
Dragons of Surdaus

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This is, to say the least, a bit "off the beaten path" for me.
This Story is not Runescape-related; It's based on a RP I started tonight.
This is the Story of a normal, average, 10-year-old human boy that wakes up one morning to find he's been turned into a Dragon! This is the story of that boy as he journeys to find his destiny as the Emerald Dragon.

Enjoy Part 1 of The Emerald Dragon Series!

© 2007, All Rights Reserved

Ascension - Prequel to Dragons of Surdaus - starts on Page 6, finishes on Page 7.
Part II of The Emerald Dragon Series: Orion's Call
Part III of The Emerald Dragon Series: Return of the Light, Part 1
Part IV of The Emerald Dragon Series: Return of the Light, Part 2
Part V of The Emerald Dragon Series: Return of the Light, Part 3
Part VI of The Emerald Dragon Series: The Light's Shadow

:[< I >]> Laughing Dragon
~The blood of those you hurt will stain your hands forever~

:[< I >]> Laughing Dragon
~Live for peace, fight with honor, love with dedication... and you shall never die~

/*\Wielder of Dra'Kes'Nar/`\ ~Exploring the darkest corners of Gielinor~
/~=~ Infamous PSP Author of Runescape ~=~\

14-Sep-2007 05:46:25 - Last edited on 23-Jul-2009 10:37:20 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Table Of Contents
Part I
Prologue: A change of heart________Page 1, Post 3
Chapter I: Lost in the Woods________Page 1, Post 4
Chapter II: Dragon Dreams and Flying________Page 1, Post 6
Chapter III: Friends for Life________Page 1, Post 10
Chapter IV: Flying Lessons________Page 3, Post 3
Chapter V: A Dragon in Truth________Page 3, Post 10
Part II
Chapter VI: The Legend of Mount Raynor________Page 4, Post 5
Chapter VII: Fight of Destiny________Page 5, Post 3
Chapter VIII: Mount Raynor and the Last White Dragon________Page 5, Post 7
Epilogue: The End of the Road?________Page 5, Post 9

Chapter names subject to change

Bio Format on Page 15

First Review of this story (Posted on 'other forum')
-You use well roundded sentences; not just despcription but thought and speech.
-It isn't rambling on, just quick to the point.
-It was good how you described the whole body of the dragon.
-The title doesn't give much away, which is good.
-You seem very skilled, can't wait to read more
Only one less good thing I have to say:
You might want to bulk up your chapters.
Couldn't find any grammatical errors, so well done.
Characters: 19/20
Plot: 18/20
Grammar: 20/20
Total: 19/20

14-Sep-2007 05:48:22 - Last edited on 08-Dec-2008 06:58:15 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Part I:
A Change of Heart

I rolled onto my side, trying to fall back asleep, when I felt myself bump into something. Jolting awake, I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a forest; I'd bumped into a log with my left-front leg...
I was about to turn over and fall asleep again, when I realized: ~Wait... leg?!~ I looked down in shock at the leg where my left arm should've been: a scaly, emerald-green leg and paw with four white, razor-sharp, slightly-serrated claws, one at the end of each toe. Confused, I tried standing up on my hindlegs... and fell over backwards.
As I squirmed, trying to get up, I could see similar changes had occured to my hindlegs. A long, emerald-green, reptilian tail unfurled from beneath me as I writhed and flopped around. As I finally managed to roll to my feet, on all fours this time, I could see two lavender, batlike wings folded across my emerald back.
I stood there, on all fours, stunned, trying to contemplate what had happened to me. *Am I dreaming?~ I wondered silently, too scared to try to talk. As my eyes scanned the clearing I was in, I saw that the edges were thick with trees, with the exception of a small path between the trees to one side. Then I spotted a small stream near the boundary of the clearing. I ran towards it, desperate to see my reflection in the water, to see if it was true.
I bent down low to the ground and gazed into the stream... the long face of a young, handsome green dragon stared back at me. I tried to cry out in surprise, but what came out was a dragon's roar! ~I've been turned into a dragon!~ I used both of my forepaws to splash water on my face, desperately trying to wake myself up... but when I looked again, I was still a dragon!

