
Dragons of Surdaus

Quick find code: 49-50-979-51303065



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I suddenly had a splitting headache and winced in pain. ~Has it really been four days?~ And I was starving. "Got anything to eat?" I asked hopefully. Grinning, Skye pulled something out from behind him with his head and tossed it to me. It was a raw piece of meat, and I bit into it hungrily. When I was finished, I asked him, "Any idea what that thing was that attacked us?"
Skye shook his head sullenly and sighed. "According to Seeldah, it was an avian." He paused. "Not many people have seen an avian before; they rarely come out of the mountains to the north... and no one has any idea why this one did." He grinned at me. "No one's taken on an avian and won before. They may not breathe fire, but they're still tough; yet you took him down all by yourself."
"What's going to happen now?" I asked.
"We don't know why it attacked us, but we've got a group together to go find out; avians are pretty rare around here, but they have an eyrie further down the valley, on the edge of the mountains. I... insisted we wait for you, though- I figured you would want to come, too."
I laid my head back down. "Thanks..." I muttered. "When will you be ready?"
Skye laughed jubilantly. "Ready? We've been ready for two days!- we've just been waiting for you." He turned towards the door. "Now come on. Zek's already left; he got tired of waiting for you, and we don't want to keep the others waiting any longer."

14-Sep-2007 07:40:15 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2009 00:09:22 by xxDkreignxx



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I looked away.. "Yeah... just give me a moment."
Skye nodded and started to walk out. He stopped, turning around to face me. "Aaron... a few nights ago, before I met you, I had a dream. I didn't understand it at first, but I saw you in it..." he looked me in the eyes. "We were destined to meet. I don't care what you really are, but the second I saw you, I knew that you were different; more than just your color." He paused. "You're not a green dragon; you're something far different." He turned to look at the door. "Seeldah knows it too, that's why she wants to help you. Aaron... whatever might happen to us, remember that I will always be there for you, no matter what... I promise."
As he walked out of the room, I felt that a bond had formed between us; I had saved his life, and hadn't even known him for very long... I felt that we would be very good friends.
I lay there, trying to understand what had occured four days before.. ~I breathed fire... but aren't I supposed to be older before I can? Skye, as far as I know, can't breathe fire yet, otherwise he would've during the battle.~ I closed my eyes, thinking back to when I had breathed fire- a stream of emerald pouring from my jaws, past my ivory teeth without harming them.... ~I'm becoming more and more like a dragon every day...~

14-Sep-2007 07:40:15 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:38:38 by xxDkreignxx



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I can't explain exactly what had happened that day, but I felt that something great had happened... Another part of my destiny revealed. I had a power I didn't understand; an ability I shouldn't have... Magic. I don't know why I know it, but it calls to me... from the past... from my past.
My future was as a dragon, and my past couldn't change that. I knew then that I could never go back. This was my life now. My previous life was gone forever, and it was time I accepted that...
I stood up and left the room after Skye, leaving everything behind so I could truly begin again, becoming a dragon in truth at last....
Thus ends Part 1 of Dragons of Surdaus

14-Sep-2007 07:40:16 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:39:45 by xxDkreignxx



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Part II of Dragons of Surdaus
This is where everything goes downhill for Aaron. Part II, ironically, is gonna be a lot shorter than Part I. At the end of Part I, Aaron finally submits to the fact that he is a dragon forever and is now trying to start a new life for himself. But his destiny lies to the north, where the forces of evil are growing stronger.... Part II will be the end of the Story.

36 years later...

The light that shines alone in the dark...
The hope that remains when all seems lost...
The rider standing upon the hill...
The ray of light that shatters the night...
I am a man...
I am a dragon...
I am neither...
I am both...
I walk both paths; neither where I belong...
I've walked both paths; I've been to both ends...
I walk the path of an Emerald Dragon...
My destiny is a curse...
It is also a gift...
Is there a difference between the two paths?
Both lead to dm(c)n(c)tn.

