
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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With the launch of Back To The Freezer - the latest addition to Penguin quest series -

Chuck is now also giving clues for the ghost penguin!!!!

Here are the clues for ghost penguin spawns.
The clues changes similarly to normal penguins when ghost crosses a clue border.

Penguin Hide and Seek - Clue Borders
by Heaven Sent
4254 × 3328
1.65 MB

Open image in a new tab for full size

Updated: 10 January, 2017
Link to clue oddity here !

In the kindom of Misthalin

-- Digsite
-- Draynor Manor
-- Lumbridge
-- Sawmill

Where the big-eyed goblins dwell

-- Dorgesh-Kaan

In the fairy realm

-- Zanaris

Where wizards study

-- Wizards Tower

In the northern desert

-- Al Kharid
-- Mage Training Arena

In the southern desert

-- Desert , Mining Camp
-- Desert, Smokey Well

In the kingdom of Asgarnia

-- Ice Mountain
-- Goblin Village

Where Imperal Guard train

-- Death Plateau

Near the mountain of wolves/in the kindom of Asgarnia

-- WWM

Where no weapons may go

-- Entrana

Where banana smugglers dwell

-- Musa Point
-- Brimhaven

Deep in the jungle

-- Mudskipper
-- East Karamja
-- Karamja

Between Fremennk and barbarians

-- Rellekka
-- Lighthouse
-- Barbarian Outpost

In the kindom of Kandarin

-- McGrubor's Woods

Near a big tree surrounded by short people

-- Gnome Stronghold

North of Ardougne

-- NW Ardougne

Where eagles fly

-- Eagles Peak

Near the coast, west of Ardougne

-- Witchaven

South of Ardougne

-- Port Khazard
-- Gnome Maze
-- Observatory
-- CW

Near some ogres

-- Feldip

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:27:36 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2017 12:16:14 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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“The clues change during the week, that’s a fact,
They always show where the spies are currently at”.
Larry shouted “If no-one listens before it’s too late,
We’ll all be meeting with a very grim fate!”

Amaterasu123, Penguin Locations v25, p 30

For a long time Larry has been perceived to be more as one of the distractive factors on penguin hide and seek rather than a helper. I have come to another conclusion. Larry is actually helping us by telling where the penguins are at the time, but he only knows the current areas, not the disguises or where each penguin is from (areas of respawning).

After completing Hunt for Red Raktuber quest, Larry is replaced by polarbear Chuck.

With some quite intensive studying of the relation between clues and located penguins, I have been able to draw a sketch of areas for each clue. It is by no means yet final, lots of areas still need working on, not all clues are even known to me at the moment. But with the help of you, fellow penguin hunters, there might soon be more detailed areas and defined clue borders to help in keeping track with those unbelievably fast moving spies.

I welcome all discussion about clues and locations within the Forum rules and rules of Jagex. I would also like to remind you, that I may use any suitable information you post to fill in the missing parts of my sketches, with the due references of course.

This thread is in co-operation with Penguin locations v(xx) thread and Penguin Stuff thread. The owners of Penguin Locations v(XXX) and Pengun Stuff are allowed to use any part of my
posts if needed.

The list of weekly penguins and updated locations are found on
Penguin Locations v(XXX) threads
Interesting facts, theories and fiction of penguins are found on Penguin Stuff
quick find code:75-76-388-58806030

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:27:54 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 21:45:42 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Clues - "I've heard there's a penguin located somewhere in Runescape"
after. Jan 7th 2018 "somewhere in Gielinor"

Spot on. Quite a wide range but absolutely true.

A clue tells the current location of any penguin, not the general location of some certain penguin.

- there is no such thing as general location, although the first clues are close to respawn areas and can be seen as some kind of basic or home area clues for those certain penguins. Also some areas are closed and some are very big containing many cities and could be thought of being general in that aspect.

A clue is not attached to a penguin but it is attached to an area that gets active when the penguin is there.

- by this I mean that if Al kharid cactus penguin roams to Catherby and WWM rock penguin roams to Al Kharid, the cactus would make Larry give the near mountain of wolves clue and the rock would make Larry give the northern desert clue. But also, if Lumby bush penguin roams to Al Kharid, it would make Larry give the northern desert clue, and if Lumby would roam to WWM, Larry would give the near mountain of wolves clue.

