constructions is very outdated, and not very useful skill once you get your guilded alter built.
I would love to see a fairy ring or spirit tree added to it, to make it a hub for getting around. Also an update to the portals that we can build would be nice. And maybe some of our quest related items getting hung on the wall for teleport spots like the glory amulet (barrelchest anchor to mos le' harmless for instance).
I would also like to be able to store more of my armour there (the armour case is very dated now). As well as maybe adding a weapons room, just to show off some of your favour weapons that you have used over the years.
I would also love to be able to store more items from the quests that have been completed (every now and then I like to wear my silly jester hat, and I would love a place to hang my Barrelchest anchor).
How about making the wardrobe in the bedrooms functional by allowing us to put our favourite cloths in them.
The skills hall is a joke, it doesn't include anything from any newer skills (hunter isn't really a newer skill).
Even the icons in the alter room need to be updated to include more of the gods.
We have spent a great deal of money on our homes, and the skill hasn't really been updated since it came out. My poh is due for some renovations. How about helping us out here?
12-Jan-2013 11:06:56
- Last edited on
12-Jan-2013 11:07:39