14-Sep-2007 06:02:33 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2009 11:10:04 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 1:
Lost in the Woods

I walked carefully, watching where I stepped: I lifted one paw at a time, examining the ground before setting it down. ~Having four legs will take some getting used to...~ I thought miserably, whimpering whenever I stepped on something sharp, like a rock.
The forest I was in was dark, and I had trouble seeing at times. Sometimes, the branches would thin and I could see more easily, but, more often than not, I was completely in the dark. I could see, during those times, that the sun was still shining brightly above the trees. I walked slowly, head hung low and tail drooping, dragging along the forest-floor and leaving a line through the dirt behind me.
I was wandering aimlessly, looking for a way out of the forest.
After what seemed like hours -I couldn't really understand my dragon sense of time back then- I concluded that I was completely lost. I stopped walking and slowly turned my head up, looking through the branches of the trees above my head. ~Too thick to fly through, even if I wanted to...~ I thought with a shudder. I turned my eyes back down to my feet and continued walking.

14-Sep-2007 06:02:34 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:12:09 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As I continued my trek through the forest, I gradually grew more confident in my step and could walk with ease: I was no longer constantly looking down to see what I stepped on, and the pads on the bottoms of my feet were starting to toughen from all of the walking, making it less painful. ~Maybe being a dragon's not so bad after all,~ I thought to myself, enjoying the feel of the breeze on my face. I held my head up just above my shoulder and my tail was lifted up in the air, no longer dragging on the ground. It swished from side to side behind me as I walked.
Later that day, after walking ceaselessly, the sun began to set; I could see its orange glow through the branches. The branches weren't so thick here, so there was more light to see by. ~I must be nearing the edge of the forest,* I thought, quickening my pace.
As the sun finally set, and the full moon became visible through the canopy, I was confident I was nearing the end.
A couple of hours later, I yawned, my snout opening wide. I had trouble keeping my eyes open, and I stumbled as I walked. ~Must be getting late...~ I thought groggily. ~Maybe I should get some sleep...~ I came to a small clearing a little later on.
I nearly collapsed as I was going over to a log in the clearing, but I managed to make it. Curling up next to the log, I rested my head against it, using it like a pillow, and extended one of my lavender wings, folding it over me to keep me warm from the cold night air. Shivering, I closed my eyes, falling fast asleep....

14-Sep-2007 07:18:20 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:15:13 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2:
Dragon Dreams and Flying

In my dreams, I was still curled up. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling to me... calling to me by name...
~Aaron...~ a soft, mournful voice whispered into my ear. Reluctantly, I lowered my wing and looked around me. I was no longer in the forest: I was in a great void, surrounded by bright, fathomless colors. And there, floating above me, close to my head... was a distorted figure; nothing more than an outline. It was calling my name...
~Aaron... that's my name?~ I realized I couldn't remember much of anything- I hadn't thought about it since that morning.... "I-I am Aaron, who are you?" I spoke! I was so shocked when I discovered that I was a dragon, I was too scared to even try, but there was something about the spectre... something about it made me feel at peace, not afraid anymore....
The figure sighed mournfully and floated closer to me. It touched the end of my muzzle with what looked like an arm or a dragon's foreleg, and gently raised my head up. It gazed unblinkingly into my eyes for several seconds. The eyes were the only distinguishable part of the spirit- they were snow-white and seemed to be filled with tears, as though in sorrow or great pain. It whispered something I didn't understand into my ear, but I felt it meant 'come with me...'
I wanted to go with it; to find out who I was, why I became a Dragon... to get answers.
I started to stand up, to follow it as it glided away, but...

14-Sep-2007 07:18:20 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:14:55 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Without warning, I suddenly awoke. My vision was distorted by a lavender shroud. Angrily, I shoved it off me and looked around, then rolled onto my other side. ~So it wasn't just a dream after all...~ I thought silently as I gazed at my reflection in the stream next to where I was sleeping; I had been sleeping there so I could see my reflection when I woke up.
My long, reptilian face was narrow and slightly arrowhead-shaped. My eyes' pupils were thin, almost-glaring slts, but my features were slight and rounded, implying a very young Dragon. I stared at it for several moments, then slowly lifted the left corner of my mouth... revealing a row of sharp, pearly-white, dog-like teeth. They looked dangerous and intimidating. As a human, they would've scared me; but as a dragon, I marvelled at their sharpness and ivory toughness. I opened my mouth completely and examined my teeth in my reflection, turning my head to study each one. Each tooth was long and pure-white, the end u*blunted by age or use. The canines were especially long, and would curl over the corners of my my mouth -over my lower jaw- whenever I closed my mouth. The row extended to the far corners of my jaws, completely filling my muzzle.
I examined my teeth one last time, then sighed and got to my feet. I used my long, scarlet tongue to lick off the dirt that had accumulated on my long face during the night. I stretched my whole body cat-like, yawning broadly, enjoying the feel of the sand between my toes. My neck was incredibly long, like the rest of me, and almost serpentine in its articulation.