14-Sep-2007 07:41:31 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:40:09 by xxDkreignxx



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Chapter 6:
The Legend of Mount Raynor

4 months after the events of Part 1...
I pressed my shoulder to the beam and pushed with all of my might, grunting from the exertion, my claws digging into the dirt. The beam shifted and rose into the air. I stepped closer to the beam so it would go higher. Once it was in place, Gode ran under me, between my hind-legs, and tied the beam in place. Slowly, I pulled my shoulder away from the support... it held.
I turned to watch Kad as he worked on his own beam. He nearly dropped it. Grinning, I walked over, pressed my shoulder to it, and helped him lift it.
As the last beam was secured, I stepped back to admire our work. Kad and I were helping to build a house for a family of dragons who had just moved into the valley, on the edge of town. A green dragon called Renk was helping us. ~Good, we can start moving the stones tomorrow,~ I thought as I saw the sun starting to set.
As Kad and I made our way to back to the house, I thought back to four months before.... Maereth... the avian... we discovered his name when we went in search of the avians' eyrie further down the valley to the east. When we arrived, we discovered that the avians were in a time of famine- their natural prey -a race called the dorguun- had recently disappeared from Takeron Valley, leaving the avians with little food. The attack was out of desperation, not muderous intent.

14-Sep-2007 07:41:31 - Last edited on 10-May-2009 03:14:45 by xxDkreignxx



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With the dragons' help, the avians were able to get back on their feet and the attack was soon forgotten... but Maereth was still missing, and no one had seen him since the attack.
I pitied the avian... I truly did; he wasn't in his right mind when he attacked me and Skye.
I shook my head and quickened my pace to catch up to Kad. Everything was falling into place- I didn't know how, or why, but I felt that all of these events were leading up to something... something terrible. Whenever I started thinking about this, my eyes would always rise to the snow-capped peak of Mount Raynor to the north... I knew, deep down, that my destiny lay there.
Seeldah warned me never to go there. She said that very dangerous creatures resided there, not just dark dragons... and not all of them dragons, either. Skye didn't really believe that about me being a Human, or all of this stuff having to do with Mount Raynor- but he promised me that if I insisted on going despite what Seeldah said... he would join me. I appreciated his friendship, but I really didn't want him to get involved in this- for his own safety. I had a feeling I wouldn't have much of a say in it, though; Skye had a habit of 'insisting' on things, something he was very proficient at.

14-Sep-2007 07:41:33 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:41:38 by xxDkreignxx



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I had grown a lot in the previous four months. The scales on the tip of my tail had regained their blue color after a few weeks, though they now had a metallic sheen to them. My scales, though they remained emerald-green, had turned a slightly lighter shade of green. My size had nearly doubled; going from the size of a large dog to the size of a full-grown tiger. The spikes on my back, neck, and tail were now long and sharp. My eyes had gone from golden to emerald-green, though this had happened pretty early on. Seeldah believes it might've been connected to my fight with Maereth, though she doesn't know for sure. The claws on my hind- and forepaws were long and sharp as knives. My snout was now filled with two rows of sharp, shark-like teeth. My ability to breathe fire was peculiar for one at such a young age, but I had grown very proud of my new-found talent.
I was growing into a young-adult dragon.
As we reached the house, I went straight to my room, ready to take a long rest after working all day. I curled up on my tablet, extended one of my wings over me -it was a cold night- and fell asleep, exhausted....
---------- (Perspective Change)
"Seeldah, they are coming. You have to tell him... now," the dragon pleaded. Seeldah turned her head to look at the light dragon. His scales were mostly silver, but lined in gold, giving him the appearance of a knight in gold-and-silver armor. Two golden spikes protruded from the the back of his skull, on either side of his long, arrowhead-shaped head. There was desperation in his silver eyes. "We-are-running-out-of-time."

