
Kingdom of Misc. & Ect. UPDATE

Quick find code: 74-75-440-66076908

Jun Member 2014


Posts: 28,499 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ketsujo said :
What could I change to be a little more "balanced" in terms of the actual game play?

I guess the aspect that I like is that your changes still respect the core aspects of the Kingdom and the resources and gathering it's known for. I think refining that is key, and opening the scope to newer, high tier resources is needed. Agreeably, you have done that with things like Elder logs and mining resources. To that end, I think the balancing you suggest is fine.

I'd like to see it go further, bringing in some of Delta Slug's suggestions (and some of those across the thread as a whole). We should have the opportunity to in effect, upgrade the islands. This could be cosmetically (just like a POP or Anachronia, just without direct buffs) or by upgrading resources which could be harvested.

In that regard, I don't think we should just limit this to improving the current mechanics - I guess that's maybe my main critique, but I must stress that I don't wish to tear your suggestion down!

There's the potential here to bring in some of the newer skills and factor in some of the older ones. I do like the idea of sending teams further afield, to areas such as the Divination colony. Similarly, what about bringing in some hunting resources? There are numerous animals spread across the Fremennik area, ranging from Medium to High levels. You could have the option to gather resources from these animals (perhaps even including Archeron Mammoths or new creatures only accessible through the Kingdom). I guess the balancing would be the deciding factor here, but I think there's potential. I know you touched on this, so it would be nice to see any further thoughts.

22-May-2020 17:18:37

Jun Member 2014


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Ketsujo said :
I also made a slight suggestion to archaeology as well, but I seriously doubt that we will see it added.

Archaeology would be interesting, particularly if there's ever a Digsite directly associated with Fremennik activity within the wider area. But I don't think we should be sending out workers to find resources as we already have research teams for that as part of Archaeology. However, maybe your workers could rarely find materials while tending to your Kingdom? So like, as the workers tend to crops or mine, they have a slight change at finding a 'Horde' of Archaeology materials which were hidden/lost a long time ago?

22-May-2020 17:22:57

Nov Member 2022


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See, that's the kind of criticism I enjoy reading!
Thank you for the reply and your kind words.

I figured that a middle ground HAD to be met, and this was the best possible solution that I could come up with to maintain things.
Seeing as how Royal Trouble requires some hefty stats, and the prerequisite quests also have their own skill levels required, the balance is utterly perfect.
While this locks skillers out of the kingdom, it is what it is.

My suggestion as a whole was to literally AIDE the ironman/woman community seeing as how this area alone, is their only means to relax on grinding out materials when they could be slaying or training combat, doing a few quests, or bank-standing to deplete their heavy surplus.

Pretty sure a lot of people that are "elite" would comment that I'm just trying to make it easier for myself...not true. All my stats are relatively 90+ and why would I want to make it easier for myself when I'm almost maxed? I speak for the entire runescape community.

Again, thank you :D
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
- Opinions Needed!

24-May-2020 01:14:41

Jun Member 2014


Posts: 28,499 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You're welcome. :)

I'm guessing there's going to be the desire to steer away from the mass injection of resources akin to Wishing Well bushes, which were removed a while ago. For this reason, the balancing is key. The iron community is an important point and one that most people wouldn't consider and as they can't trade, this would help them - particularly if the materials are brought up-to-date a bit more. For traditional players, we should still see this as a way to make money, but the rewards shouldn't be so vast that they crash the market. I think this should be countered by investing in completing quests or miniquests to unlock more, or by investing more than just coins into your kingdom.

On a personal note, I'd of course love to see the islands brought up to date graphically (the Fremennik lands need some love) and the ability to customise your Kingdom a little - just like your POP, POP, Citadel and the ability to 'level up' buildings. I don't think this should be too crazy or locked behind RNG like the Anachronia base camp, but just enough to allow people to engage in the content and stay engaging with it. As for management, updated interfaces are also a must.

I should add, to my knowledge, they haven't released any more information on what's coming with the update. We were only made aware about it at RuneFest, and as I've said before, I take such announcements with a pinch of salt. To be fair to Jagex, this (silence) is understandable given the current crisis and potential limitations placed on them as a company. However, I do sincerely hope this is a fully fledged graphical/content rework, rather than a few minor balancing changes and the introduction of new materials that hold little use or even a short event. Your ideas certainly go further than that of a basic rework and coupled with some of the ideas on this thread, there's the basis for a decent update.

25-May-2020 01:55:10 - Last edited on 25-May-2020 02:05:38 by Trewavas

Nov Member 2022


Posts: 1,980 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ive been keeping this thread alive and bumped to keep the attention of the player base and hope to snag the attention of the mods. I am pretty sure one of then has silently skimmed over it and seen that it has potential.

