
Kingdom of Misc. & Ect. UPDATE

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Honor Wolf

Honor Wolf

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Thank you for posting this, Ketsujo. I was of half a mind to propose something similar - I am glad that you beat me to the punch and put it so eloquently.

Your proposal is finely balanced and only seeks to bring a practical use to the kingdom back without becoming too overpowered. I am sure Jagex have some minor adjustments for your proposal, but the main idea here is one I wholeheartedly support.

Including a quest to unlock the new potential of the kingdom might be a worthwhile endeavour as well.
The joy of returning after a six-year hiatus; I'm a noob again! :D

20-Jan-2019 16:34:42

Nov Member 2022


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Given I have been playing this game for nearly 13 years...I know quite a bit of the "unorthodox" training methods that would normally drive people crazy, but prove worthwhile.
With all the changes over runescape throughout the years, the Kingdom has been seriously neglected. When PoP's and PoF and PoA came around, I was hoping that we would see the Kingdom get some love as well.

I used to propose many ideas, and a few were taken into consideration awhile back before EoC but a lot of them weren't taken and put to use...which is fine.

I am content with the idea of a quest being added in to further progress our unlocks, or we can go in Tiers like we do with Lunar Farm, but NOTHING to the EXTREMES that lunar farm has. No way do I want to spend countless hours upon hours grinding out "produce" just to get an unlock that I wont use regularly.

A quest that I would take into consideration would be something similar to One Small Favor. I did propose a quest line for a sequel to One Small Favor called "Another Small Favor"...which in turn got ate by the page 51+ monster.

I would gladly do a 32 step (65 total upon finishing it up by talking to the King) to initiate a "trade route" between all kingdoms.
We could call it "Global Diplomacy" or something along those lines. THAT way, everyone's happy.

Need more support and discussion on the entire topic though. However, I do expect quite a bit of backlash from the End-Game players and whining that their comp cape is now gone because they have to do an EXTREMELY LONG quest just to get back their beloved cape. (troll face)
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
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Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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20-Jan-2019 16:49:20

Dec Member 2018


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I would love and totally support a misc update! make it really cool! why not have the option to spend money to run it or lets say you want to collect (corn) produce supply the coffers w hella corn seeds? w the option of having corn seeds be output as well? I think this would be very helpful for people who do pof as well. Ghad: struggling against the enemies of me boiz

01-Feb-2019 16:27:52

Vengeance of
Mar Member 2018

Vengeance of

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To be honest, I think Misc. ought to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. Something less "set it and forget it" like it is now (I'm at the point where I pop in once a week to see if a Penguin has spawned, rake the patches to regain my lost Approval Rating in seconds, toss a few hundred grand into it, collect my stuff, rinse lather repeat) and more similar to PoF/PoP where you at least have to check in on a semi-regular basis to get the most out of it. We could help them shore up their defenses and improve their living conditions with Construction, ensure the fields are producing enough for them to live off of with Farming, make sure the food chain in the ocean around the islands does't collapse with Fishing, tend to the sick with Herblore...

Basically, I want Misc. to play like a lite- version of a game like Stronghold or Fallout Shelter. Make us work for that high Approval Rating, keeping our people healthy, happy, and productive, while rewarding us with a healthy amount of XP and a decent amount of item rewards that we EARN by actually checking in every once in a while. Instead of just investing gold, we invest supplies like new hatchets/picks, bait, and compost. Maybe add new features like Hunting Grounds, and improve the maximum tier of rewards for what they can already harvest.

Being a monarch shouldn't be an absentee position, is my point. It's about time we actually did more for our people... and the rewards should reflect that.

04-Feb-2019 23:33:04

Nov Member 2022


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Changing our kingdom to the way CoC and other "build as you play" games are...would take A LONG TIME to fit into the current games code. Very counter-productive...especially since the main focuses have been stated for this month already, I doubt we will see any major changes to the kingdom any time soon.

The changes that I suggested, are simple line edits and work for everyone...including jagex development team members that may be assigned to changing up the kingdom. PoF, PoP, PoA and even FARMING is a Set-and-Forget mechanic for the game...but we have "handlers" and fish in our PoA are self reliant, and then of course PoP is pretty much Self-Ran.

Yes, I am saying your argument is counter-productive in essence, but *shrugs* everyone's ideas these days never agree with each others views. Got to look at the picture that Jagex would see as a means to meet in the middle as it were.

My idea sits right there in the middle for everyone, even jagex.
My construction overhaul suggestion had gotten a lot of attention and I've noticed that a Jmod even took a peek at it awhile back. Never know what jagex wants to do, but to ensure players EARN their reward, a new quest to the Kingdom's quest line would be much more suitable to meet those elitists and perfectionist's demands as it were, so there's really no hand outs.

Another Small Favour - Backtracking One Small Favour, but this time...throughout ALL the kingdoms and even go as far as reaching out into the wilderness and pulling some diplomacy there with the pirates and bandits.. 7th age is upon us, and in this age...runescape should be united to fight the impeding threat that looms overhead...or so we think, right?

All in All, a CoC or Lords Mobile play-style would be counter-productive, and gods know we don't want another LUNAR FARM type of update which takes hours upon HOURS just to unlock a new tier of reward(s) we will hardly even use.

Think about that one fer a sec.
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
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Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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09-Feb-2019 19:23:11

fmod Member


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I agree that the Kingdom is due an update to add new resources and take into account the falling value of the ones already available.

As Tren suggested on the previous page, maybe a new quest to unlock extra rewards might be a good idea.
Who's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about?

26-Mar-2019 15:56:55

Nov Member 2019


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Some thoughts.

A way to unlock the existing Farming allotment on Et Ceteria would be an improvement.

As time goes by, an increase in the number of workers (and a corresponding increase in goods collected) would be appreciated.

The ability to mine & keep runite, luminite, and coal in the existing mine would be appreciated. Rune bars are needed to make Elder Rune bars, making it important to stock up on both runite and luminite.

21-May-2019 06:31:09 - Last edited on 21-May-2019 06:39:54 by Voluntier

Nov Member 2022


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Voluntier said :
Some thoughts.

A way to unlock the existing Farming allotment on Et Ceteria would be an improvement.

As time goes by, an increase in the number of workers (and a corresponding increase in goods collected) would be appreciated.

The ability to mine & keep runite, luminite, and coal in the existing mine would be appreciated. Rune bars are needed to make Elder Rune bars, making it important to stock up on both runite and luminite.

I would prefer to utilize all that space we have in our PoH portal for more allotments and the likes. Would make it much more - Interesting.
As far as Workers are concerned, not so much. There are only soo many people on the islands, not need to overflood their population with more workers.
Mining there to keep our ores we "supply" for them to build our reputation? Naw. Falador Mines and Mining Guild are hot spots now, no need. Both are close to the banks too so.

Anything else that you would like to add?
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
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28-May-2019 14:42:51

Nov Member 2022


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Noticed that no one is really taking an interest in their kingdoms anymore...any particular reason? Heard recently someone completely let their kingdom go with JUST WOOD and maxed coffers and end up with an outstanding amount of nests and wood...
Now, if we did this with my ideas in place...well...think about that.
I know what jagex is thinking...
But if the "Winds of Change" are to affect Crafting, Fletching, Construction, Woodcutting and Firemaking (again), then these update requests to the kingdom would be pretty much a need.
Runescape Player since 2007

Ultimate Construction Update! - QFC: 74-75-76-65876528
- Go Read It and Comment Away!
Player Owned Kingdoms Update! - QFC: 74-75-440-66076908
- Opinions Needed!

26-Jun-2019 04:15:59

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