
Construction. Updates needed

Quick find code: 74-75-172-63409617

Jan Member 2012


Posts: 68 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeh a fairy ring would be nice.

What about allowing people to build their houses off a link from the citadel, like a town around the castle to create a real sense of clan community and give you a quick way of getting to the citadel too.

I think a shard world village would be awesome

26-Aug-2013 11:17:21



Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Some ideas and suggestions:

-rooms for every skill
-increase room limit
-more types of walls
-more freedom of placing stuff
-boss room in the dungeon
-possibility to make your house 3 or 4 high
-more freedom of dessiding room size
-sand/stone roads (to other houses)
-possibility to own more houses
-perhaps ability to sell/rent your house with other payers
-sharing houses or sharing ground (like player owned villages)
-possibility to change ground type
-perhaps player owned farms
-more god possibilities in the altar room
-a (little) church
-perhaps player owned stores
-(maybe a little bit to far but...) a bank

-did i forgot something?

02-Sep-2013 11:36:13



Posts: 124 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not sure if it's mentioned or not, but I'll throw it here;

The Costume Room ~ I'd like to see stands of armour you could show off to people.
Example on one side you'd have a choice to display three particulars armours, whilst on the other side, three particular costumes. Then you use the chest or wardrobe to change your displays. I think this would make it far more attractive.

Best Regards for now.

06-Sep-2013 12:58:16

Jul Member 2013


Posts: 383 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It goes without saying that PoH's are in desperate need of a graphical update. But as well as that, I'd like to see more content, too.

I'd like to see more options for the quest hall and skill hall:
More portraits, more unique weapons to showcase, more stuffed creatures from slayer. Maybe some stuffed creatures from hunter could make an appearance. Maybe a place to showcase some d'hide armor, or urns, or something from the crafting skill.

More god options in the chapel.

A new garden room to showcase farming. It could be filled with little farming spots of your favorite allotments, herbs, etc. Not really for harvesting and an extra herb patch, but more for display.

I think it's nice that construction gives you the opportunity to really showcase your skills and in-game accomplishments, but I still feel like there's a lot that can be done with the skill. It'd be great to see more content for this skill.

08-Sep-2013 09:27:26

Se7en of 9

Se7en of 9

Posts: 437 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
GlossedGuard said :
It goes without saying that PoH's are in desperate need of a graphical update. But as well as that, I'd like to see more content, too.

I'd like to see more options for the quest hall and skill hall:
More portraits, more unique weapons to showcase, more stuffed creatures from slayer. Maybe some stuffed creatures from hunter could make an appearance. Maybe a place to showcase some d'hide armor, or urns, or something from the crafting skill.

More god options in the chapel.

A new garden room to showcase farming. It could be filled with little farming spots of your favorite allotments, herbs, etc. Not really for harvesting and an extra herb patch, but more for display.

I think it's nice that construction gives you the opportunity to really showcase your skills and in-game accomplishments, but I still feel like there's a lot that can be done with the skill. It'd be great to see more content for this skill.

I'm in perfect agreement.

21-Sep-2013 00:03:50



Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have a few ideas for construction myself:

- Pathfinding for Butlers NEEDS to be improved - they get stuck behind walls so damn easily!

- With the release of so many new armors and items, the costume room needs a total overhaul: instead of having my gorgeous treasure trail objects and holiday objects getting dusty in wardrobes - why can't we have a (sorry for this) Skyrim-style Mannequin room, so we can proudly show off our stuff (it would also use the same take/remove technique - no rebuilding the mannequin every time).

- It would be awesome to have a bank in the house, but I can foresee than being extremely exploited - in the same way having your own saw-mill would be OP.

- More rooms for more skills! A proper allotment / garden for farming exp (requires a certain farming and construction level) [works like world-wide farming plots]. Agility course in the garden or in the dungeon, etc... the possibilities for this are endless...
(home divination spring, forest for woodcutting + firemaking - hunting, etc...)

- maybe a village per portal, showing other people's houses

- no need for a separate mode for building, just be able to build while in the house normally...

Edit: we are also allowed to follow any god we please now - so adding the corresponding Icons in the Chapel would be a nice little update :)

25-Sep-2013 17:05:01 - Last edited on 28-Sep-2013 19:47:31 by Els236

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