
Scions of Sorcery – fantasy RP

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Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Cryomancy | 33

Meaning 'freezing divination' this magic lowers the temperature of objects, the user, or the area, but cannot be cast into living things. It does not necessarily utilize icy magic, but simply lowers temperature, which can also create fog. Unsurprisingly, cryomancers are resistant to freezing environments, frostbite, and even fire, but sensitive to hot weather. They can even put themselves into hibernation, as they usually don't die by freezing.

: Can lower temperature of objects or self, or the area to create fog.

Major : Can put objects or self into a freezing state, and imbue weapons, armour, shields or projectiles with extreme coldness, making them useful against fiery enemies. Cryomancer immune to frostbite and resistant to fire attacks.

Supreme : Can put self or anything inanimate to subzero temperature. Anything put into subzero temperature is brittler. Fog creates icicles wherever it goes, freezing anything in its path and making the air extremely cold. User immune to frostbite and fire. Being frozen induces suspended animation and not death.

Vrontimancy | 34

Meaning 'thunder divination' this power is of thunder and the thunderclap. Thunder is just the sound of lightning, but it creates thermal expansion, heat, and a sonic shock wave. Therefore, vrontimancers can unleash an extremely loud thermal expansion, which creates heat and a sonic shock wave, capable of hotly blasting aside incoming enemies and projectiles. Can be cast every second post.

: Can unleash thermal expansion, heat and a sonic shock wave, useful for blasting away anything nearby.

Major : Amplifies the thermal expansion, strong enough to damage small buildings, and loud enough to cause temporary deafness.

04-Feb-2017 05:40:48 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 20:58:34 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Supreme : A supreme vrontimancer can unleash thermal expansion with such force, it will cause a small crater on the ground, and this is enough to damage buildings, put flammable material on fire, sway trees, and send up to dozens of men flying off their feet probably unconsciously. It is so loud it bursts eardrums, causing deafness for several hours or more.

Lavamancy | 35

Exactly as the title suggests, this magic means 'lava divination', and unleashes some of the most terrifying forces from the depths of the earth. A lavamancer is capable of sensing where magma or magma chambers reside, and unleashing them as lava to terrify and destroy foes. Although powerful, the lavamancer is not granted resistances to fire or heat, so this power may backfire with disastrous consequences, thus is a forbidden discipline. Can be cast every fourth post.

: Senses where a magma chamber is, breaking it open, and unleashing the molten rock onto the surface.

Major : Enables summoning a lava beast, a powerful entity made of molten rock. However, thoroughly cooling a lava beast causes it to harden and become immobile, defeating it.

Supreme : Enables summoning a miniature volcano.

Phytomancy | 36

Meaning 'plant divination' this magic allows the practitioner to communicate with the plant world. It is not the most exciting power, but phytomancers can locate useful herbs, roots, mushrooms, berries, flowers, and specialty ingredients to making medicines, healing potions, or poisons.

: Can locate useful plants to make potions or poisons.

Major : Enables summoning of carnivorous plants that attack user's enemies. Enables the use of vines and roots to come to life and spring to action, whipping or wrapping at enemies or targets. Enables controlling of plants. Immune to plant-based poison.

04-Feb-2017 05:40:49 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 20:59:53 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Supreme : Enables summoning of an ent. Ents are giants in the likeness of trees.

Iskiomancy | 37

Meaning 'shadow divination' this forbidden magic is one of concealment rather than attack. Iskiomancers create and control shadows, allowing them to blend in with shade to hide in darkness invisibly, though it works best during nighttime or dark places. Iskiomancy is directly involved in the netherworld, where the blackest shadows reside.

Old tales speak of a girl who was used for a demonic ritual, but all that remained was this kind of magic. However, even masters failed to replicate the true potential of her demonic power, and since none know who she is or what happened to her, the true capabilities of her magic will never be known.

: Enables creating and controlling shadows for concealment, and allows own shadow to pull itself forth and walk around as a shadowy companion or distraction.