14-Sep-2007 07:45:46 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:44:26 by xxDkreignxx



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Seeldah hissed. "He is too young... he cannot fight them! If you send him now... he will die." Her eyes filled with tears. "We have to leave, escape before they get here... I will take him myself if I have to."
He shook his head solemnly. "My clan is coming, but they won't get here in time. He is our last hope, and you know it." He looked directly into Seeldah's eyes. "Only the Emerald Dragon can defeat Deathwing...."
"Then send for Celmax," Seeldah persisted. "Maybe he can defeat Deathwing."
The light dragon shook his head again. "Celmax has been missing for five-fundred eighty years, Seeldah- he is dead." His eyes softened. "I know how you feel for Aaron, Seeldah.... His death will be tragic... but innevitable."
Seeldah hissed in disbelief. "You want him to die!"
The dragon lowered his eyes to floor, shaking his head sadly. "I do not 'want' him to die, anymore than you do, but the prophecy says, 'In their clash, the Emerald Dragon will die... and the Light of Raynor will purge the darkness.' He will die fighting Deathwing, but his death will end this war... that is why Celmax failed."
As the light dragon left, Seeldah lay there silently, her eyes streaming. ~'...and the Light of Raynor will purge the darkness,'~ she thought to herself.

14-Sep-2007 07:45:47 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:45:39 by xxDkreignxx



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Her gaze travelled to a far corner of the room, to carving she kept hidden from Aaron whenever he came to visit her.... ~It looks just like him...* she thought with a smile, but her eyes continued to stream. ~I will miss him when he is gone... Jerek is right, Aaron must die....~ She turned towards three of the carvings in the front row before her, lined up next to each other: a light dragon, a dark dragon... and the white dragon. She stared at the last one for a long time and then: ~It is time....~
I was sleeping soundly when... "Aaron, wake up!" I heard Skye calling to me. Groaning, I opened my eyes and sat up on my haunches, yawning tiredly.
"What's wrong?" I asked as Skye burst into the room, breathless. Other than his size, Skye really hadn't changed much in four months. Despite the fact that we were relatively the same age, he was about an inch and a half taller than me at the shoulder.
He looked exhausted. "A silver-and-gold dragon's been running through the village, telling everyone to run." He looked up at my face. "We think it might be a light dragon...." I was shocked into full awakeness: a light dragon? Here? "Seeldah's looking for you- I don't know why, but it sounded urgent." He jerked his head back towards the door. "You'd better go find her. I'll go figure out what's going on."

14-Sep-2007 07:45:47 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2009 00:10:06 by xxDkreignxx



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I left the house and started towards Seeldah's. About half-way there, I saw a silver-and-gold dragon dart across the street. Suddenly he stopped, turning towards me. He looked me over, a strange expression on his face, then nodded to me and ran off.
When I reached Seeldah's house, I pushed the door open and walked in. The room was lit brightly by torches on the walls. I sat down in front of Seeldah's tablet, gazing up at her.
"Aaron..." she whispered, her voice full of sorrow. "The time has come. I... lied to you- I know why you became a Dragon, but now I fear it is too late...." I heard a scream come from outside. "They are coming, and you must run... you are our only hope, now...."
"Why did I become a dragon? Who's coming?" I demanded, my eyes streaming.
"You became a dragon to fulfill your destiny... as the Emerald Dragon." She whispered the last part. "You were chosen, before you were born, to take up the mantle of the Emerald Dragons. On your tenth Birthday, you answered the call... and were transformed into a dragon."
I heard a roar and another scream outside. I turned to leave, to try and help, but Seeldah stopped me. "Aaron, I know it is hard to believe, but you have to trust me." She was almost pleading now. "At the peak of Mount Raynor lies a wise white dragon called Takeron; she was named after this valley. She is ancient, and the last of her kind. If there is anyone that can help you, it is she."

14-Sep-2007 07:45:49 - Last edited on 02-Mar-2009 23:47:16 by xxDkreignxx

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