
Scions of Sorcery – fantasy RP

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Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Theropsidians tend to be carnivores, but can include some plants in their diet, making them quite versatile indeed, but, unsurprisingly, can be mistaken for demons. Despite their reptilian appearance and laying eggs, females breastfeed their young.

The rather scary Insectoids are a race of bipedal insects who evolved like humans. Insectoids vary in size, colour and shape greatly, but are at a maximum five feet tall and very light, appearing like a wasp, but their thorax is significantly smaller, moulded into the bottom of the thorax, and the thorax is significantly larger to shape a decent wasp-waisted torso. They walk on a pair of strong, long, thick legs, and have two pairs of arms with three short fingers at each hand. An Insectoid's exoskeleton is very hard and tough, but once penetrated or cracked open, takes a long time to heal; even marginal cuts or holes are potentially deadly for an Insectoid.

The Insectoids' abdomen has a stinger, and their mandibles are rather nasty. They also use their antennae to feel for things. Insectoids' compound eyes provide poor vision but allows them to see almost behind them. Insectoids can only live in dry, warm areas. They can't swim, and if they get wet, cannot fly. They live in colonies, making their own gigantic 'tower nests' to live in, but sometimes, couples, clans or tribes set out on their own to live in smaller nests.

Naturally vulnerable to fire, Insectoids have remained in the Stone Age, having no problem flaking flint and granite into tools and weapons all day, for they are naturally industrious creatures. They make tools, weapons, armour and shields out of hardwood as well, and can weave plant fibres into soft armour. They sometimes use their beeswax to make light shields.

04-Feb-2017 06:33:36 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 22:45:27 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Insectoids are insectivorous and carnivorous, and also make their own honey from pollen to eat. Insectoids are fond of alcohol from fermented nectar, but they hate seeing drunken individuals.

Not all undead are summoned by necromancers or sorcerers. Those who arise from death by their own accord are quite extraordinary, or cursed, or rejected from passing to heaven or hell, leading some to believe the state of being Unhallowed is a form of purgatory. Whatever the reason may be, from profanity to expurgation, vengeance to chastisement, the Unhallowed consist of any sentient being returning from the dead as a skeletal creature, different from the minions of necromancers in that Unhallowed are capable of independent thought, reasoning, action, and interests. Most Unhallowed are former humans, for humans are the most obsessed of the afterlife.

How undead skeletons move and produce voice without living tissue is not understood, but seem to be empowered by psionics, whilst the soul remains trapped in the skeleton as a poltergeist that can only affect one's own skeleton, and speaking with a ghostly voice. Often intimidating to behold, Unhallowed are not necessarily evil, but unlikely to find many friends from the world of the living.

They may also possess undead mounts and companions, and may even be necromancers themselves. The absence of needing to breathe, sleep, eat, or rest makes undead especially dangerous, but without flesh or blood, are very light, and so susceptible to heavy charges and prolonged melees. Curiously, their bones can heal on their own, a remnant of the soul and life, perhaps?

The Cetaceas (sometimes referred to as ''killer mermaids'') are a race of amphibious beings, who evolved similarly to humans, in the likeness of dolphins and killer whales.

04-Feb-2017 06:56:38 - Last edited on 17-Mar-2017 20:13:42 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Cetaceas re-evolved a pelvis, legs, shoulders and arms, having a long powerful tail with a horizontal caudal fin, and tall dorsal fin, a large broad head, powerful jaws, a broad torso that narrows down towards the hips, paddle-like hands and feet, and arms with large fins that project out from the back of the elbow up to the shoulder. They are usually man-sized or larger.

The largest ones are ''Killer Cetaceas'', but officially known as Orcusians, in the likeness of killer whales, who can grow up to fifteen feet tall and have a tail several feet long, and can weigh up to around a tonne (about two-thousand pounds). These killers can ram into and break smaller boats. Like Orcs, they are associated with the underworld.

