Construction could also be used for jobs like bring me 5000 oak chairs (which are untreadeable and require eg 2 oak planks and 5 steel nails or something) and i will give you 650k cash.
The chairs could also be treadeable and ofcourse many other stuff. It would be made on a special work table introduced all over the world map or at your house. This could be a way to make money with construction.
Something else that i would like to see is like weekly projects who anyone can participate to make cool buildings in different areas. The building can also collapse if it is not stable enough so you will need to combine the everyones intelligence to make a great building. You should be able to make everything you want in the building as long as it does not collapse. You can make a bank, but you will have to hire a banker for a whole lot of money per hour so you cant make immense profit from it. I personally think there should not be a banker.
At you house you should also have more space for different buildings that you can design yourself but that can also collapse and youll have to start all over again. When the house is finished you will get a great amount of exp depending on the time worked on it and how high level the things are that you made.
You could also be able to buy someone else's building, it will be freaking expencive. You will also need the same construction level as the highest level thing of the building and you will also need a high magic level to transport it to you house.
For new buildings, you will also need to buy ground to place your buildings. Which also is expensive.
There are also companys who will want to buy your buildings, if you ask them. This will be less profitable then selling to other players.
If you want to start making buildings you should finish a quest that teaches you how to make houses and ofcourse has its own storyline.
Sorry if bad english, i am dutch
10-Nov-2012 13:34:13