
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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I have been checking Digsite music borders as I am almost certain the clue changes for "bloodsuckers" on the west banks of river Salve.
While been helping with Morty lvl 3 herdings I have noticed the spying spot is part of swamp, or atleast swamp effect hits you there.
Music border can also be found on the west bank - most of the way followin the river 1-2 squares west from the edge of walkable squares. The walkable squares are very strange there though, cutting west for no reason and then again to east at the southeast corner.

This needs to be chekced but better do when we have digsite penguin but not Morytanina penguins.

Coming week is extremely confusing on just this eastern area. Only if Morty is herded on Ecto docks special and Draynor inside Wizards Tower and no roamers are on Misthalin clue area, we can test with Digsite.

Btw, this was on page 9 again - 20 pages donw in 5 days!

Team Penguin

29-Jun-2010 00:40:26 - Last edited on 29-Jun-2010 00:40:53 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v96 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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This week is once again giving us 3 open area roamer penguins: Castle Wars (south of Ardougne) from west and Ice Mountain (in the kingdom of Asgarnia) and Digsite (in the kingdom of Misthalin) from east.

CW penguin is the simple one regarding clues. It may roam south to Feldip Hills and get trapped in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogres). It may as well head north and end up in Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), in Keep Le Faye special (on coast, west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).

Eastern penguns are much more confusing. The only eastern self trap is the area east of Draynor Manor (in the kindgom of Misthalin) but depending on their roaming routes the clues may hide their locations under clues of closed area penguins.

Port Phasmatys - always "near the ghost town"
Mort Myre - mostly "where bloodsuckers rule" but possibility for "near the ghost town"
Draynor Manor - mostly Misthalin clue
Wildy - mostly "in the Wilderness"
Brimhaven - either "banana smugglers" or "deep in the jungle"
Ice Mountain
- starts with Asgarnian clue but strong possibility for Wilderness clue (behind Black Knights Fortress), Misthalin clue (Edgeville, Barbarian village, around Draynor Manor, east of Varrock and Digsite), "banana smugglers" (on south coast of Rimmington) and "deep in the jungle"(on Mudskipper Point)
-starts with Misthalin clue but strong possibility for "where bloodsukcers rule" (at Paterdomus) and possibility for Wilderness, Asgarnian, banana smugglers and deep in the jungle -clues

Team Penguin

30-Jun-2010 18:29:37

Sep Member 2005


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We tried to confirm southeast corner of Digsite clue with Anon and Bdjane.
Anon did great job trapping morty on Port Phasmatys clue area on dock northeast from Ecto. Jane helped me trapping digsite to the most eastern walkable squares of Digsite by river Salve where the music is Morytanina music.
Two tries when 1 squaring penguin. First I could not risk it resetting and had to let it go before I got "bloodsuckers". Second time I had timer on and after many Misthalins" and "ghost towns" I finally got "bloodsuckers". That would indicate the morytanina clue area is reaching over river Salve to its west banks.

There are 3 factors that speak for Morytanina clue:
1) when looking from map, a line drawn straight south from the clue border between Misthalin clue and Morytanina clue at the Temple of Paterdomus leaves west bank of river Salve on the Morytaninan side
2) there is a music border between Misthalin and Morytanina music running on the same line as above mentioned possible clue border
3) on the Morytanian music area, very south east coner of Digsite where Morytanina penguins are spyable across the river, the spyers get hitted by swamp effect

But :(
When I, after getting "bloodsuckers" clue, teled to check Morty at the dock northeast of Ecto, it had been bumped out by npc's and I found it at west wall of the Ectofuntus. That spot is still Port Phasmatys clue area, but the border is not far and penguin might have been on Morytanian clue area when I got the clue via contact npc spell.

So more testing is needed. Next week is without Morytanian penguins, without starter area penguin and from roamers Mudskipper somewhat close to be herded to Digsite.

Team Penguin

04-Jul-2010 20:14:53 - Last edited on 04-Jul-2010 20:21:17 by elipile

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v97 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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Easy, but somewhat exiting week considering clues. Only two roamers, CW rock (near some ogres) in west and Mudskipper bush (deep in the jungle) in east.
Western CW penguin may be found selftrapped in Oo'glog boulder trap (near some ogers) south of its respawn, or if it roams north in Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), in Keep Le Faye special (near coast, west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves).
Eastern Mudskipper penguin has only one selftrap in east: the east of Draynor Manor special (in the kingdom of Misthalin).
Of course these penguins may cross White Wolf Mountain and be found in other self traps, but they are easy to tell apart from each other by disguises.