Major : Enables contact with the netherworld, allowing the iskiomancer to pull out weapons, armour, shields, projectiles, or other items of shadows out the very darkness, and able to dive into the shadows and reappear anywhere there are shadows.

Supreme : Enables summoning of shadow monsters, beasts who emerge from darkness to attack their summoner's enemies, or even drag them through the shadows and take them into the netherworld!

Lampsimancy | 38

Meaning 'bright divination' this magic is of brightness, and causes the body to brighten or glow and so creates an aura of light. Also, lampsimancers can control the colour of their aura or light, or make oneself like a mirror. This magic, although not necessarily holy, burns away shadows and darkness, and creates warmth.

: Enables creating a bright aura or light shining out one's body, especially the veins and irises.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:06 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:03:38 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Major : Enables aura to be as bright as the sun, blinding anyone who stares directly at the user.

Supreme : A master lampsimancer can become an entity of bright light, able to move extremely quickly, one's presence is blinding and burns, and the user can teleport wherever there is light. The presence burns away shadows, darkness and evil.

Sarkamancy | 39

Meaning 'flesh divination' this forbidden power is of biological tissue, and sarkamancers possess regeneration. They can regrow lost body parts over time, and force their muscles to expand, becoming physically powerful.

A few ancient legends speak of an immemorable demon who mastered this flesh-magic, but he was destroyed and banished from the world. Since this magic is associated with a demon, it is forbidden. All that is left of him is his sorcery of regeneration and creation of fleshy abominations...

: Enables regeneration, and superhuman strength when muscles expand.

Major : Enables regeneration of companions, allowing them to take more damage before expiring. Allows user to morph one's body, allowing simple shape-shifting.

Supreme : Such a powerful sarkamancer is empowered by hyperactive cellular division, meaning one is very difficult to kill: organs, flesh, skin, and veins seemingly seal themselves shut when wounded. Also enables the master to resurrect freshly slain characters, and even create monsters or constructs from fresh corpses.

Arachnomancy | 40

Meaning 'spider divination' this scary, forbidden magic is of spiders, allowing one to spin spider webs through one's own mouth. As such, arachnomancers can use their 'human silk' to make traps, lassos, coccoons, whips, swings, bridges, gliders, tubes, coverings for wounds, clothes, and so on. However, silk is very flammable, and arachnomancers tend to exhibit pyrophobia.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:10 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:02:54 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
: Enables spinning webs out one's own mouth, to make into whatever is desired, or to spit onto targets to trap or blind them.

Major : Webs are coated with poison and acid, poisoning and burning those who touch it. Enables summoning of giant spiders in arachnid environments to aid the summoner. Enables arachnomancer to spit venom.

Supreme : Enables transforming into a giant spider or anthropomorphic spider in relation to the practitioner's own size and body weight, allowing user to spin sticky, poisonous, acidic webs incredibly fast, able to capture prey as if they were flies and wrapping them in silk. While transformed, the venom is so powerful that, once injected into a body, begins burning tissue and clots blood.

Iliazomancy | 41

Meaning 'sun divination' this magic is of the local sun, and strongest during day, but can reflect from the moon during nighttime. As such, iliazomancers concentrate on directing beams of sunlight, which blinds and burns targets, or force a very bright light to shine down. It seems to be an extreme form of focused pyromancy. Can only be used when in direct contact with the sun (cannot be used underground), whilst moonlight provides a fraction of the power. Can be cast every third post.

: The practitioner raises one's arms and stares at the sun, drawing the power of the sun, and unleashes it at the target. The result is a beam that will blind and burn whatever it touches, however it also blinds the caster for a while.

Major : Enables the iliazomancer to be solar-powered, meaning energy is converted from sunlight, negating the need for food during daytime, but liquids are still needed. Amplifies the power of the solar beam to incinerate targets.