Capable of swimming up to 40kph, Cetaceas have been known to jump into ships to attack the crew, but they are rather clumsy on land, as their limbs are designed for swimming. Although intelligent and possessing good eyesight, they are in the Stone Age, going to land to find flint or granite to make into weapons or tools. They are carnivorous mammals, can hold their breath for a dozen hours, and live in tribes, but cannot make buildings, instead preferring to bask on the beach then get back into the sea or ocean.

Cetaceas sometimes walk across longer distance to temporarily live in large lakes or rivers. They can also carve armour and weapons from hunted giant crabs or shells, using fibrous seaweed as lacing, threading, and cordage.

Plural Chelonii, they are a benign reptilian, amphibious, omnivorous race of huge bipedal turtles who evolved like humans, growing from six to nine feet tall, having huge shells and backs three to five feet across, and weighing up to a thousand pounds. However, ancient Chelonii can grow into gigantic proportions. Of low intelligence but excellent memory.

04-Feb-2017 06:56:48 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:31:24 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Having reached the Bronze Age due to living in large communities, Chelonii also turned out to be good diggers, and eventually they learned to making underground homes, or carving caves in seaside cliffs. This led them to understanding ores, and soon realized the potential of copper and bronze, and can make bronze equipment, but they also craft helmets, shields and weapons from giant crabs and seashells, and still employ neolithic crafts when living beyond seashores. Obviously superior in defense and capable of sinking their head and limbs into their shells, but they lack offense and speed especially on land. They can hold their breath for up to a dozen hours. Can't climb.

Chiropteras are a race of omnivorous megabats who evolved like humans. They are light, nimble, and rather small, no more than five feet tall and having a wingspan of up to two meters. They can crawl and fly, as their wings terminate into fingers, and can grip weapons and things with their feet while flying. Chiropteras have poor eyesight but supreme hearing, and tend to be intelligent and curious, and are unique in that they can utilize echolocation. They can carve cave networks to live in and make treetop villages. However, they are poor swimmers and runners.

The Anuras are a reptilian, amphibious, cold-blooded race of frog-newts, who evolved like humans, and are carnivorous and insectivorous. Their torso grows up to four feet tall and they have long tails like salamanders, and are excellent swimmers and hiders. Having bulging eyes allows them to look at a 100 degrees constantly. Although absent of threatening claws and teeth, their skin and saliva have toxins. They can protract their tongues up to a few feet, and have a transparent inner eyelid. Their young hatch underwater into tadpoles and gradually grow into their adult stage, and grow a vocal sac. Despite low intelligence, they advanced to the Bronze Age.

04-Feb-2017 06:56:53 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:30:36 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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The Nephropidaens are a race of evolved lobsters, whose bodies elongated so that the front half curves upwards for a few feet. Their tails and torsos each can be up to a few feet long. They have two pairs of powerful thick legs with small claws, a lobed tail, and then their arms end in huge pincers, which are sometimes unequal. Nephropidaens' carapace is hard and tough, being their natural armour. Their heads have two antennae, two antennules, mandibles, two maxillae, and three maxillipeds. Having evolved into amphibious beings capable of living in both fresh and salt water, their reflective eyes are within their heads and have carapace-eyelids.

Due to their natural armour and weapons, they had little reason to invest in technology, and are only in the Stone Age, sometimes going onto land for collecting usable flint and granite. Although of simple brainpower, they can make shields, weapons and armour from giant seashells and crustaceans. Like Orcinusians, Nephropidaens use fibrous seaweed for lacing and cordage. Since they do not have fingers, only pincers, how they grip and utilize weapons is limited. Peculiarly, they have blue blood, and cannot run, only walk as fast as they can. Can't climb.

Rhinokeroses are a herbivorous race of bipedal rhinos, who evolved like humans, re-evolving shoulders and stocky arms with four stubby fingers. Larger and stronger than Minotaurs and even Giants, Rhinokeroses can grow up to an intimidating thirteen feet tall, and weigh around a tonne.

