
Scions of Sorcery – fantasy RP

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Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Welcome, this role-play will be undergoing a rather different execution. This role-play has a strong emphasis on powerful magic (hence the title), and is planned to combine all users as a single group pursuing a main quest but also involving their own backstories, but users can create antagonists if they wish.

All bios will have a short history that will serve at least as a subplot for the role-play. All user-submitted bios will also have an according companion of some sort that I (attempt to) create, so that I am directly and uniquely involved with every character sometime in the role-play.

The role-play is also planned to feature ''surprise events'' which will suddenly introduce phases such as extremely powerful villains, natural disasters, roaming monsters or unemployed soldiers, wandering masses of active magic, or whatever else can be thought of. There will also be ''mini-game'' events, of which users can role-play as something different, changing how things work out once in a while.

The main quest of this role-play is a simple one, in that the descendants of powerful sorcerers are driven by visions and so must unite to save the world, or conquer it, or recreate it, or destroy it, but there are multiple other realms to be explored, to be introduced and described as the role-play progresses. Whatever choices the users make, decisions will impact entire worlds, leading to redemption, transfiguration, recreation, or destruction. What choice will you make?

04-Feb-2017 05:34:53 - Last edited on 05-Jul-2017 21:26:57 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1: Intro, Character Creation Prompt, Natural Abilities, Supernatural Abilities
2: Supernatural Abilities continued
3: Supernatural Abilities continued, The World, Factions
4: Factions continued, Races
5: Races continued, Mounts

Character Creation Prompt

For random character creations, skills are 1-44 and then all tiers 1-3, faction or locale is 1-22, and races are 1-35.
Users can also intro boss-like characters if they wish, to control a powerful but temporary force to go against other players until its inevitable demise.

Age: (must be at least 16-years-old)
Race: (race, faction, locale, if applicable)

Appearance: (height, weight, and appearance of body, eyes, hair, scars, tattoos, makeup, etc.; Imgur images can also be used to showcase character, equipment, or anything else; useful search keys may include titles of video game franchises)

Attire: (casual attire, not any kind of equipment)


Abilities: (you have three points to spend, so choose up to three abilities or become stronger in one ability by spending more points in the same ability; abilities grant powers, equipment, and traits, so choose wisely; you can list your tier and ability however you want, such as 'Minor Pyromancy' or 'Heavy Infantry' or 'Psionics, Major' or what have you)

Retinue: (three points to spend for mounts, pets, companions, or entities that accompanies this character, if applicable to one's locale; maximum three retinue characters for balance, and retinue larger than a human are worth two points, and anything to the maximum of quadrupled the size is worth three points)

Backstory: (history of character(s) and mount(s); backstory must correlate to the abilities you have chosen in some way, but an unknown history nullifies that requirement)

Other: (anything else you feel is important to share)

04-Feb-2017 05:35:01 - Last edited on 18-Mar-2017 02:36:37 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Each character has three points to spend to start with, capable of becoming a master in a single ability by spending all three points in that ability, just two, or choosing multiple abilities for a more flexible character. Each ability has three tiers, and each point grants you one tier in that ability, and so decrees your available skills and equipment. This is to keep things simpler and quicker to work through, and to avoid overpowered characters early on.

Users are free to customize or create their own abilities that grants their powers, skills and equipment, so long as it somewhat reflects a balanced tier system. Magical abilities can be customized to reflect a specific in magic, such as enchantment or alchemy.

An additional point is granted at the end of each quest, allowing characters to gradually become stronger as the role-play progresses, but it does not grant additional equipment. Higher tiers give you more power over NPCs and characters who are of a lower tier than you in the according category, but this does not guarantee anything.

When choosing an ability, start with the tier, then add the ability afterwards. For example, Heavy Cavalry is an ability worth two points, so I'd have one point left over, which I then could use to get an tier 1 ability such as Minor Pyromancy, Cunning Guile, Minor Warping, Common Mercantile, and so on.

