
Construction. Updates needed

Quick find code: 74-75-172-63409617

Virtue Power

Virtue Power

Posts: 1,126 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
More decor, more options, more rooms (themes and room limit), graphical rework, the whole nine yards.

I've always wanted my POH to be a Zarosian fortress of sorts. I'd love to have a temple like the shrine room in St. Elspeth's Citharede. Light flowing in through open doors, an impressive shrine dedicated to the Empty Lord, a choir of wraiths in the corner singing latin songs followed by that dreary "Kyrie Eleison..." chant. All of that surrounded by impenetrable walls of dark stone. My fortress would be decked out with an armory, a menagerie filled with fiendish pets, portal rooms to all of the Ancient Sites, a barracks for my guards who patrol the outer wall, a mote with a draw bridge, and a large spire in the center with my throne room at the top of it. I'd watch the pitiful mortals below squander and rush about like little ants as the Sixth age dawns.

This is all a possibility with Construction, albeit a VERY far off stretch. Lol, what I'd like to see is Jagex implementing their Ace of Spades building mechanic into this, but again it's a far off stretch.

But Construction has a LOT of potential. House parties can be a thing again. Hell, POHs could also (if given the time to code it all) be somehow connected to clan citadels and such.

Heraldic crests need an update. Maybe each individual crest grants an additional permanent buff to your character depending on the crest (any of the gods would give additional prayer xp or whatever, a city crest gives additional xp while wearing a piece of that city's achievement diary armor).

Chapels should have more than just the Big Three (lol Percy Jackson ref) to worship from, especially since one of those three is dead and another is on the same tier of godly power as a cabbage.

Also, more rooms please. Armory, barracks (maybe for guards?), an improved quest hall, etc. And ffs, they need to get changed. Tired of looking at square rooms. Hopefully this skill gets the attention it deserves.
<< A warrior's soul is forged in the crucible of honour and strength >>


30-Oct-2015 22:08:19



Posts: 424 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I would love to know what happened to the plans for multiple construction themed updates in 2015. When we pointed out that the Aquarium was 95% fishing we were assured that this was just the first update and future content would be more about the constructing than some other skill.

It very much feels like the mods have decided Invention will soothe the fevered brows of all of us pining for more things to construct, so they can devote the rest of their energies to making yet more monsters for people to kill. However if, as reported, the largest chunk of invention xp will come from levelling up your gear it will be like the Aquarium update. Spend 30 minutes building your gear, then 20 hours field testing it bashing monsters.

05-Nov-2015 10:44:09



Posts: 9 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I always thought it was strange that Draynor Manor and Lord Handelmort's house have the only bathrooms, yet, they're tiny and have less money put into them no doubt than Player Owner homes.
Bathrooms(35,000gp) for construction 35-80?
Tubs - Wood, clay, Limestone, Marble
Mirror - Normal, Gold trimmed, Golden Gem encrusted (Used as a vanity)
Sink - Pump, Fancy
Bath Curtain - Wooden (Sonji), Cloth, Ornate
Thats all I got.

28-Dec-2015 04:53:08 - Last edited on 28-Dec-2015 05:05:08 by cackletta



Posts: 278 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Check out my Runelabs post "POH trophies" linked in my footer for means of supporting POH updates.
Also i made a forum post "Abandoned Houses" for brain storming ideas for unique POH updates that could make it a great deal more personal and useful.
Working on the ultimate

29-Dec-2015 23:51:21



Posts: 6,040 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
What I would like to see:

1. A Prayer room bank chest.
2. A higher room cap in general.
3. Way more God-related themes. I want my entire house to be Zarosian-themed.
4. Significantly reduced dungeon costs.
5. Significantly stronger dungeon guards/monsters.
6. More unique rooms. The Aquarium was good.
7. Them to implement that street idea so I can go to other people's house and vice versa.

20-Jan-2016 14:04:08

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