If we are to treat leveling up our kingdom like we do POP’ out. POP’s takes forever to level up, and takes even longer to make t85 gear which is sorely outclassed by masterwork now. That would be utterly redundant and a waste of time, and quite honestly, i’d prefer to see changes based on the materials that I have listed, namely those that are f2p. There’s no need to bring in A HEAVY amount of p2p as the kingdom is purely p2p...but most iron accounts rely on easy access/gathering materials to progress and build up their private arsenal.

I’ve followed a lot of the iron community and chatted with a few in light of my suggestions. The biggest plight is having too much of one thing, and very little of the next to make leveling easier. With a lot of the QoL fixes we have seen over the years, its made game play less click and grind intensive...this is another step in that direction.
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
- Opinions Needed!

27-May-2020 02:07:52



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I doubt they will take a PoP style management to workers.

The Kingdom has been around since what, 2004? 2005?

That would be too radical of a departure for what some players would be used to. You don't want to micromanage to that extent.

Worse, that would mean that it would be a long time before your workers are "efficient" by any measure.
And, it would likely be yet another annoying grind thing where in order to "complete" Kingdom Management, you have to invest months into it to knock out yet another achievement/comp req't.

Plus from a technical side, it may be too much to do for some sort of small to medium "remastering". To do that, they'd have to scrap the entire kingdom concept as it is now and rework it from the ground up.

30-May-2020 04:47:44



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To be fair, I'm not entirely sure how "easy" it would have been to implement my suggestions either.

It may just be easier to have is "said" that such changes were made, even though you see no changes to the surface world.

30-May-2020 04:49:09

Jun Member 2014


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I guess time will tell whether this is a full 'ground up' rework, some minor changes, or something more. I do agree with the management issue, but I'd personally like to see an element of cosmetic customisation for our kingdom at least. I think it has been a missed opportunity with other recently released content, but I'm not sure if it's too far of a departure from the norm.

30-May-2020 12:15:39

Seasons Past

Seasons Past

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It’s good to see other players taking the remaster of Managing Miscellania seriously. I feel that the upcoming remaster is very important, as it will set a precedent for subsequent remasters.

I haven’t read the entirety of the thread, so I apologize in advance if some of my points have already been made.

One major issue which I haven’t seen many players address is the mechanics of the minigame. Specifically, I found the approval rating system to be quite tiresome. The approval rating made the minigame feel like a chore, as it needed to be constantly maintained yet offered no rewards for the effort.

I also think that the coffers pose an issue for players. The need for players to invest their own personal wealth into the kingdom can potentially result in net financial losses if market conditions are unfavorable. Losses could also occur if unexpected circumstances outside of the game prevent the player from logging in for a significant period of time, thus preventing the player from maintaining the approval rating.

Regardless of how profitable the kingdom is at any given time, the current mechanics penalize players who do not or cannot maintain the approval rating frequently enough. In my opinion, this takes the fun out of the minigame.

I think that the approval system should simply be removed, as it is a tedious and non-essential part of the minigame. The coffers could also be removed if coins are refunded and rewards rebalanced appropriately.

Regarding resources, I would prefer for elder logs not to be obtained through the kingdom. My understanding is that the developers intended elder logs to be obtained exclusively through the Woodcutting skill so that the logs would remain valuable.
Spirit of Forinthry ~ Runecrafting: Magic Armour ~ F2P Extensions ~ Dragon Slayer improvements ~ New Player Experience

30-May-2020 22:05:50



Posts: 32,671 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Keep in mind that there are certain mechanics in other activities that are similar:
Player Owned Farm has the happiness AND health levels of the animals that can dictate how much XP you get from them when you check
The Tai Wannai Bwo minigame limits how many Trading Sticks you can get at once
Some activities have a cap in something before you have to spend it/collect it to start earning again

In some part, the degradation in your kingdom's morale is to keep a player from being 100% for the duration of the kingdon's coffer drain.

There is also a real life element to it: if the people don't know that you're doing anything for them, their interest level or morale can drop.
No manager can be truly 100% hands off. The employees need some sort of recognition once in a while. Otherwise, the employees will stagnate.

By having you show up once in a while:
- in canon of the activity, King Vargas always participated (at least before turning into a Yeti). the people loved that he did the same work they did. this was "expected" of you as well.
- if you wanted to roleplay as a strict lord over your vassals (or harsher) then your arrival out there reminds the peasants/peons that you are watching them. if they don't give you stuff, you will be back and TAKE it (if need be)
- if you wanted to roleplay as a very benevolent regent, you're showing that you feel their struggles, etc etc [insert mushy liberal feeling things]
- if you wanted to roleplay as a DIY type as disinterested, you could be showing that you could do the work better and faster than them and they need to get up to your level, or you are reminding them that they can be replaced by summoned servants or invention machines if they can't keep up
If the masses approval rating of you got too low .... well ... the World Guardian does have the creativity to come up with ways to replace the masses.

31-May-2020 19:27:44

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