04-Feb-2017 05:35:05 - Last edited on 08-Feb-2017 23:20:08 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Natural Abilities

Each ability is followed by number(s), allowing random selection; the tiers are then 1-3.

Infantry and/or Cavalry | 1, 2
Soldiery are trained to fight as light, heavy or cataphract forces, either on foot or mounted on a beast (see page 5 for mounts), armed and unarmed. Infantry are trained to march long distances, and so have lots of stamina and endurance due to always walking, and can run faster than any other soldiery. However, riders do not train so much in marching, so do not have as much stamina or endurance as infantry, relying on their horses for transport. Soldiers have average salaries, so have some starting money unlike most other abilities. Spending points in both Infantry and Cavalry count as separate abilities.


Light : No armour, or light armour such as boiled leather, padded, or silk, sometimes have shields. Can effectively wield any kind of weapon, and are fast, hardy, and very acrobatic. Mounts often small, light, fast and hardy.

Examples are peltasts, most militias, velites, hussars, akinji, streltsy, landsknechts, most archers, ghilmans, slingers, musketeers, dog soldiers, jaguar warriors and eagle warriors, most gladiators, or most barbarian warriors.

Heavy : Armoured in mail, plated mail, lamellar, scale, coat-of-plates, brigandine, jazerant, cuirass, partial plate armour, etc. May wield larger shields. Sometimes archers or crossbowmen. Mounts are strong and heavy. Heavy soldiery good at melees, but mediocre with ranged weapons, but can use thrown weapons adequately.

Examples are hoplites, Roman legionnaires and Roman cavalry, phalangites, thorakitai, sarissaphoroi, hetairoi, medieval European handgunners and crossbowmen, medieval knights, winged hussars, janissaries, mamluks, sipahi, bucellarii, bushi, huscarls, demi-lancers, cuirassiers, carabiniers, hakkapeliitat, ironside troopers, or reiters.

04-Feb-2017 05:35:10 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2017 04:06:05 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Cataphract : Covered with armour or wearing very heavy armour, such as historic cataphracts, late medieval and Renaissance knights/men-at-arms, crupellarii, condottieri, qapukulu, khassaki, ahadis cavalry, gendarmes, samurai, or royal/heavy mamluks/sipahi. Due to very heavy armour, slow and lack stamina, and overheat quickly. Mounts are large and powerful, but slow, and may be armoured. Excels at melees, but limited with ranged and thrown weapons.

Hunting | 3

The skills of stalking, scouting, tracking, trapping, and killing with ranged weapons, and so also increases proficiency with throwing and ranged weapons. Higher tiers enables surviving extreme environments and living off the land. Hunters may have hunting animals with them.


Basic : Enables simple hunting and survival.

Adept : Enables efficient stalking, tracking, trapping, and killing, not only of animals, but also men. Allows user to survive extreme conditions and live off the land.

Master : Become beast master, allowing one to befriend animals. Enables precise utilization of any ranged weapon, always hitting the head or heart to maximize damage.

Mercantile | 4
Rich citizens who can afford the best goods, clothes and food. Militia merchants can afford excellent military equipment and mounts, and can be mistaken for knights, but lack the skill of true soldiery.

Common : Adds riches and goods.
Successful : Enables boundless wealth.

Militia : Enables military equipment.

Fervour | 5
Holy and religious individuals, resistant to darkness, evil, sorcery, devilry, and the undead.


Common : Basic cleric, such as a friar, preacher, pastor, monk, nun, priest, deacon, bhikkhu, dervish, imam, sadhu, rabbi, etc. Common clerics can preform preaching, form a congregation in a temple, or simply serve as a wandering ascetic.

