I would enjoy seeing some Construction updates. I have invested a lot of money into my Construction Level (99) and my house itself. I would say I did a lovely job, after I deleted my previous house, redesigned it, and made it organized. I do take pride in the house I have created however there is not a lot of uses for it. On top of that, the uses it currently has either have some issues with them or are rarely used.
For example, if I were to host a party and I had someone who was being, I guess the best way of putting it is, disruptive, I would not be able to remove said person from my house. I know this is an issue that many party hosts face from time to time.
A room I would love to see being available is a party room. To have a dance floor with changing lights identical to what was seen at one of the Halloween Holiday Events. Allow balloons to drop and some party music to be played. Have players automatically dance while on the dance floor.
I believe some corrections and additions to Construction would be great.
26-May-2013 07:28:06