If Jagex really gave a damn about what we think, they would have already made this construction update in the middle of 2012. It's one of the most requested stuff by players.
But no. Do you know what came instead? Squeal of Fortune, Solomon's Store, and that stupid noticeboard which consumed our quest tab.
I request (although I doubt Jagex will give a sh... you now what) that Jagex removes those three items above, updates as fast as they can those very important updates. I was really hoping that a construction update and a smithing rebalance would come fast, but no. I was really wanting to see in at maximum mid 2013 all of the gnome, elf, and dwarf quest storylines finished. But it killed me when I saw that MEP3 was postponed to 2014.
Imagine what could've been done, instead of the SoF, SGS, and other useless stuff...
13-Dec-2012 12:40:58