04-Feb-2017 05:35:14 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2017 04:08:01 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
High : Cleric with power, such as a bishop, inquisitor, shaman, druid, archpriest, abbot, abbess, mufti, sage, or ayatollah. These clerics are in charge of a temple and the lesser clerics in it, or may be wandering ascetics other clerics can recognize as being divinely inspired. They have greater defensive and offensive power than lesser clerics.

War : War clerics who go to battle, such as sohei, ghazi, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller, Teutonic Knights, crusaders, or European war clerics of the Middle Ages. These warrior clerics are rich enough to acquire good military gear and tend to be fearless and ferocious in battle. May also be riders, but are not true military cavalry.


The art of trickery, stealth, thievery, infiltration, evasion, espionage, sabotage, assassination, and terrorism. Unpopular with citizenry and the law.


Cunning : Possessing skill in deceit and evasion to reach one's goals. Enables the making of poisons and blinding bombs.

Trained : An agent trained to preform one's slyness, increases the chances of successful infiltration, espionage, sabotage, and murder. Enables seemingly supernatural stealth.

Lethal : Elite or brutal operatives tended to be rare in history. The hashashim and shinobi/ninjas (and possibly praeventores) were professional, elite agents of assassination, sabotage and terrorism.

Oppositely of a shinobi/ninja or hashashin, a rakehell was a Renaissance era European noble who delved into debauchery, debt one never cared to pay back, brawling, gambling, crime, murder, heavy drinking, banditry, even plundering. Coming from the nobility, rakehells were also fencers, riders, and wealthy, and sometimes even wore armour. When such a chaotic individual becomes a hired agent, only destruction would await, and being wealthy meant that they could bribe just about anyone!

04-Feb-2017 05:35:18 - Last edited on 09-Mar-2017 03:09:16 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Supernatural Abilities
Magic cannot be cast inside other living beings, as the soul is a natural resistance to magic, and summoning harmful magic inside other people would be way overpowered. All magic seems to be powered by psionics or pressure, hence why magical projectiles are often unleashed as if directed by force or pressure.

Frequency is limited to one cast per post for most magic, but some other types of magic will have longer cool-downs and if so will be mentioned. Generally, effectiveness of magic is limited to the intelligence, size, weight and surface area of the user; the fatter and smarter the caster, the stronger and larger one's magic becomes. Users may create their own supernatural abilities or magic.

All disciplines of magic can enchant items and mounts, starting on the second tier. At the third tier, the according magic can interfere with lesser enchantments if possible. For example, a tier 3 cryomancer can freeze a pyromancy-imbued sword from a tier 2 pyromancer, removing the fiery addition. Generic magic counts as tier 1 enchantments.

Magic-users popularly wear robes and wield staffs or wands, and so this is added to their base equipment.

Magic in relation to fire or heat will be in red.

Magic in relation to ice or coldness will be in bright blue.

Magic in relation to nature or earth will be in green.

Magic that is forbidden will be in orange; forbidden magic is not taught in magic guilds, and so must be learned from banned books, outcast sorcerers, demons, ruins, artifacts, and so on.

Magic in relation to water or moisture will be in purple.

Magic in relation to electricity, lightning, or light will be in yellow.

When searching for magic, examine the colours they are posted in rather than reading through everything to find what is suitable for your tastes.

04-Feb-2017 05:35:22 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 20:33:08 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Generic Magic
These disciplines are not specified to a single discipline, but include multiple forms of magic.

Wizardry | 7

Casual magic, practitioners of wizardry often do not have a bad reputation, as they tend to be educated and responsible; sometimes called mage or magician. Their magic popularly involves the casting of variously shaped coloured projectiles, which seem to be fragments of the supernatural itself, but it is unknown what exactly this typical 'magic' really is or consists of, but it is capable of damage. The wizardry community sometimes use the term prestidigitator to humorously refer to inept or failed magic-users.

An individual's wizardry may involve alchemy and a fraction of various divinations and psionics, but even masters of wizardry do not possess the full potential of any divinations or psionics. Adept and Master sorcerers can induce simple shape-shifting and enchant items, however specific divinations can interfere with their enchantments. Higher tiers allows greater control of the shape, size and speed of the magical projectiles.