In fact, I think Larry/Chuck doesn't give clues of penguins but clues of active areas. When a penguin crosses a border between these areas, the new area gets active and as a result Larry/Chuck gives a clue attached to that area.

There are 4 different types of areas for penguins considering the clues they can activate.

- Closed areas with no clue borders to cross --- one unchanging clue
- Closed aeras with one clue border --- two possible clues
- Closed areas with many clue borders --- many possible clues

- Open areas with possibility to roam --- many possible clues

Closed locations don't necessariliy get a clue of their own, but are within a larger clue area.

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:04 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2019 17:00:37 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Closed areas

Closed areas with no clue borders to cross – one unchanging clue

Ape Atoll – where monkeys rule
Dorgesh-Kaan - where the big-eyed goblins dwell
Dragontooth Island – near the island of Dragontooth
Eastern Karmaja – deep in the jungle
Entrana – where no weapons may go
Jatizso and Neitiznot – on islands where brothers quarrel
Keldagrim - where the dwarves dig deep
Lighthouse – between Fremennik and barbarians
Lumberyard – in the kingdom of Misthalin
Lunar Isle – on a large crescent island
McGrubors' Wood – somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
Miscellania & Etceteria – in the island, etc.
Mos Le'Harmless – where pirates feel mostly harmless
Port Phasmatys – where bloodsuckers rule
Sophanem – in the southern desert
Tirannwn * near the pointy-eared ones (Lletya, Tyras Camp, south of Elf Camp, southeast of Prifdinnas)
Zanaris - in the fairy realm

Closed areas with one clue border – two possible clues

Karamja – where banana smugglers dwell / deep in the jungle
Kharidian Desert – in the southern desert / in the northern desert
Morytania – where bloodsuckers rule / near the dungeons of daemonheim

Closed areas with many clue borders – many possible clues

Gnome Stronghold – near a big tree surrounded by small pleople / north of Ardougne / around Ardougne / somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
Wilderness – in the Wilderness / in the frozen wastes / where Fremennik 'heim' and seek

NOTE: Some of the closed areas are slightly larger than the border of that area is in the RuneScape map.

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:13 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 21:56:59 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Open areas – Asgarnia, Misthalin and Northern Kharidian Desert

Open areas with possibility to roam – many possible clues


-- Burthorpe – where Imperial Guard train
-- Goblin village – in the kingdom of Asgarnia, in the Wilderness if penguin is just by the wall
-- Ice Mountain – in the kingdom of Asgarnia
-- Black Knights' Fortress - in the Wilderness if penguin is on the bridge or just by the edge before drop to Wildy
-- Monastery - in the kingdom of Asgarnia, Wilderness if penguin is just by the wall
-- Taverley – in the kingdom of Asgarnia
-- Dark Wizard's Tower - in the kingdom of Asgarnia,
-- Falador – in the kingdom of Asgarnia
-- Crafting Guild - in the kingdom of Asgarnia
-- Melzar's Maze - near Port Sarim
-- Rimmington - near Port Sarim
-- Rimmingotn southwest coast - where banan smugglers dwell
-- Rimmington south coast - near the mud skippers
-- Mudskipper Point – deep in the jungle
-- Port Sarim – near Port Sarim


– Edgeville – in the kingdom of Misthalin, in the Wilderness if a penguin is just by the wall
– Barbarian village – in the kingdom of Misthalin
– west, north and east of Draynor Manor – in the kingdom of Misthalin
– Varrock – in the kingdom of Misthalin, in the Wilderness if a penguin is north of city walls just by the Wilderness wall
– Digsite – in the kingdom of Misthalin, where bloodsuckers rule if a penguin is on the very east edge of Digsite by the river
– Temple of Paterdomus – where bloodsuckers rule
– Wizards Tower – where wizards study, near Port Sarim if a penguin is west of the wisps

Northern Kharidian Desert

– Al Kharid – in the northern desert, in the kingdom of Misthalin if a penguin is at the western gate
– Dueling Arena and Mage Training Arena - in the northern desert, where bloodsuckers rule if a penguin is at Polypore Island or divination area
– Citharede Abbey - in the northern desert
– Shantay Pass - in the southern desert

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:23 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 22:02:29 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Open areas – Kandarin

