With the launch of Back To The Freezer - the latest addition to Penguin quest series -
Chuck is now also giving clues for the ghost penguin!!!!
Here are the clues for ghost penguin spawns.
The clues changes similarly to normal penguins when ghost crosses a clue border.
Penguin Hide and Seek - Clue Borders
by Heaven Sent
1.65 MB
Open image in a new tab for full size
Updated: 10 January, 2017
Link to clue oddity here !
In the kindom of Misthalin
-- Digsite
-- Draynor Manor
-- Lumbridge
-- Sawmill
Where the big-eyed goblins dwell
-- Dorgesh-Kaan
In the fairy realm
-- Zanaris
Where wizards study
-- Wizards Tower
In the northern desert
-- Al Kharid
-- Mage Training Arena
In the southern desert
-- Desert , Mining Camp
-- Desert, Smokey Well
In the kingdom of Asgarnia
-- Ice Mountain
-- Goblin Village
Where Imperal Guard train
-- Death Plateau
Near the mountain of wolves/in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- WWM
Where no weapons may go
-- Entrana
Where banana smugglers dwell
-- Musa Point
-- Brimhaven
Deep in the jungle
-- Mudskipper
-- East Karamja
-- Karamja
Between Fremennk and barbarians
-- Rellekka
-- Lighthouse
-- Barbarian Outpost
In the kindom of Kandarin
-- McGrubor's Woods
Near a big tree surrounded by short people
-- Gnome Stronghold
North of Ardougne
-- NW Ardougne
Where eagles fly
-- Eagles Peak
Near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Witchaven
South of Ardougne
-- Port Khazard
-- Gnome Maze
-- Observatory
-- CW
Near some ogres
-- Feldip
Team Penguin
03-Feb-2009 23:27:36 - Last edited on 26-Apr-2017 12:16:14 by elipile