Sorcery | 8

Magic that is more dangerous or darker than wizardry, practitioners of sorcery often have a negative reputation, and may go by names such as witch, invoker, conjurer, sorcerer, or warlock. Such magic is more potent than wizardry and the users tend to be disobedient and serve their own interests, hence their negative reputation. The projectiles of sorcery tend to be dark, and seem to be fragments of evil or demonic magic.

Sorcery often also involves dark magic, alchemy, psionics, pyromancy, necromancy, and other forbidden divinations, but even masters of sorcery cannot utilize divinations or psionics at full potential. Stronger sorcery can induce simple shape-shifting and enchant items, but specific divinations can interfere with the enchantments.


04-Feb-2017 05:35:26 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 20:37:04 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aspromancy | 9

Meaning 'white divination' aspromancy is magic that is focused on healing the sick, wounded, and unhappy. As such, aspromancers are healers, workers of miracles, and exorcists, and their presence debilitates the undead. Useful among clerics, but is sometimes used as a means to make money.

Mavromancy | 10

Meaning 'black divination' but often referred to as 'black magic' or 'dark arts', mavromancy is a forbidden form of magic, and includes the utilization of powerful curses, summoning dark forces such as poltergeists or undead or demons, corruption of minds, and other forbidden magics. It is often associated with sorcery: all mavromancers are sorcerers of some sort, but not all sorcerers are mavromancers. Mavromancers are crueler and rarer than sorcerers, and tend to also have blades. Obviously, they are hated more than sorcerers.

Ieromancy | 11

Meaning 'holy divination' this sacred form of magic can only be used by the saintly and angelic, allowing the casting of bright magic that burns evil and heals the good. Only those pure with kindness, mercy, and sacrifice can use this magic; any form of deliberate evil causes this magic to leave the user until repentance. Unsurprisingly, ieromancers can combat any kind of devilry, wickedness, undead, sanctify corruption and curses, cure demoniacs, and are resistant to all evil forces.

Enables 'Angelic Metamorphosis', of which the user sprouts large feathery wings, gets a halo, and has a bright aura; higher tiers grant larger wings and brighter halo and aura. The transformation requires one post to complete, and another to revert the user back to original form.


Guardian Angel's


04-Feb-2017 05:35:30 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2017 21:11:16 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Kakomancy | 12

Meaning 'evil divination' this forbidden, diabolic magic can only be used by the hellbound and demonic in nature, those whose hearts are filled with hatred, sadism, wrath, chaos, or interest in the demonic. It allows kakomancers to summon demons and poltergeists, taint areas or people, cause moral corruption, and unleash swirling black magic that suffocates or enshrouds foes. They are openly despised by most folk.

Enables 'Demonic Metamorphosis' of which the individual transforms into a demonic version of oneself. Higher tiers grant larger and longer wings, horns and tail, and may make the user become animalistic in appearance and behaviour. The transformation takes one post to complete, and one more to revert the user back to original form. Those who change into demons will surely frighten most people, and may instigate hostility from those against evil.






Mind over matter; psionics literally use the power of their thoughts to manipulate their surroundings. They can emit brief pushes of force, which blasts things away or amplify one's jumps. They also possess mental projection, allowing them to conjure up to a few handheld items.

Warping | 13
Magical travelling or movement at high speeds. Greater tiers can be used to warp targets up to one's own body weight to smash into other targets. Heavier targets require more concentration and energy. Warp can be cast once every third post.
Minor : Warping only applies to oneself or handheld objects.
Major : Warping applies to oneself, animals, lesser beings, and inanimate objects nearby.
Supreme : Warping applies to anything nearby and with greater force.

04-Feb-2017 05:35:35 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2017 21:14:20 by Azi Demonica

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