
A Path Through the Skies [RP]

Quick find code: 49-50-996-65929696

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: ''Black'' Benjamin Carter
Age: 35
Gender: Male

6'3'', 220 lbs. Although he is shown with his pet snake, the snake was left behind in the care of a cleric.

Profession/Skills: Adventurer, boxer, trader, strong, hardy, spiritual

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: Has two holstered Colt revolvers, two Bowie knives sheathed under either armpit (underneath his coat). Does not have any crystallis equipment.

History: A tall, strong man from Theosis, wearing sinister attire and makeup, clearly expressing his un-modern, un-crystalline, unusual lifestyle. Probably best to not get in his way. He never plans anything, instead going from one place to another for adventure. Although hailing from a religious country, Benjamin's faith is rather different, unaffiliated with the Church. His spirituality is instead focused on the dead, ghosts, and spirits, and respect thereof. Whether he is a heretic or not, is probably up to the Church.

Other: Often smokes large cigars. Fond of morbid areas, and so tends to be unaffected by macabre, deathly things, and fear. Indeed, faith and courage are powerful psychological tools to possess.

11-Jul-2017 00:27:33 - Last edited on 13-Jul-2017 05:24:37 by Azi Demonica



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Bio Format~

Name: Gareth Arenar
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Appearance: Gareth stands at six foot five, with short golden blond hair, dark green eyes, and a light skin tone with a slight tan. He has an average build, perhaps a bit thin, and is of average strength, speed, and endurance. Overall, there's nothing overly impressive about his physical appearance.

Profession/Skills: Gareth excels as mooching and unemployment, and dabbles in slacking. In terms of practical skills, he understands the very basics of firearm use and maintenance, and is exceptionally quick-minded and well-read in various subjects.

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:

History: The Arenars were a relatively minor noble house, with respectable holdings and influence. Gareth Arenar served as a low-ranking officer in Nalis's army during the war with Verania, where his service could be described as nothing other than 'legendary.' There are countless tales of his exploits. In the early days, when Nalis's army was being driven back, he served as second-in-command in a force of one hundred, which had been ordered to stay behind and buy the rest of the army time to retreat. In another battle, he was said to have single-handedly killed five men in a melee confrontation. It also said that he managed to liberate a village with only a dozen men, driving out a force that was more than ten times that number, when their original goal had merely been to scout it out and report back.

Those are but a few tales of his long and excellent service. He was knighted and showered with promotions, decorations, and rewards for his service. The man is a war legend, truly worthy of song and admiration.

His son, however, is a different matter.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Jul-2017 02:18:22 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2017 02:28:59 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gareth Arenar Junior is a disappointment. A young man of nineteen, he displayed absolutely zero desire to follow his father's military footsteps, or at the very least use the family's newfound fame and connections to propel himself to similarly great heights. Instead, he was content to merely sit back and enjoy his family's wealthy lifestyle.

Still, his time was not wasted. While other youth in his position would have wasted money on women and drink, Gareth turned to more intellectual pursuits, purchasing a vast quantity of books on a variety of subjects - mainly history, literature, and philosophy. He accumulated a vast amount of knowledge and a rich vocabulary, and was certainly one of the brightest youngsters in Nalis.

But despite this, he still showed little desire to actually do anything with his knowledge and intelligence. Now an adult, he has yet to pursue any higher level of formal education, instead preferring to self-educate himself, and he has not expressed interest in any specific career. Some say he is indecisive, others say he is simply lazy. Either way, his father is panicked that the family's hard-fought reputation shall fade into obscurity, while Gareth Junior merely wants to be left to his own devices.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

16-Jul-2017 02:23:14 - Last edited on 16-Jul-2017 02:35:48 by NotFishing



Posts: 2,042 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Bio Format (If you want to make TWO )~

Name: Bernard Cooke. Just call me Cooke.
Age: 26
Gender: Male

Appearance: 6'. Approximately 175 lbs, toned, and tanned. Messy dishwater blond hair under black cowboy hat. Light stubble on face, which has sharp features and a strong jawline. Brown eyes. Long brown duster, off-white work shirt, brown trousers, black boots. Revolver holstered on right hip. Key Necklace.

Profession/Skills: Farmhand, Soldier (Verania), Bounty Hunter (Solo, the Guild)

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: The crystallis equivalent of the Mateba Autorevolver (Cooke's is 2nd from the bottom). It'd be nice if it had a name/model number, but it's not the biggest deal.

A key that he keeps on a necklace that was given to him by a squad mate during the war. Neither of them knew what it opens. The friend will never know.

History: Bernard Cooke has not had the easiest life. Born to a poor mining family in northeast Nalis, he lost his father at around the age of 10 to an accident. His mother miraculously managed got him and his three other brothers (all younger) jobs as farmhands on a ranch of their uncle's in Verania, but it was a tough life, and both Cooke's mother and youngest brother died of disease two years later. He would work at the ranch for the next six years, becoming known around the area for his skill with a pistol, even though he had to use it for official business only rarely.

17-Jul-2017 09:43:19



Posts: 2,042 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
At the age of 18, the Crystallis War started, and Cooke, along with his brother directly after him in birth order, was drafted by the Veranian side. While the conflict was over in only 3 months, the price had been steep for him. Most of his friends from both the ranch and his new friends in the army had died in the battles. He spent most of the war in a sick camp from a single, though serious, bullet wound after his first and only battle. When he returned to the ranch, he found that his brother that had been drafted had not survived the war, and his only brother remaining had left and had not been heard from since, supposedly to join the war effort in whatever way he could. All that was left was a goodbye note.