Covered with extremely thick collagen, their hide is resistant even to firearms, but means they are inflexible and cannot turn easily or quickly. They have two horns, the lower one much larger, allowing them to brutally gore foes. Of low intelligence but covered in natural armour, they advanced to the Stone Age, living in clay huts or roaming savannas for food. Too heavy to climb, and slow swimmers.

04-Feb-2017 06:56:58 - Last edited on 24-Feb-2017 21:42:01 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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In this role-play, Centaurs are not a human torso glued onto a beheaded horse's neck, but a race of bipedal horses who evolved like humans, which is more sensible considering phylogeny. They evolved shoulders and arms, and are intelligent and have good communication skills and excellent sense of balance.

Although they can grow up to ten feet tall and so are taller than Minotaurs, Centaurs are not as heavy or strong and don't have as much stamina, but are nimbler and can run much faster. Centaurs are usually no more than eight hundred pounds, but the largest Centaurs can be as heavy as Minotaurs. Being so big and heavy, Centaurs cannot climb when reaching adulthood.

Centaurs are nomadic roamers, living in yurts when not running wild and free. They advanced to the Bronze Age, and are fond of archery and skirmishing. However, Centaurs tend to lack courage and pain tolerance. They are easily frightened, and openly afraid of pain and death, making them prone to unnecessary panicking and fleeing. Smaller, man-sized Centaurs are often called Satyrs, as Satyr refers both to a goat-man and horse-man, especially in the Hellenistic world.

Otarii (singular Otari) are a race of amphibious mammals, who evolved like humans, in the likeness of sea lions and walruses, who re-evolved shoulders, arms, and legs. Those with tusks can weight up to four thousand pounds and be quite huge, whereas those without tusks are much smaller, around man-sized. Bearing flipper-like legs and arms and tails with flippers on the end, they are well-adapted to swimming, but can clumsily walk. Intelligent and with good communication skills, but advanced only to the Bronze Age, due to being on water mostly.

The largest, heaviest, strongest race, Olifants are evolved bipedal elephants who grow up to twenty feet tall and weigh around three tonnes (about six thousand pounds). Having evolved shoulders and arms, they have short stubby fingers.

04-Feb-2017 06:57:04 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2017 22:13:19 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Very thick skin, huge head, tusks, and trunk, adds to their natural arsenal. Despite their huge size, Olifants are very intelligent and can run very fast-especially when angry-but have poor eyesight. Capable of smashing down even Giants, Minotaurs and houses, Olifants have little reason to make weapons and armour, so are in the Stone Age. They don't bother making homes, why would they ever need a roof? Can't climb or swim.

The tribal omnivorous Suinas are a race of bipedal hogs, with the likeness of warthogs, giant forest hogs, and boars, who evolved like humans, having shoulders and arms. They are similar to the Quilboars from Warcraft. Growing up to seven feet tall and weighing up to five hundred pounds, they are strong, hardy, brave, and have tusks. They have long manes, and tough fur and skin.

Rather humorous to observe, as they tend to push their snouts into the ground to dig for food, they gorge loudly and childishly, love rolling in mud, and frequently oink happily. Although they may act stupidly and don't look smart, they are actually quite intelligent, and have better eyesight than Minotaurs. As such, Suinas reached the Iron Age. They live in tribes or clans, and follow their noses (and appetites), eating just about anything, even carrion! Also known to drink booze until they literally drop.

The nomadic Ursuses are an omnivorous race of bipedal bears, who evolved like humans, having shoulders and arms. Growing up to eight feet tall and weighing up to over a thousand pounds, despite their size and weight, they are adept thinkers, runners, climbers, and swimmers. Possessing powerful claws, sense of smell, jaws, teeth, and a big head, these truly formidable beings advanced to the Iron Age. Their only drawback is rather poor eyesight.

04-Feb-2017 06:57:16 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:48:51 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Arktoideas are an omnivorous mammalian bipedal race that evolved like humans, in the likeness of raccoons, red pandas, weasels, badgers, otters, beavers, and whatnot. They are not big, growing only up to four feet tall and having long bushy tails, but are clever, curious, cunning, brave, vicious, and natural-born problem-solvers. Excellent in quickness, memory, reaction, climbing, agility, and swimming.

