
A Path Through the Skies [RP]

Quick find code: 49-50-996-65929696



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The world is changing, and for the better. The advent of crystallis technology propelled mankind ahead, far beyond where anyone had thought it would bring them. It advanced everything: transportation, power, communications, ease of life. It was cleaner and safer than the fuel-burning engines and generators that had come before, and it was more cost-effective as well. Whole towns could be brought power with the effort it had taken to power a single home, and cities with nearly the same. Travel accelerated dramatically with the development of airships, and commerce flowed even easier now than it ever had due to the constant and quick communication and transportation made available.

Yet not all advancements would ever be good for man, as with new power came new weapons, and with new weapons came war. Although those that developed the technology were sworn never to raise it against another, there were others who had other ideas. The rising tensions, brought about by a constant development of weaponry, finally came to a head nearly ten years after crystallis technology was first introduced, and it tumbled into the conflict that many predicted would be the end of all things.

It was much less than that, however, for the new technology made war work in a much different way than it had been. The ones who had initiated the conflict, the country of Verania, brought their army, which had until then been the most feared force on the continent, to the doorstep of Nalis, their neighbor to the south. Nalis had perhaps a quarter of the landmass as well as a quarter of the fighting force, and their initial defense was almost nonexistent. In three weeks, nearly the entire upper half of the country was occupied, and those on both sides were convinced it would be an easy victory.

Yet Nalis, while lacking in manpower, made up for it in knowledge of crystalis tech.
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10-Jul-2017 01:42:56



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Their advancements had been the furthest along of everyone, and they proved it when they deployed the only defense that they had remaining: the newly developed airships that they had been scrambling to finish.

With weapons that could move many times faster than a foot soldier, or even a tank, Nalis quickly cut off all supply lines to Verania’s army and moved in to retake the cities that had been captured in the initial assault. With communications not yet able to be carried personally and the centers relied upon for them targeted first, Verania’s army descended into a state of chaos, unable to accurately predict or react to what their opponents would do.

After three months, the war had concluded, with Nalis the victor.

The immediate ramifications of the war were obvious, but the long-term effects still send ripples through the continent to this day. New weaponry developed from this technology prove more and more deadly as time goes on, and since everybody knows how easily a tide can turn when such devices are involved conflicts have thus far been avoided. It is not something that can last forever, though, and those that watch the horizon are always worried what might come over it.


“All passengers, we are now four hours from our destination of Vespania. Please be aware that there is a small storm ahead, and for this reason access to the outer decks is currently restricted. We thank you for your understanding, and hope you enjoy the rest of your flight.”

The announcement was met with grumbles by a few of the more entitled passengers, but the majority of the 216 passengers seemed to be unbothered. Why would they be? The Enerias was the largest and most advanced passenger ship ever built, capable of flying faster and with less disturbance to those inside than any made up until the current day in the country of Nalis.
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10-Jul-2017 01:43:25



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It boasted an unrivaled travel time between cities and provided all of the luxuries one would expect from a vessel designed as a cruise ship. Not only that, but passage cost little more than any other vessel, allowing nearly anyone to ride.

Up on the bridge, there was little panic at the approaching storm, all of the flight crew practiced and sure in their jobs. The storm itself was larger than they had announced, but the size really made little difference. Instrumentation said that it was not dangerous, the concentration of winds barely reaching caution levels. Lightning and rain were present among the dark clouds, but the Enerias was built to easily withstand such natural hazards. The only danger to those within came if they ventured out on deck, and it was because of this that access had been suspended.

“Communications, inform Vespania flight control that we will be dropping out of communication for a short amount of time.” the man sitting in the Captain’s chair ordered, eyes out the windows and on the storm. He had flown through many like this, but he had experienced firsthand what happened when complacency was allowed to take over.

“Yes, sir.” came the response from the comms officer, his hands working quickly to get the message out. They were approaching the clouds quickly, and once they entered it was likely their equipment would take too much interference from the storm to send the distance they needed.

“Sir, we have another ship on an approach vector.” the radar operator announced. That momentarily drew the attention of everyone, but they quickly returned to their posts as the Enerias flew into the clouds. The sunlight was cut off, and almost immediately the radar and communications began showing large signs of interference. Lightning and thunder crashed outside, and rain began pelting the front viewport.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

10-Jul-2017 01:43:36 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2017 01:44:05 by Inferi



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“Helm, keep us steady and on course. Radar, what model was that vessel and where was it coming from?” the captain asked, his attention now focused on that matter. There were no other transportation airlines operating here, and if this other ship hadn’t gotten a good read on their position and was on a similar vector then there was a good chance they might collide in the storm. Storms tended to make navigation difficult, and if the equipment of the other ship was anything like theirs there likely wouldn’t be any ability to communicate.

“I wasn’t able to get a look at the design, sir. It seemed to be broadcasting a transponder that corresponds to an international cargo transport vessel, and it was approaching from the direction of the Veranian border.” she replied, going back over the records.

“There were no incoming communications before we entered the storm, sir.” communications added. “I sent an alert to them, but I don’t know if they would have gotten it by the time I did.”

Frowning, the Captain nodded to both, and both returned to their posts. He didn’t like unknowns like this. This wasn’t exactly uncommon, as he’d crossed paths with other vessels in his time captaining a transport vessel, but it had always been in clear skies. There hadn’t been any alerts to expect something like this, either, and with it coming from Verania…

Shaking his head, the Captain turned his attention back to the matter at hand: the storm. There was little they could do now besides hope that this wouldn’t be an issue, and he trusted his crew to do everything possible to avoid a catastrophe. That was the last thing they wanted on this flight...
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10-Jul-2017 01:43:48



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Reserved for something important that's probably missing.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

10-Jul-2017 01:44:39 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2017 01:45:00 by Inferi



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So, character creation basics.

