Music Room Hotspots:
- Central Location - Music player. Multiple Tiers (though each is mostly cosmetic). Plays music the player has unlocked that all players in PoH can hear.
- Wall - Quest Trophy slot - Lets you mount a music item in you've unlocked from a quest. (Though this may be limited to the Lyre and Enchanted Lyre from Fremmenik Trials, Cow Bells and Bongos from the penguin quest, Holy cithara, and the Snake Charm)
- Wall - Teleport Slot - Enchanted Lyre - lets play(s) teleport to enchanted lyre spots
- expansion slot - music item storage - similar to the Magic Wardrobe, Armor case, etc, lets players store the musical instruments and outfits related to the Music Skill (if it comes)
10-Oct-2020 01:49:34