Supreme : Enables summoning a miniature solar flare to flick across the targeted area, incinerating everything in its way.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:15 - Last edited on 24-Feb-2017 07:37:53 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Astromancy | 42

Meaning 'star divination' this magic is of stars, and strongest during nighttime; if cast during daytime, they only grant a fourth of their power. Astromancy summons starlight from all the stars of the nightsky to fall down and strike the targets or targeted area. Since stars besides the local sun are so far away, the magical power from stars is somewhat minimal, but there are many stars, and so many powers to summon as to strike a vast area, or focus all the stars into one spot for a concentrated barrage. The user must be in direct contact with starlight to use this power, and the local sun does not influence this magic. Can be cast every third post.

: Enables starlight barrage, summoning the power of stars to strike targets or an area as a vast barrage of very many burning projectiles.

Major : Enables all the stars to reflect their starlight from one another, focused into a single ray that then beams along the ground.

Supreme : Summon a miniature comet, an icy body that releases gases and heat as it melts, trailed by a long tail of water. The comet slams against the earth and releases all its energy in a powerful explosion, its tail also exploding and releasing a wave of heated gases and vapour. Can also summon a miniature meteorite to strike with incredible power.

Krystalomancy | 43

Meaning 'crystal divination' this magic is of crystals, and allows the practitioner to grow crystals out one's body, such as blades, spikes or clubs at one's arms, or to grow into shields, armour or barriers. The magical crystals grow very slowly, but once they form, crystal is very hard, capable of absorbing or outright deflecting magic, but is brittle. Can be cast every second post.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:19 - Last edited on 24-Feb-2017 07:40:07 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
: The krystalomancer can grow a few crystal objects out one's body, to utilize as weapons or protection, limited to half the size of the user. Crystal is very light and has extremely sharp edges.

Major : Enables growing up to several crystals on any earthly material or surface, allowing crystals to suddenly grow into structures, walls, obstacles, or weapons. These crystals cannot exceed the size of the caster. Also enables the practitioner to coat oneself in a thin layer of crystal.

Supreme : Crystals are improved to diamond, allowing the user to create extremely tough yet light material at will.

Radiatiomancy | 44

Meaning 'radiation divinity'... wait, what, radiation magic? Madness! Radiatiomancers can cast visible light, ultrasound, infrared, X-rays, radio waves, and ultraviolet on their bodies or onto objects, and can see with vision of such frequencies.

: Enables user to cast visible light, X-rays, ultraviolet, ultrasound, and infrared. Enables alpha radiation. Also allows practitioner to locate distant objects, and see with X-ray or infrared vision, or detect incoming things with ultrasound.

Major : Enables use of gravitational waves, electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, and beta radiation. Sounds awesome!

Supreme : Master radiatiomancers can emit gamma rays, neutron radiation, and even charge subatomic particles to penetrate targets. Anyone who reaches this level of power will surely die within a few months if they overdo this power, unfortunately, as this power inevitably causes radiation poisoning. Or, maybe it's not unfortunate...

04-Feb-2017 05:45:31 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:08:33 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everything beyond this line is optional.

The World

It's based off a fantastical equivalent of the real-world, of which all continents have twisted into one another. Most of the world is full of forests and wild animals, which includes all prehistoric animals and plants of all of earth's history, including mythical beasts and legendary monsters. As mentioned earlier, there are other worlds and realms, to be described and explored later on.

The human civilizations are based off of real-world equivalents throughout history, which mingle and share land in this timeless world, continuing conflict and minor wars. Each faction has a summary of its history if you are interested.

Human Factions/Locale
Default but optional content to serve as a story or basis for any kind of historic, fictional, or fantastical character or feature. Factions also serve as locale.

The Gothic Kingdom | Gothicans are based on Renaissance Europeans, notable for their Gothic architecture, and are always involved in intercity wars. Sub-factions include the Holy See and vassals of Frankish dukes, princes and petty kings, and are always fighting among themselves. Gothicans have sent traders to most parts of the world, and are colonizing major continents as well. Slaves are rare in Gothic territory, but Gothicans do slave trading in Africa and sometimes overseas. The Gothic Kingdom has access to the best weapons, armour, castles, battleships, guns and cannons, and possess the largest, strongest, heaviest warhorses for their cataphract cavalry.

