My biggest issue with construction is Hotspots, it's far too linear.
I'd be interested in seeing a more modular way of building houses and placing furniture, one that isn't based around hotspots, perhaps a sort of Drag and Drop style Construction a la "The Sims"
I am so happy that they have finally realsed news about an overhaul on construction finally undetermined date but atleast they recently announced it and hopefully so of our ideas will no in use and i can't wait but i might hold off on 99 construction for this a while.
In other news i have thought up an idea of minigame portals to be made so people can use portals to teleport to minigame locations.
After the eoc has been out for a few hours i now feel that they need more storage items some being these:
A staff rack
A wand shelf
A god armour storage chest or barrows storage chest
Even something to *tore the circus clothes even tho the circus helps
I also feel that now the armour case and magic wardrobe need to be updated to hold more stuff.
One change that would be nice is once a fairly decent wardrobe is built it would be nice to store what now has to be kept in the bank. I'm not interested in the choices given on most clothes anyway, but it would be nice to have them at the house and not in the bank. It is my understanding that when I get to level for a treasure room I can keep stuff there, but having to place clothes in the bank and not being able to stack "outfits" is a huge waste of space.
I think you're talking about flatpacks? They are worthless in the G.E. by the way.
That's a good idea. Some farming patches in POH would do the trick too. How about some lakes with fishing spots or cut-able trees? Also player owned banks please! (jokes on that last one)