There was nothing left for Cooke at the ranch. He said goodbye to his uncle, and headed out, for the first two years being a traveling vagrant living off wages from the ranch and what little he got from the army. One day on his travels, he met a bounty hunter from Nalis, and upon being allowed to hold his gun, knew he wanted one of his own. Cooke went to Nalis and bought the gun, and started working as a bounty hunter for the Guild, using the house of an Aunt as a temporary base of operations.

Other: I use the other category, thank you very much! For instance, would it be all right if Cooke was chasing a Bounty Target that he followed onto the ship? The target could happen to be wherever the action is. Other Bounty Hunter types could be looking for this person as well.

17-Jul-2017 09:43:54



Posts: 19,719 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Bio Format~

Name: Bridgett Melisande
Age: 18
Gender: Female

5’6”, 52kgs. Bridgett wears her crimson hair in a bun, and possesses green eyes.

Profession/Skills: Spearmanship, Physical Conditioning, Proactive Time Management, Mental Fortitude, Horse-riding and... cooking?

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:
Wears fitted ornate plate armour and a red crystallis-imbued spear, the tip capable of heating to temperatures that can melt steel. Both were “birthday” presents.

The Melisande are an antiquated ‘noble house’ of Nalis, one that can trace their proud history of valour for generations. The family has long since been entrenched in the Nalis military, going so far as to prepare their firstborn children for military service practically as soon as their feet hit the ground. Needless to say, their name has long since come to be respected, No mean feat in a society that merits achievements over heritage.

Bridgett was born a first, and only, child. Her mother died in labour before she was born, leading to a somewhat boisterous childhood. While other little girls might have played dress up, toyed with dolls or hid in their mother furls, Bridgett’s earliest memories were of the yard practicing spear drills, or running the fields until she collapsed from exhaustion. Even when her father was away on an excursion, she never dared slack even a single repetition for fear her father might be watching.

When war broke out 8 years ago, Bridgett’s father was ordered to lead a contingent against the enemy. Considering the possibility of his lines being broken, he sent his daughter to a close friend’s residence, the Arenar family. Here she met Gareth, perhaps the most infuriating layabout she ever did see. He was smart, sure, but he acted like a coward who cared naught for family honour! The two were clearly destined to be polar opposites!

18-Jul-2017 12:41:48



Posts: 19,719 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After four months, Bridgett returned to her household, returning to the days of drill repetition under the watchful gaze of her father. Only, over time, she realised she wasn’t doing it because she was told to. She would wake up at the crack of dawn practice because she wanted to. She likened the training to becoming closer to her ancestors – to her mother.

On her 18th birthday, she was sent her recruitment… forms? Yes. Plural. Two. One was addressed to Garreth (that layabout?), with an accompanying air ticket for Verania. Her father only smirked infuriatingly, saying he owed the Arenar’s – perhaps they were asking her to persuade him? It was the least she owed him!

Other: -

18-Jul-2017 12:42:06

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
~Bio Format~

Name: Annie Wells
Age: 12
Gender: Female

Appearance: 4”8, weights 88 pounds. A cute young girl in a green shirt, jeans and sneakers. She has long blond hair and eyes that possess a curious dark blue.

Profession/Skills: She’s small and light, so she can reach or hide in places that others can’t. She was very smart,brave, curious about everything around her and knows survival skills.

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: a suitcase with clothes and other stuff to meet her father. She has small purse containing her travel pass, a fistful of note,some sandwiches, and drinks.

Annie was the product of a separated family, her father moving away to take his post as a military ambassador when she was very little. This arrangement continued until recently, when Annie’s mother became frail and sickly. Leaving her in the care of her uncle for a time, she would arrange for her father to take guardianship.

A week after she died, Annie’s father made contact via letter. He would be happy to see her! The letter contained a single airship ticket, with an extra note – don’t be late!

Other: I’m totally going to use it. Just give me a minute. Any second now. Yup, I got nothing.

18-Jul-2017 22:25:23 - Last edited on 11-Feb-2018 19:39:10 by Annie1227



Posts: 35,939 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The interior of the Enerias changed little as the vessel entered the storm. Those near the windows or in the highest deck would feel the change more than any others as the rain began falling, striking the glass and then sliding down as though it wished to join those inside. All decks remained lit, the crystallis lamps taking over as the clouds closed around them and cut off the sunlight that had been streaming through up until this point.

The main difference came in the form of the sudden turbulence as the winds buffeted the hull, creating a slightly unstable standing surface for the few moments it took for the crew to compensate as best they could. While the effects were not removed, it did allow for a surface that one could walk on without being constantly afraid that it would shift and force them to grab onto something or fall.

Most of the passengers elected to remain in their seats at this point, deciding to simply let the storm pass before trying to do anything further. A few children still ran through the decks, taking advantage of the recently cleared area, while their parents either followed them when they changed decks or watched them from their seats on the sides of the aisle, making sure that they were not causing trouble. A person here or there leaned outward, away from the isle, as they tried not to get sick into the bag held in front of them from the turbulence and the rocking of the vessel.

Most people were in the decks, only a few taking to the lounge at this point. A man and a woman held a card game across the table that sat in the back edge near the door, while another, solitary young woman sat in one of the two chairs that faced towards the large window that extended from floor to ceiling. The pair seemed to be engaged in a mid-stakes game of some kind of poker, while the other was gazing out the window with a glass of something from the bar swirling in her hand.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

22-Jul-2017 00:27:00

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