The Roman Empire | Romans are based on Ancient Romans, Roman Republic, Roman Empire, Gallo-Romans, and Romano-British. The Romans have unity, going through a few civil wars, but once they split from their eastern half, they separated from the Byzantines forever. They can construct immense onagers and ballistae.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:35 - Last edited on 17-Mar-2017 19:51:42 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Hellenistic Empire | Helens are based on the Macedonian Empire, Seleucid dynasty, Antigonid dynasty, Ptolemaic dynasty, and other Greek states and colonies. They once had unity but now the descendants of the Diadochi are always fighting one another. They can construct immense siege towers.

The Vikings | Vikings are based on Scandinavians and peoples of the Nordic countries from the Dark Age and Viking Age. Master seafarers, Vikings tend to exhibit occasional unity, and when not raiding others are fighting themselves.

The Franks | Franks are based on medieval Europeans, Latins, Christendom, Carolingian Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Normans, and including the British Isles, Saxons, Danes, etc. They consist of various principalities, dukedoms, baronies, and petty kingdoms that are always at war with one another. Sub-factions include the various Crusader States, the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller, Teutonic Knights, the Knights Santiago, and the Graal Knights (knights who seek the Holy Grail). The Franks are persistent adventurers but always fighting among themselves. Franks have the least amount of slaves; slaves are rare in Frankish lands, and Franks generally do not practise enslavement but are indifferent towards it.

The Barbarians | Barbarians are based on various European tribes from Ancient Times, such as Gauls, Celts, Britons, Suebi, Dacians, Franks, Thracians, and so on. Barbarians are always fighting among themselves and others, but rarely invade beyond their forests. Barbarians are masters of chariotry and throwing spears and javelins.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:39 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2017 21:57:01 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Byzantine Empire | Byzantines are based on the Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Empire of Nicaea, Byzantine Greeks, Macedonian dynasty, Heraclian dynasty, etc. They also include various Balkan and Circassian peoples. The Byzantines are Romanized Greeks and have unity but are on the defence, fending off extreme invasions of Sultanians and occasional crusaders. Byzantines also possess flamethrowers, Greek fire, and camelry.

The Voivodes | Voivoders are based on medieval to Renaissance East Europeans, such as the Kievan Rus, Kingdom of Poland, Kingdom of Hungary, the Grand Duchy of Moscow, and includes Cossacks, Romanians, Transylvanians, Balkan peoples, and so on. Always fighting amongst themselves and defending against crusaders and Khaners. Voivoders are master cavalry. Sub-faction is the Order of the Dragon.

The Balts | Balts are based on Baltic Europeans, especially the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, including Prussians, Samogitians, Latgalians, etc. Overall defensive with some unity.

The Khanate | Khaners are based off the Mongols, Mongol Empire, Timurid Empire and Dynasty, Khitan Empire, and various steppe peoples from Antiquity to the Renaissance, including Tartars, Kazaks, Kalmuks, Huns, Sarmatians, Goths, Scythians, Slavs, Vandals, Rus', etc. They are a mix of steppe Asians, East Europeans, and Eurasians. Often invading others and fighting among themselves at the same time. Khaners are master cavalry.

Pharaoh's Kingdom | Pharaonicians are based off Ancient Egyptians, Pharaonic eras, Ptolemaic Kingdom, Nubians, Canaanites, Syrians, and similar peoples. Pharaoh's realm is culturally flexible and diverse over the past few thousand years, and has unity among the native population, but there is a civil war between the natives and the Hellenistic populace. Pharaonicians are master slingers and charioteers, and can also field camelry.

04-Feb-2017 05:45:43 - Last edited on 06-Feb-2017 07:57:38 by Azi Demonica

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