14-Sep-2007 07:18:21 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:14:25 by xxDkreignxx



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It was pre-dawn, and the sun had yet to rise in the sky. The world was cast into gloom and shadow, yet not complete darkness. My body was covered in morning dew, but I didn't mind it.
In the gloom, now able to see much, much better, I looked the rest of my body over: except for my eyes, wings and tail, I was almost completely emerald-green: my serpentine eyes were golden, my wings lavender, and my tail had a dark-blue tip to it. My muzzle was long and narrow, like a dog's. A line of short, snow-white, slightly-curved spikes extended from the base of my head to the tip of my tail. My claws were short and snow-white like my spikes, but they were razor-sharp and curved at an intimidating angle. This, too, called to the dragon part of me. I was still unaccustomed to my increase in body-length, but I looked fondly at the beautiful, dark-green scales that encased my body like armor. Back then I didn't know exactly what a Dragon was, but whenever I looked at my new body, the same word kept rising to the surface of my mind: dragon. So I assumed that's what I had to be.
As I continued my hike through the forest, I realized just how small I was; I was about the size of a large dog- considerably smaller than my old body, but I was fast and agile. I raced throught the forest, delighted by the feel of the wind blowing over my wings. In my elation, I decided to open them for the first time; to see if I could really fly.

14-Sep-2007 07:18:21 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2009 00:05:42 by xxDkreignxx



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I fluttered open my wings. A breeze caught them, lifting me into the air, and then... WHAM!
I landed back in the dirt, face-first. ~Maybe not yet....~ Dazed, I got shakily to my feet. Suddenly, I heard an amused chuckle come from behind me. I spun around, quickly folding my wings back across my long back.
I stood there, paralyzed, stunned by what I was seeing: a gorgeous, icy-blue dragon with blue-green eyes. "You'll never learn to fly that way, young one..." she said in a kind voice.
I didn't know what to say, I was so shocked by her appearance. Before I knew what I was doing, I was running as hard and as fast as I could, trying to get away. The one though that kept going through my mind was: ~Another dragon!~ I didn't know what it was about her that scared me, but I couldn't stop running. I was panting, exhausted from all the running, but I just kept going.
~Get a grip!~ I scolded myself as I was finally forced to stop to catch my breath. ~She may be able to help you!~ I continued running, not realizing I had reached the forest's edge until I burst out of it.
I was standing on a hill, overlooking a small town nestled on the edge of a long valley. I collapsed, too exhausted to go any further. Just as my vision grew dark, I saw a red, four-legged figure walking towards me....

14-Sep-2007 07:18:23 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2009 00:07:21 by xxDkreignxx



Posts: 10,061 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 3:
Friends For Life

When I came to, I was in a cavernous room, lying on a large, stone tablet. I sat up on my haunches and looked around. The room looked more like a cave than anything else: the walls were made of stone and were rough and uneven, not smooth. Other than the tablet I was on, the only furnishing the room had was a crude wooden torch in a simple, steel bracket on the far wall, next to the empty doorway. My claws gripped the edge of the tablet and I was about to get up, when a red dragon walked into the room.
The dragon couldn't have been any older than I was; we were the same height, though his neck and tail were about an inch longer than my own. He was mostly red -in the same way that I was mostly green- with some black: red eyes, black wings, claws, spikes and tail tip. His scales had a fire-red hue to them. The flight-arms were red, but the membranes were jet-black. The features of his face were similar to mine -slt eyes, rounded edges, arrowhead shape, etc.- but the jawline was sharper than my own. His head was long, but at least half an inch shorter than mine. He looked playful and jubilant, so I doubted he would believe me if I told him what I really was.
He plopped down on the floor in front of me and stared up at me unblinkingly. Just as it started to get uncomfortable, he tilted his head to the side, as if studying me. "You're an odd dragon," he suddenly declared, making a growling noise deep in his throat. At first I was startled, then I relaxed as I realized he was laughing. "We don't have very many green dragons in Takeron Valley."

14-Sep-2007 07:19:00 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:16:55 by xxDkreignxx

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