Thanks Kara Tan, glad to be able to help
Clue analysis of the week - Penguin Locations v248 - is updated in post 2.6
Only two roamers this week, western Cw rock and eastern Goblin Village. They both have plenty of traps to choose from, but it is also possible to find them keeping company to each other in Seers anvil
Traps and clues to find the roamers in west are:
-- Seers anvil, churchyard and at bridge west of Sinclair Mansion -- somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin
-- Keep Le Faye -- near the coast, west of Ardougne
-- Catherby docks -- near the mountain of wolves
-- dead trees trap nw of CW -- west of Ardougne, in the hills
-- Oo'glog boulder trap -- near some ogres
Traps and clues to find the roamers from east are:
-- at bridge to Falador Castle -- in the kindom of Asgarnia
-- area east of Draynor Manor -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
-- just west of the path to Death Plateau -- where Imperial Guard train
-- Burthorpe Games Castle -- where Imperial Guard train
-- at blue urn in Digsite area -- in the kingdom of Misthalin
Team Penguin