Keep the "base" of the resources as the intro level things players can get. And so that it doesn't hose returning players.
Allow players to upgrade resource spots and can use existing and secondary skills to do so.
- Mining spots. Player uses mid tier mining to unlock T40-60 ores. The Mining+Construction to make mining shafts to unlock T70-80 ores.
- Trees. Players can use Farming at 60 to plant Yews. And 75 to plant Magic Trees. Player needs ~10+ trees given to upgrade the area. Player gets 1 off Farming XP for it at ther rate of Plant+Checking of tree.
- Farm spots. Players use Farming to improve the spots to improve the harvest to generic higher tier Herbs or Seeds. Players can swap out the Flax for Herb Secondaries.
can also add additional:
- Divination. Workers just go to gather the Div Spot in Rellekka. At higher level, you "find" a smaller div spot at higher tier (ie: T60 or T70 energy)
- alcohol/brewing. we have the dwarves in the cave area
- clay/limestone/marble. something that can be harvested in the cave area. marble would be untradeable
- Elder tree branches. take a page from corrupt magic logs. player gets something they can fletch or burn, but not trade
Additional workers:
- you have the meddling kids in the Sea Snake area
- the immigrants in the underground cave
- invention to make devices for efficiency (hydroponics, chainsaw, drilling machine)
- summoning for workers like in Clan citadels
04-May-2020 03:39:02