~Ye Olde Story Guild~
Voice & Emotion: 90/100
Their was plenty of talking, and in all the right places at the right times. The emotion was rather good, but like all stories, it could have improving. What I couldn't understand was why you added the tilde for thoughts, i'm not a genius on this or anything but, thoughts and tildes don't go together. That's like doing this for speech, %Bob ate a banana.%
Originality: 100/100
*Claps* Your the *FIRST* to get a 100/100 from me.
You got this for,
1) Names
2) The idea
3) Original ideas
Description: 90/100
Very good character desription, land formations, ect.
Not the best score, but not the worst grade. The dragon description was very good tbh.
Mechanics: 99/100
i'm not a genius on this or anything but, thoughts and tildes don't go together. That's like doing this for speech, %Bob ate a banana.%
So, you got -1 for that.
Characters: 40/100
You need much, MUCH more character develepment. I was shocked, other then that, this is a pretty good story.
The following need more development,
Maraeth was pretty good though...
Plot: 100/100
Well thought out ideas, I got nothin' else... :\
Overall: 519/600
That's a... 86.5 - a B
04-Apr-2008 02:10:38