Open area with possibility to roam – many possible clues

-- Castle Wars – south of Ardougne
-- northwest of Castle Wars - west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Yanille – south of Ardougne
-- ZMI – south of Ardougne
-- southwest of ZMI - west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Gnome maze – south of Ardougne
-- Port Khazard – south of Ardougne
-- Clock Tower, Monastery, Necromancer, Tower of Life – south of Ardougne
-- Battlefield – south of Ardougne
-- West Ardougne, north of it – around Ardougne
-- Combat Training Camp * around Ardougne
-- Outpost – around Ardougne
-- south of Gnome Stronghold, apple orchard – around Ardougne
-- west of Outpost – north of Ardougne / near the pointy-eared ones
-- southwest and west of Gnome Stronghold, north of well and statue – near a big tree surrounded by short people
-- East Ardougne, and close surroundings * around Ardougne
-- north side of East Ardougne, farm, windmill and farming patches – around Ardougne
-- Witchaven – near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Legends Guild – near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Keep Le Fatye – near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Sorcerer's Tower - somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Ranging Guild - somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Fishing Guild - somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Baxtorian waterfalls - somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Barbarian Outpost – between Fremmenik and barbarians / somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Seers' Village – somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Camelot – near the Castle of Arthur
-- Catherby – near a mountain of wolves
-- Sinclair Mansion - somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Sinclair Mansion (east side) - near bees and flax

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:31 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 22:13:43 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Open areas – The Feldip Hills, The Fremennik Provence, Needle Skips / Piscatoris / Eagles' Peak, Arandar, White Wolf Mountain

Open areas with possibility to roam – many possible clues

-- Feldip Hills (Oo'glog, Feldip huter area, Feldip Hills, GuTanoth, Jiggig & southwest of CW) – near some ogres -- roaming possibility to Kandarin and further
-- Divination skilling area south of Poison Wastes – near a tainted swamp

-- Fremennik Province (Rellakka, north of Barbarian Outpost, north of Sinclair Mansion) – between Fremennik and barbarians / near the bees and flax -- roaming possibility to Kandarin and further

-- Needle Skips quest area / Piscatoris hunter area / Eagles Peak – somewhere in Gielinor / where fishers colonise / where eagles fly / somewhere in the kingodm of Kandarin / near a big tree surrounded by short people / near some pointy-eared ones -- roaming possibility to Kandarin and further

-- White Wolf Mountain west (Catherby) – near a mountain of wolves / near the Castle of Arthur -- roaming possibility to Kandarin and further

-- White Wolf Mountain east – near a mountain of wolves / where Imperial Guard train -- roaming possibility only on the east side of the mountain to Taverley, Burthorpe, Asgarnia and further

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:40 - Last edited on 07-Jan-2019 17:01:21 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Clues – where to ... A – I

Around Ardougne
– Outpost, Combat Training Camp, East Ardougne, south from Fishing Guild, Ardougne farm and windmill

Between Fremennik and barbarians
– The Fremennik Provence, Rellakka, Lighthouse, north coast of the Barbarian Outpost

Deep in the jungle
– Karamja south of the isthmus; Tai Bwo Wannai, nature altar, hunter area, around Shilo Village, eastern island
– Mudskipper Point

In the fairy realm
– Zanaris

In the frozen wastes
– most northwestern coner of wilderness by the walls of Frostenhorn

In the island, etc.
– Miscellania and Etceteria

In the kingdom of Asgarnia
– Monastery, Ice Mountain, Goblin Village, Taverley, Falador, Crafting Guild
– north following the stone fence northwest from Draynor Village market

In the kingdom of Mishalin
– Edgeville, Barbarian Village, Draynor Manor, Draynor Village, Lumbridge Swamp, Lumbridge, Varrock and around it, Digsite
– Sawmill
– west of Temple of Paterdomus, west of Al Kharid Bank, couple of squares south of the opening north of scorpion mine, northwest of Mage Training Arena by the fence, northeast of Mage Training Arena by the north fence to 5 squares west from north of the bridge to Polypore dungeon

In the northern desert
– Al Kharid and around scorpion mine, Duel Arena, Mage Training Arena, Citharede Abbey
– northeast of Shantay Pass and northern parts of eastern desert
– by the mountain in potatoe field south of Varrock
– by the mountain in cow pen east of Lubridge
– by the opening to Al Kharid

In the southern desert
– The Kharidian Desert south of the Shantay Pass
– inside the Shantay Pass

