
Penguin & Ghost Clues

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674

Sep Member 2005


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Aveo, the music does not change at the invisible barrier. It is only that "3 squares west-east and squre open in the middle" - structure that builds the barrier. It seems to work even if the squre open is on both north and south sides of the 3 square space.

Amat, both McGrubors and Bax Falls house are in somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin clue area.
McGrubors is the only resapaw location on that area as far as I'm aware of. Barbarian Outpost penguin respawns only some squares south of the border though, so at reset it most likely acativates the Kandarin clue very soon.
I try to find time (not that I'm busy in other than trapping penguins :) ) to make that clue area post I promised.


Team Penguin

21-Mar-2009 23:20:30 - Last edited on 21-Mar-2009 23:28:59 by elipile

Lady Alicia
Dec Member 2005

Lady Alicia

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Some notes of interest for all penguin hunters.
Over the past few weeks on other worlds I have been observing many curiousity with these rascals and thier mode of operendie.
The Low wilderness penguin when not being spied on or chased stayed at the SC and surrounding areas most of the week.
It had been for the most part with 100 squares in any direction of SC area this means from outside SC starting with the fence that surrounds it.
N.W. Ardougne Penguin Gravited to Seers Village again this week; along with going to Pic. Hunting area.
Burthurope penguin was seen from as far away as Lumbridge; Rimmington and Eastern Most Varrock to Seers Village as well.
And lets not forget that dasterdly cactus of Al Kharid; He seems to like the G.E. for some reason - although I am not quiet sure why!
I am t hinking that since they are supposed to be spying on us; this area seems to gravitate players from all over and thus this penguin likes to be here.
Also thier movement was studied in great detail by some of my peers.
It looks as if that each pengiun is given what is known as a set of varibles from which the program picks and choses what varible to use next.
Lets say a penguins movement is
* - y - q - g - s - e
(make beleiving this is code so bare with me)
But the programers have added in further code for a specific area of RS
Kandarin codes of movement are several such as
1.) q-t-u-a-b-m-w-j-l
2.) e-v-p-s-z-c-d-y-r
3.) u-c-i-u-w-h-k-n-t
4.) j-e-b-w-z-g-a-c-t
and lets say there are 20 sets of like code for area between just north of feldip hills to bax falls and over to catherby.
Lets say for the sake of arguement that the first line of code is the penguins reset value.
After that the computer randomly selects a code 1-20 and sends the penguin in that direction.
When a penguin reaches the end of that code.

24-Mar-2009 21:59:41

Lady Alicia
Dec Member 2005

Lady Alicia

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The computer once again choses a set of coding 1-20;
Each set of coding contains which direction the penguin should move in for how long; the pauses it takes and the stoping point.
So even if the computer re-picked the same code again a penguin would still move so many xyz spaces providing that there are no obsticles blocking it and that it can move freely.
Everyone needs to note too how quickly they move from a trap once it is broken; it is like they took off cuase thier little tails are on fire...
And after a bit they do sometimes tend to slow down.
Also the program can tell - I believe how many players are in a given area or program grid of a given penguin.
This would account for the quick movement and the code not being repeated too often.
Or re-peated so often that is sends the penguin into overdrive.
Penguins not being spied on tend to pick a certain set of coding and once there tend to show the displays of a repeating code of movement.
This would account for the reasons why certain penguin become stuck at certain points or tend to be happiely peeking out of their disguise in certain areas for hours on end.
The penguin coding does resemble that of the famous winged rats we have in RS = Implings and simularily resemble the movement of REV's
BTW saw a Rev ork in SC trying to get into the pens = not trapped all of a sudden it dissapeared = it picked up on players entering certian areas of the wilderness.
I have noticed this with penguins as well; as soon as so many palyers get near a penguin it acts nutso; with fewr players it tends to cooperate in being hearded to entrappment and is a bit slower.
Just some interesting tidbits that popped up through these past few weeks.

24-Mar-2009 21:59:49 - Last edited on 24-Mar-2009 22:09:29 by Lady Alicia

Lady Alicia
Dec Member 2005

Lady Alicia

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Needs to be noted here as well; this applies to the majority of NCP's.
The more players in the vicinty of a NCP; the quicker and irratic the NCP moves.
With fewer players around the slower and more methodical a NCP becomes and thus the likelihood of predicting coding movements as I did with the lower wilderness penguin even on world 60.
I was either at the exact spot ahead of him where he would stop or I parreled him for much of his run.
Just a few more facts; hope it helps others hwen tracking these courious little stinkers.

A few more courious facts as well; even if a penguin moves to a different grid lest say from south of ardy to catherby;
50% of the time it will trigger a new clue and 50% of the time it won't.
Again dealing with how many players are on a world, in the area of the penguin and how many are tracking him.
Yes these factors all take a part in the changing of the clues that Larry gives out!

24-Mar-2009 22:09:50 - Last edited on 24-Mar-2009 22:16:41 by Lady Alicia

Sep Member 2005


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I updated on posts 2.1. and 2.2. lists of all clues and where they point to.

Ty Secretwishes for sharing your intersting thoughts and experiments.
I can't say anything of the coding, I have no expertece on that, but what you described seems reasonable to me.
On the clues part I'm afraid I must dissagree. I base my conclusion on two points. I have not once come across a situation where a penguin would not activate a clue corresponding to its actual area. My experementing has been on both quiet and busy worlds, on worlds where penguins are tracked and trapped actively and on worlds where penguins most likely are mostly left on their own.
My second point is based on pure pondering. Why in earth would clues point to somewhere else than to the actual whereabouts of penguins? On the guide to Penguin Hide and Seek on manual Jagex states that hunting penguins is a challengin task and "If you're a bit stuck, you can ask Larry for a hint. He has an extensive network of agents (or people who happen to mention that they've seen penguins around), and hears many rumours." I just simply can not see any reason why Jagex would give hints to help penguin hunting, but at the same time misslead with false hints.

Team Penguin

26-Mar-2009 15:21:34

Sep Member 2005


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Ty Amat
The list of all clues and the locations they point to is now updated on posts 2.1. and 2.2.
Todays testing on w 151 with roamer clues is updated on post 2.3.
Shortly: Clues for near coast west of Ardougne, Misthalin and Fremenniks got me 3 penguins in less than an hour. For the missing one I needed more clues and when I got Kandarin after many near coast -clues, I found it roaming just around the clue border between somewhere in the kingdom of Kandarin and near coast west of Ardougne.
I also found a new special trap (3 suquares west-east and openings in the middle to both south and north) just north side of Keep Le Faye doors.

Team Penguin

27-Mar-2009 13:11:33

Sep Member 2005


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Patch Notes 01/04/09
Mod Nexus
Jagex Mod

01-Apr-2009 13:26:28
The penguin hints should be more resilient now. Previously if those pesky penguins have evaded even us, it would give you the message "Somewhere in Runescape" Hopefully this shouldn't happen any more.

-- Time to re-examin the Phoenix area, now that it is most likely possible with Eagles Peak penguin being around.

Team Penguin

02-Apr-2009 07:19:36

Quick find code: 75-76-470-58336674 Back to Top