It goes without saying that PoH's are in desperate need of a graphical update. But as well as that, I'd like to see more content, too.
I'd like to see more options for the quest hall and skill hall:
More portraits, more unique weapons to showcase, more stuffed creatures from slayer. Maybe some stuffed creatures from hunter could make an appearance. Maybe a place to showcase some d'hide armor, or urns, or
from the crafting skill.
More god options in the chapel.
A new garden room to showcase farming. It could be filled with little farming spots of your favorite allotments, herbs, etc. Not really for harvesting and an extra herb patch, but more for display.
I think it's nice that construction gives you the opportunity to really showcase your skills and in-game accomplishments, but I still feel like there's a lot that can be done with the skill. It'd be great to see more content for this skill.
08-Sep-2013 09:27:26