When I'm chasing implings, I run to the waypoint where the impling was when I clicked on it, then to the next etc as the impling is moving. Meanwhile, the impling has moved, perhaps up the hill where I can't get it.
If this can this be improved it would be great!
Would it be possible to add me in-game? I would like your insight how I can submit an idea I would like to see implemented, and possibly through official means get it to JMods attention.
We have nothing to lose because we don't have anything, anything we want anyway
Looks like Jagex have given up on interacting more with the forums and instead opted to delete them altogether. Saddened as I am by this decision, the fact that I am not as active on RuneScape as I used to be once means I can handle it.
I'd like to thank everyone with whom I've interacted on these Forums over the past, what, decade and a half that I have been using them. And, not to forget, those lovely people messaging me in-game with, ‘‘Hey, I saw your forum post!’’ Also thanks to the FMods who have been working so hard to keep the Forums tidy over the years and to the JMods who have used them to interact with the community: content developers, CM and of course Tech Support. (Where are we supposed to go now for Tech Support queries?)
I will always cherish the eager discussions and theories in F(G)U, the Lords of the Wait and R(G)U, the forum games, the official Q&As, introductions of new JMods, our glorious Lore Forum, the new update countdown, player suggestions and player-written quests, long-lived mastodonts like A Mad Hatter's Future of the Myreque or Amascut's Quests in the Making, minigame and clan organisation, and so much more. Heck, I'll even miss Chewy.
I'll be saving my own threads on my computer; if anyone wants to interact with me, please, feel free to message me in-game. My PM is usually on "all".
Jagex have suggested Discord and Reddit as replacements for the RSOF but I find both horrible websites. The former is probably a fine chat service akin to Skype (although I find the layout, controls etc. extremely annoying) but that's all it is, a chat service. It isn't a well-organised forum and you can hardly find anything back. Reddit is similarly badly designed, having tried it briefly. I cannot make sense of the comments’ organisation (I couldn't even find back my own comments!), the substitute for FMods (being downvoting idiots) is ludicrous and it's difficult to find something older than a week.
Would it be possible to add me in-game? I would like your insight how I can submit an idea I would like to see implemented, and possibly through official means get it to JMods attention.