Keep in mind that there are certain mechanics in other activities that are similar:
Player Owned Farm has the happiness AND health levels of the animals that can dictate how much XP you get from them when you check
The Tai Wannai Bwo minigame limits how many Trading Sticks you can get at once
Some activities have a cap in something before you have to spend it/collect it to start earning again
In some part, the degradation in your kingdom's morale is to keep a player from being 100% for the duration of the kingdon's coffer drain.
There is also a real life element to it: if the people don't know that you're doing anything for them, their interest level or morale can drop.
No manager can be truly 100% hands off. The employees need
sort of recognition once in a while. Otherwise, the employees will stagnate.
By having you show up once in a while:
- in canon of the activity, King Vargas always participated (at least before turning into a Yeti). the people loved that he did the same work they did. this was "expected" of you as well.
- if you wanted to roleplay as a strict lord over your vassals (or harsher) then your arrival out there reminds the peasants/peons that you
watching them. if they don't give you stuff, you will be back and TAKE it (if need be)
- if you wanted to roleplay as a
benevolent regent, you're showing that you feel their struggles, etc etc [insert mushy liberal feeling things]
- if you wanted to roleplay as a DIY type as disinterested, you could be showing that you could do the work better and faster than them and they need to get up to your level, or you are reminding them that they can be replaced by summoned servants or invention machines if they can't keep up
If the masses approval rating of you got too low .... well ... the World Guardian
have the creativity to come up with ways to replace the masses.
31-May-2020 19:27:44