Mudskipper penguin adds some exitement in clue hunting. The respawn area clue is same as in southern Karamja, and to add to that there are two very small areas with surpricing clues. Both of these are rare to get from Larry / Chuck but not impossible - thats how "near the mud skippers" was found not so very long time ago.
Small area on coast south of Rimmingont belongs to Brimhaven / Musa Point clue area - where banana smugglers dwell. This area has been hidden under Karamja / Brimhaven clue as every time there is Mudskipper penguin there is also Karamja / Brimhaven / Musa Point penguin.
The tiny "near the mud skppers" clue area is only 7 squares on coast southeast where Skippy is throwing bottles in water to annoy mudskippers.
To get a clue for penguin on it is almost like winning in Lottery :P

Team Penguin

07-Jul-2010 19:37:46

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v98 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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Interesting week with 6 open area roamers (4 of wich are rocks) and possiblity for several confusing clues.
Of the 6 roamers 5 are western: North Ardy (north of Ardougne), Piscatoris (where fishers colonise), Feldip Hills (near some ogres), CW/Jiggig (near some ogres) and Rellakka (between Fremennik and barbarians).
The estern one, Burthorpe (where Imperial Guard train), is very much in the middle actually.
All western self traps are likely in use in several worlds - Seers anvil (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin) being possibly the most crowded with penguins. Feldip and CW being southern penguins may well be found in Oo'glog boulder special (near some ogres). Piscatoris, North Ardy and Rellakka are likely the first to be found in Seers area in anvil and churchyard, in Catherby dock (near a mountain of wolves) and Keep Le Faye special (on coast, west of Ardougne).
Burthorpe may head as well west over the White Wolf Mountain and get trapped in western self traps, or east towards Asgarnia and Misthalin and be found in East of Draynor Manor special (in the kingdom of Misthalin).

Any of the roamers on east may activate the Rimmington/Mudskipper triple - deep in the jungle, where banana smugglers dwell and near mud skippers - if they get on coast south of Rimmington or on Mudskipper Point.
Wildy clue is possible if any penguin roams by Wildy ditch or heads north of Black Knights Castle.
Near bees and flax is possible on east of Sinclair Mansion, on northwest conrner of WWM and possibly (needs confirming) by the lake south of Slayer Cave.

Team Penguin

14-Jul-2010 19:55:04

Sep Member 2005


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(ö)> ................................................................................................................................................... <(ö)
/ / \ Clue analysis of the week - v99 on Penguin Locations thread is updated on post 2.5 / \ \
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Just two roamers this week but regarding clues the week may be very confusing and interesting.

Both of the roamers are western, Barbarian Outpost (between Fremennik and barbarians) and Port Khazard (south of Ardougne. They both have strong possiblities to get stuck in Seers anvil or churchyard (somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin), in Keep Le Faye special (near coast west of Ardougne) or on Catherby dock (near a mountain of Wolves). Also the Oo'glog boulder special (near some ogres) may hold a roamer if they head south from their respawn areas.
If one or both of them would cross White Wolf Mountains, there is a nice self trap waiting on east side of Draynor Manor (in the kingdom of Misthalin).

The confusing clue this week is the Kandarin clue.
Kandarin clue area is scattered on several regions reaching from east of Falconry in Piscatoris to Barbarian Outpost, Fishingh Guild, Seers and north towards the Fremennik area.
It is also partly inside Gnome Strongohold including Tortoise Pen in the north and the squares by east fence of the Stronghold and its southeastern tip.
As the Gnome Stronghold clue area reaches also outside the Stronghold to west, it is possible that "near a big tree surrounded by short people" is activated by a roamer and "somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin" is activated by Gnome Stronghold penguin.

Wildy penguin on Daemonheim area has till now activated the mysterious "somewhere in RuneScape" clue. Latest game update changed somewhat the structure of Daemonheim. Wether the area got a clue of its own is to be found out.

Team Penguin

21-Jul-2010 12:57:01

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674 Back to Top