hide a roamer penguin under their clues.
Mort Myre (where bloodsuckers rule/near a ghost town) hides a roamer at the Temple of Paterdomus and on the most eastern squares of digsite by river Salve (where bloodsuckers rule).
Brimhaven (where banana smugglers dwell / deep in the jungle) hides a roamer on south coast of Rimmington (where banana smugglers dwell) or on Mudskipper Point (deep in the jungle).
Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin / where wizards study) is hiding roamers on Misthalin clue area, also Digsite wich is respawning on the area.
Wilderness (in the Wilderness / somewhere in RuneScape) hides a roamer at the Wildy ditch or behind Black Knights Fortress (in the Wilderness) or on the narrow stripe west of Arandar gates, close to, but not by the mountain side (somewhere in RuneScape).

Team Penguin

01-Sep-2010 19:42:12 - Last edited on 01-Sep-2010 22:20:01 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v106 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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Week a bit similar to last: 3 roamers of wich 2 western and 1 eastern. Similar is also the chanse of roamers hiding under closed area clues.
CW rock (near some ogres) as southern has a greater possibility to be found in Oo'glog boulder trap, and Witchaven rock (on coast, west of Ardougne) as northern is more likely to be found in Keep Le Faye special, in Seers anvi or churchyard or on Catherby dock.
Mudskipper (deep in the jungle) has just one selftrap possibility in east: the East of Draynor Manor special.

The closed area penguins that may hide roamers under their clues are Lletya (near some pointy-eared ones), Lighthouse (between Fremennik and barbarians), Karamja (deep in the jungle / where banana smugglers dwell) and Wilderness (in the Wilderness / somewhere in RuneScape).
Any roamer on the area west of 3 ponds near the Arandar gate may get a clue of "near some pointy-eared ones" or "somewhere in RuneScape".
Any roamer on Fremennik area, on north coast of Barbarian Outpost or on south banks of the river between Fremennik Province and Kingdom of Kandarin is activating "between Fremennik and barbrians" like Lighthouse penguins always does.
Karamja penguin, on either of its clue areas, hides any roamer on Mudskipper point (deep in the jungle) or on coast south of Rimmington (where banana smuggler dwell).
Also Wilderness penguin does the same on both of its clue areas: "somewhere in RuneScape" is expained above, "in the Wilderness" is activated on the squares just by the wildy ditch and behind Black Knights Fortress.

Team Penguin

08-Sep-2010 19:20:09

Sep Member 2005


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In the end of last penguin week Powotae and I managed to confirm several clue borders and find their exact corners.
I have been drawing a map of clue areas on RuneScape map from the early weeks of clue studies. Powotae has done similar mapping based on my sketches and our experiments. We have come in conclusion, that the clue areas are like patches (my term) or boxes (Pow's term) and they may overlap each other in some places.
It seems clear that there are some bigger basic areas and the borders between them are strong primal lines crossing all the RS map determining as well RS landscape and music borders.
Couple of examples of these are the horizontal line on border between "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin" and "around Ardougne" as well as on the horizontal line on boder between "around Ardougne" and " south of Ardougne".
These basic areas are big enough and strong enough to have other aras wholly or partially patched on top of them.

I have made some changes on the order of posts on first and second page to get more space for new border definitions and confirmations.
"Contributions" and "How can this thread hep you" are now merged in the post 2.7.
"Clue analysis" is now on post 2.6 and "Confusing clue possiblities" on post 2.5.

Team Penguin

16-Sep-2010 10:46:17

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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v107 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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Week of 5 roamers and Desert, Morty and Wildy roaming widely on their closed areas. This week there could be a penguin in almost every self trap on RuneScape :D
From the roamers Piscatoris (where fishers colonise) and North Ardy (north of Ardougne) start from northwest, Feldip (near some ogres) and CW/Jiggig (near some ogres) from southwest. Burthorpe (where Imperial Guard train) is from about the middle and north.

The ones most likely to be found in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres) are Feldip and CW rock penguins. Piscatoris and North Ardy are the ones to be found in Seers/Catherby area: Seers anvil and churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), Keep Le Faye special (near coast, west of Ardougne) or on the Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).
Burthorpe rock may be found also on Seers/Catherby area if it heads west. If it heads east the only self trap is in East of Draynor Manor specila (in the kingdom of Misthalin).