In the Wilderness
– Wilderness
– square south of the wall and the area north of Black Knights Fortress
– west edge of Daemonheim

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:48 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 22:16:44 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Clues – where to ... N – O

Near the bees and flax
– on the east and souteast of Sinclair Mansion
– on most southern squares south of Fremennik Sayer Cave
– west parts in Freda's (former sherpa's house) chicken coop

Near a big tree surrounded by short people
– The Tree Gnome Stronghold
– some squares outside stronghold fence on its southwest and east sides
– west from the stronghold by the river and lake

Near the Dungeons of Daemonheim
– east from the musician near undead farm, Haunted Woods south to the former black corner on map, untill couple of squares west of Ectofuntus and Port Phasmatys

Near the Castle of Arthur
– south of Camelot including yews south of beehives

Near the city of ghosts (clue removed, now part of "where bloodsuckers rule" )
– Port Phasmatys, east parts, including bank and furnace and docks
– the most eastern end of Pirate Pete's dock, also at the conjunction of the sea and Port Phasmaty's northern wall

Near the coast, west of Ardougne
– Witchaven, Legends Guild, Keep Le Faye, the coast south of beehives

Near the island of Dragontooth
– Dragontooth island

Near a mountain of wolves
– White Wolf Mountain, Catherby, westrn edge of Taverley before the mountain, coast sw of Taverley

Near the mud skippers
– South coast in Rimmington, west of Skippy

Near the pointy-eared ones
– Lletya, Tyras Camp by catapult, hunter area south of Elf Camp, Isafdar, south of Prifddinas, Arandar limestone qarry
– by mountain side west of 3 lakes south of Eagle's peak

Near Port Sarim
– Port Sarim, Rimmington, Melzar's Maze
– by stone fence west of Draynor Village market

Near some ogres
– Feldip Hills south from the south walls of Castle Wars and Yanille

Near a tainted swamp
– divination ara south of Poison Wastes

North of Ardougne
– west of Outpost south from Gnome Stonghold and hill giants

On islands where brothers quarrel
– Jatizso and Neitiznot

On a large crescend island
– Lunar Isle

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:28:55 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 22:23:47 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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Clues – where to ... S – W

Somewhere in Gielinor
– the impact atoll south of Tuska
– Divination skilling area south of Sophanem
– Needle Skips

Somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
– Sinclair Mansion, Seer's Village, Sorcerer's Tower, McGrubors Woods, Ranging Guild, Fishing Guild, Baxtorian Falls, Otto's Grotto, most of Barbarian Outpost, north from Combat Training Camp
– McGubors' Wood

South of Ardougne
– Necromancer, Clocktower, Ouranina altar (ZMI), Monastery, Tower of Life, Port Khazard, Fight Arena, Tree Gnome Village, Observatory, Castle Wars, Yanille

West of Ardougne, in the hills
– northwest of Castle Wars, southwest of ZMI

Where banana smugglers dwell
– Karamja north of the isthmus; Brimhaven and Musa Point
– on southwest coast of Rimmington

Where the big-eyed goblins dwell
– Dorgesh-Kaan

Where bloodsuckers rule
– Slayer Tower, Fenkenstrain's Castle, Canifis, Mort Myre Swamp, Abandoned mine, Mort´ton, Barrows
– Port Phasmatys, some squares west outside Port Phasmatys, Ectofuntus, north and east of Ectofuntus
– Temple of Paterdomus
– Polypore dungeon, divination area sw of Polypore

where the dwarves dig deep
– Keldagrim

Where eagles fly
– Eagles' Peak, Piscatoris hunter area, south of Eagle's Peak on both west and east of the mountains

Where fishers colonise
– at the Fishing Colony fence north of Piscatoris hunter area, west from the Fishing Colony

Where the Fremennik 'heim' and seek
– Daemonheim except the very western parts near Wilderness (presently no penguins can get in here)
– Wildernss at the end of stirpe of land north of entrance to Daemonheim

Where Imperial Guard train
– Burthorpe and Ice Plateau, northern path of The White Wolf Mountain, east end of path from Fremennik to Troll Stronghold

Where monkeys rule
– Ape Atoll

Where no weapons may go
– Entrana

Where pirates feel mostly harmess
– Mos Le'Harmless

Where wizards study
– Wizards' Tower and most of its bridge

Team Penguin

03-Feb-2009 23:29:05 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2019 22:05:49 by elipile

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