1.) Humans only. That means only full-blooded humans. No other races exist on the continent, at least not other sentient races that can coexist properly with humanity.

2.) All modern weapons and technology are crystallis tech. Older weaponry exists as well, of course, and the knowledge and accessibility of it is much greater than weaponized crystallis tech, which is mostly reserved for military use.

3.) Assuming the background is reasonable, you can be pretty much anyone, although I’d prefer that there’s no war legends or anything like that.

4.) Just ask me about stuff. Please.

~Bio Format (If you want to make one)~




Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:


Other: (Yeah, like anyone uses this)
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10-Jul-2017 01:45:13 - Last edited on 10-Jul-2017 01:49:24 by Inferi



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~Crystallis Technology~

First discovered by a group of researchers that were looking for methods to safeguard humanity from the negative effects of their current power production, the theory behind crystallis technology is very simple. Certain crystalline structures, when placed in a device that can draw the energy that they appeared to generate naturally, could provide a near-limitless amount of usage for everyone.

The newest technology on the continent, crystallis technology can be repurposed to almost anything. The only limitations are the matrix, which is a device of varying size that takes the various crystals and draws energy from them, and the crystals themselves, which can provide a near-infinite supply of energy to the matrix but can only output as much as the size and composition will allow. This means that, typically, a matrix that produces a great deal of energy, such as one that runs power to homes in a city, will be large so as to accommodate either the large number or large size of the crystals that power it. Similarly, devices designed for combat will be small, so as to fit inside a firearm or be carried by an individual.

Crystallis technology can also offer users a different means of attack, namely by translating the crystalline power into something more magical. The types of power offered to anyone that properly utilizes such a matrix are numerous, although the strength of such things are greatly limited by the matrix’s capacity and what is placed in it. For example, someone that has crystals focused solely on the production of fire will find their capacity for destruction much larger than someone who has a more varied matrix. By the same token, those with varied matrices will find themselves able to pursue many more avenues of attack, but their strength will be limited in each.
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10-Jul-2017 01:45:52



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Nalis - The smallest country on the continent, Nalis is located on the southeast corner of the continent. They share borders with Verania and Lonara, borders that have, since the first crystallis war, been tensely guarded even though there have been no hostilities since. Boasting a smaller-than-average army, the mastery of crystallis technology makes up for the deficit in troop strength. Much more so than everywhere else, Nalis is extremely reliant on crystallis tech for nearly everything. The country is a monarchy, currently ruled by a queen.

Verania - The largest country on the continent, taking up nearly a third of the landmass, although quite a few of its borders are recently annexed city-states. Currently in a tense border dispute with Lonara, armies from each side stationed nearby in preparation for the attack from the other side. Still boasts the largest army on the continent, although their advancement with crystallis technology is still trailing Nalis. While Verania has a royal family, the country is jointly ruled by them and a Chancellor. Below them are the old wave, the noble houses, and the new wave, the parliament of the citizenry. In reality, the parliament has greater control over the general law and policies of the central government while the noble houses have greater control over their ancestral domains.

Lorana - A country in the northeast of the continent. Traditionally neutral, the Cold War that they have found themselves in with Verania since the end of the first crystallis war has prompted much greater military and technological expansion than has been around before now. They are loosely allied with Nalis, although both sides know that it is more due to the aggression of Verania than anything else. Lorana is a Republic, with a single elected president at the head and elected representatives holding the power in government.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

10-Jul-2017 01:46:08



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Theosis - The country run and maintained by the Church. It is completely neutral, not getting involved in affairs of the other countries. However, it is respected by all of them, and acts as mediator in many different situations. Theosis is situated in the northwest, in a valley in the middle of a mountain range, making travel to it difficult, although recent airship development has made it much more accessible to the common man. Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

10-Jul-2017 01:46:16



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National and/or Private Military - Although not a true faction in the sense that they have full independence, the military of all nations in general bears mention due to their semi-autonomous structure and various divisions that make them up. Although the military in each country is structured a bit differently, they’re all similar in the general command structure and that, while they answer directly to the head of each country, the commanders within are mostly autonomous in their ability to act decisively.

Verosian Church - Even in the age of technology, the Church is still a force to be reckoned with. Although neutral in all matters regarding border disputes and cross-country feuds, the Church is present within the borders of all countries and maintains a presence in nearly all areas of import. While most of the clergy is made up of non-combatants, the Church also has what can amount to its own army. Although it has not marched in centuries, it is rumored that all soldiers in it are highly trained and can rival or exceed any of the other armies on the continent if matched against them. The hierarchical structure has a council of eleven at the head, and from there it trickles down through traditional clergy ranks.

Guild - The Guild is another neutral party, one that was established to do a single thing: promote and preserve the well-being of the average citizen. To this end, members will take on various jobs for the citizenry - being compensated for it, of course, although some member eschew even that - like hunting down monsters on the roads or escorting someone from one city to another. The Guild has a home in each city, and it is to those that one would go should they have a request. There is no real command structure, although higher-ranked members - determined by several different aspects and guidelines - typically have a greater say in the Guild’s affairs.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

10-Jul-2017 01:46:29

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