Closed area hider clues are possible again.
Wildy (in the Wilderness / somewhere in RuneScape) hides a roameron the south of Eageles Peak / west of Arandar Gate -area (somewhere in RuneScape) or behind Black Knights Fortress and just souh of Wildy wall (in the Wilderness)
Morty (where bloodsuckers rule / near the ghost town) hides a roamer on the area at Temple of Paterdomus and most eastern squares of Digsite (where bloodsuckers rule)
East Karamja (deep in the jungle) hides a romer on Mudskipper Point (deep in the jungle)
Elf (near some pointy-eared ones) hides a roamer south of Egles Peak by mountain side.

Team Penguin

16-Sep-2010 10:47:43 - Last edited on 16-Sep-2010 11:33:51 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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The formely mentioned exact clue area corners and borders we found are:

The border between "south of Ardougne" and "near some Ogres" runs between latitudes 2'26'' south and 2'48'' south.
-- The exeption to this border is far west from Castle Wars, where the border can be found as a music border, but the clue on both sides of it is "near some ogres" and is reachit to the coast line.

The border between "around Ardougne" and "south of Ardougne" runs between latitudes 3'11'' north and 3'9'' north.
-- In Ardy Zoo Chuck's north fence is on this border. The area north of Chuck is "around Ardougne" but both sides and behid the cage are "south of Ardougne". This border is continuing east and is also the border between "in the kingdom of Asgarnia" and "near Port Sarim"

The border between "around Ardougne" and "near coast, west of Ardougne" runs between longitudes 7'43'' east and 7'45" east.
-- Still to be checked are the westward bumps of the fence beween Ardy and Witchaven

The SE corner of "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin" is on square 7'13'' north and 9'43'' east.
-- Three squares west and one south from the soutwestern dead tree at Keep Le Faye.
-- The southern border of "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin" runs east from this on latitude 7'13'' north.

The north border of Keep Le Faye patch/box of "near the coast, west of Ardougne" is running between latitudes 8'11'' north and 8'9'' north and borders "near the Castle of Arthur".
The west border of Keep Le Faye patch/box of "near the coast, west of Ardougne" is running between longitudes 9'43'' east and 9'45'' east and borders "somwehere in the kingdom of Kandarin".
The West border of Keep Le Faye patch/box of "near the coast, west of Ardougne" meets the north border of the main patch/box of "near the coast, west of Ardougne" on square 7'11''north and 9'45'' east.
The northern border of main patch/box of "near the coast, west of Ardougne" runs on latitude 7'11'' north untill 7'45'' east.

Team Penguin

16-Sep-2010 12:50:56

Sep Member 2005


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The clue borde between "near the Castle of Arthur" and "near a mountain of Wolves" is running between longitudes 10'39'' east and 10'41'' east
- from 1 suqare east of the statue in northeast of Camelot.
The SE corner of "near the Castle of Arthur" is on square 8'11'' north and 10'39'' east.
The SW corner of "near a mountain of Wolves is on square 8'11'' north and 10'41'' east.
The border reaches all the way to the coast exept most southern row of squares.

Thank you Moon and Pow for this fun : )

Team Penguin

16-Sep-2010 13:00:11

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ..................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v108 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.6 / \ \
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Three roamers this week: Port Khazard (south of Ardougne), Barbarian Outpost (between Fremennik and barbarians) and White Wolf Mountain (near a mountain of wolves). West is likely area for all of them.
Common clue this week could be "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin". It may be actveted by roamers in different parts on the clue area, and it may also be activated by Gnome Stronghold penguin.
- Any penguin of the roamers this week is very likely to be found in Seers Anvil (in the kingdom of Kandarin)and possibly also in the other traps on the area: Keep Le Faye (near coast west of Ardougne) and Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).
There is also a slight chanse to find Barbarian Outpost on the peninsula south of Barbarian Agility (in the kingdom of Kandarin).
- A roaming penguin activates Kandarin clue if it is on the clue area, wich includes the areas north, east and south of Falconry in Piscatoris hunter area, Otto's Grotto, most of Barbarian Outpost, Fishing Guild, Hemenster, Sorcerer's Tower, Seers Village and Sinclair Mansion.
- Gnome Stronghold penguin actavates Kandarin clue when it is in the tortoise pen and on square south of it. Also the very eastern squares of the Stronghold are part of Kandarin clue area; that is the squares on the eastward bumps at the east fence.
Other roamer clues Gnome Stronghold penguin may actvate are "north of Ardougne" and "around Ardougne".
Both Wildy clues and Morytanian clue are also possible from northwest of Arandar gate, at Wildy ditch, behind Black Knights Fortress and at the Temple of Paterdomus.

Team Penguin

22-Sep-2010 15:20:55 - Last edited on 22-Sep-2010 15:21:12 by elipile

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