Chapter 4
"He had also made more jewelry and Zen now has 800 gold coins."
Has = present tense. Generally, try to stay in one tense. So: "He had also made more jewelry, and Zen now HAD 800 gold coins."
"There were bones everywhere.Most of the adventurers here,however,were wearing items similar to
Zen's armour such as Bronze,Iron and Black.Zen felt proud that he was the only one in the Courtyard who could wear Mithril Armour."
So Zen's armor is similar but unique? A bit confusing. Try: "Most of the adventurers here, however, were wearing items similar to Zen's armor, except made of bronze, iron and black metals. Zen felt proud that he was the only one in the Courtyard who could wear Mithril Armor."
Vanished = vanished
Chapter 5
"The figure had just killed his latest target. He cleaned his dragon daggers with a cloth from his victim's house.He was wearing a mask shaped like the head of a demon.This mask was given a few years back in Halloween.The mask was of a red colour. "
An assassin? :o The last sentence is rather unnecessary. Instead of using an entire sentence to tell us the mask is red, just insert the adjective "red" into an earlier sentence that describes the mask. Like "He was wearing a red mask shaped like a demon's head."
It's fine to write everything down as it comes, but try to get in the habit of going back at the end of a chapter (even for a little bit) to cut out unnecessary words/sentences.
You don't have to tell us he's an assassin. Show, don't tell. Let the reader realize he's an assassin. He (or she) should be smart enough to do that.
Dannie!!! Didn't see that coming…
"The town was quite small and quite desert." You must mean "quite deserted"
Mod Kings. Nice. XD
Chapter 6
Careful with your spelling…there are little mistakes sprinkled throughout the chapters.
19-May-2011 01:43:39