Digging dens and caves allowed them to eventually understand ores, and they reached the Iron Age. They tend to carve homes inside huge trees or dig caves to live in, but they also make villages in trees or in huge beaver dams.

Sometimes getting into conflict with Goblins and Dwarfs over the best mining areas, Arktoideas prefer to stay out of trouble, but are quite ferocious when cornered: they can fight like little possessed devils and their saliva is infectious. Their natural smallness, nimbleness, craftiness, and slyness allows them to be excellent thieves.

The Arbors are a simple-minded race of Stone Age sentient plants. They have a bodily shape like a human, a huge head, bark for skin, round eyes, a pipe-like mouth, and a head topped with foliage or a mushroom cap or flower petals. Extremely diverse, Arbors can be flower-like, mushroom-like, weed-like, or similar to any other kind of plant.

Usually smaller than humans, but ancient Arbors can grow into gigantic proportions. Easily angered and excited. Most live alone or in groups, simply planting themselves in the ground to grow, but sometimes they make villages and even fortresses. They fear fire and can float. Peculiarly, they can spit things with astounding force.

An enigmatic race named after the deity Morpheus, the God of Dreams, alluding to their surreal appearance. As such, Morpheusians are associated with dreaming, daydreaming, meditation, and are deeply spiritual and patient, but can suddenly be extremely aggressive.

04-Feb-2017 06:57:21 - Last edited on 19-Mar-2017 22:04:05 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Similar to insects, they consist of colonies ruled by a queen, living in underground ruins or caves converted into a hive, the lair having a black shiny interior excreted from their mouths to form surreal lairs with pockets for sleeping in. They are peculiar in that they have a tongue-like limb ending in a mouth already in their mouth. They have claws at the fingers and feet, and elongated heads presumably to increase the volume of vocalization, or to protect the spinal cord, or simply to increase the size of their brain. The matriarch lays eggs that then hatch into babies. The species seems to be mostly female.

Quite frightening to behold, especially when provoked or defending their queen, as Morpheusians fight like possessed maniacs, and will stop at nothing to literally rip their foes to pieces. They are sometimes mistaken for demons or even undead.

Thinner than humans, but can use their very long spined tails to flail or spear enemies. Covered with a hard exoskeleton, they are very tough, and have hotly acidic green blood. However, so many natural advantages means they are the most primitive race, incapable of creating tools, and have no language, but they are capable of magic. They are afraid of fire, and can be confused by very bright or flashing lights.

Drones are around man-sized, and possess extreme acrobatics, hardiness, athleticism, and durability, can climb almost any surface, and jump up to several meters.

The Matriarch stands up to twenty feet tall, incapable of climbing or jumping, but immensely powerful and weighing up to a tonne. Not the heaviest of beasts, but still intimidating.

The Patriarch is the only male member of the species, a hulking brute standing at around twenty feet tall and weighing about five thousand pounds. Having just two tiny arms useless for climbing or crawling, just enough for mating and picking itself back up.

04-Feb-2017 06:57:30 - Last edited on 07-Mar-2017 22:17:39 by Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Mounts | Available according to one's locale.



Big cat

Adolescent bear

Adolescent rhino

Adolescent elephant


Young battle boar

Great Wolf


Young basilisk

Chinese dragon (wingless but powerful swimmers)

Flyers | Most flying mounts by default are young, so not much larger than a horse at maximum. Flight requires lots of energy and so tires-out mounts faster, also causing the mount to need more rest.

Great Eagle

Great Owl

Great Raven





Winged Wolf

European dragon


Asian cockatrice

Draconic Mantis

Refers to a small boat incorporated with a hot air balloon, allowing the airship to fly, float and glide. Military airships are equipped with some cannons, and on-board marines are often equipped with long-ranged weapons.

04-Feb-2017 06:57:34 - Last edited on 20-Jul-2017 21:39:59 by Azi Demonica

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