1. armory to store special quest-related weapon/armor
2. player owned farm patch, allowing player to have their own allotment patch, tree patch, herb patch and bush or even a spirit tree patch!
3. player owned cow den, pig den (after bringing home the bacon) or even a unicorn den
4. magic book switch at home (require completion of temple of sennitisten for ancient magic, require completion of blood runs deep for lunar magic)
5. ancient curse switch (require completion of ritual of mahjarrat + completion of the world wakes + a gilded altar dedicated to zaros)
6. resting (fully recharge hp + cure poison/disease) at home
7. increase interactivity of scrying pool, e.g. allow one to "speak" via public chat to the area by "scrying pool"
8. allow dragonstone jewellery recharge at home, by making "hero guild fountain" and "legend guild totem" at home (require completion of related quests, e.g. heroes quest, legend quest)
9. extra health bonus and duration for making fire at fireplace (further bonus for using better fireplace
10. reclaiming lost free items at home (e.g. task reward items, ring of visibility, diving gear)
11. collection of daily reward at home (e.g. task daily reward like essence, tokkul, sand)
12. arena ( a place where you can watch npc fighting / or guest fighting)
13. cinema ( a place to review previous seen quest cutscenes)
24-Nov-2013 11:26:56