
~|>>Chronicles Of Zen<<|*

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Chapter 16:The Perils of Isafadar

Jace and Siglim were in Tiranwinn. They had to travel to the Free Elves' camp, Lletya, which was situated in south-east Tiranwinn. They had to cross the Mountains of Galarpos using a secret pass south of Ardougne. They were now climbing down the mountains and they began to see part of Lletya. They began to run west. "So, anything else happened in Tiranwinn?"asked Siglim.
"Nothing much, we must stop Lord Iowerth. First let us come to Lletya, im sure you have only seen it in your mind." replied Jace.
After an hour, they finally reached the back of Lletya. Lletya appeared exactly as how Siglim imagined it to be. The houses were all made out of wood. All the buildings were of the same height, making the town look like some sort of a huge mansion.
"So this is Lletya.."thought Siglim as he climbed the back fence of Lletya. Although it was an impressive place, Siglim expected something more impressive.
There were a few elves wandering. The elves were all beautiful and handsome with cat-like ears. They had smooth and angled faces without a single spot or scar. Their movement was as graceful as their voices.
Just then an Elf ran up to the two of them. Siglim had seen him before. He was wearing a brown hood, a green and brown-robe top and green and brown leggings. He had sparkling blue eyes and slightly long, blonde hair.
"Greetings Jace. Welcome back."greeted Arianwyn as he addressed Jace.
"Greetings."greeted back Jace.
Arianwyn looked at Siglim.
"Welcome to Lletya, Siglim, I assume you remember me?"asked Arianwyn.
"Ah..yes, you gave me the letter about the true intentions of King Lathas."said Siglim.
"Yes, and currently the Iowerth Clan is starting to build a strange structure within the forests of Isafadar. It appears to ressemble a type of Portal. Could you two check it out?Of course, after you have had your rest..."

29-Jun-2011 07:20:59 - Last edited on 03-Jul-2011 11:26:45 by Anenemus



Posts: 2,328 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 17:Baxtorian's Need
A few hours after Zen got the Black Diamond, the contestants assembled once again near the courtyard in front of the King. This time, the king's advisor Aeonisig Raispher also was present. Aeonisig was wearing dark grey robes with a Saradomin Star on the robe top. King Roald turned to Zen.
"Well done, boy. The behemoth was summoned by an adventurer to appear as the guardian of the Diamond. This adventurer also had to kill a few wild Revenant Ghosts roaming that area."said King Roald as he patted Zen's back. The king then turned towards the rest of the contestants.
"The first Diamond, has been found by Zen. It was in the Chaos Altar near the Icy area called the Ice Plateau. Now, my advisor, Aeonisig, will teleport you near the Baxtorian Falls. It is a famous waterfall in Kandarin. The next diamond is in a dungeon deep inside the Waterfall."announced King Roald.
Aeonisig quickly took out a few runes and started muttering an incantation. A few moments after Aeonisig finished muttering the incantation, A golden light covered the contestants.
"What now?"roared Lazaar.
"Everybody, keep your palm against your chest and say Baxtorian Falls.That will teleport you all. Good luck!"
Everyone put their palm against their chest and said Baxtorian Falls. The golden light became even more brighter and teleported the group to the right hand side of the Waterfall.

03-Jul-2011 11:37:24 - Last edited on 05-Jul-2011 08:42:56 by Anenemus



Posts: 2,328 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zen looked around. He was in a large green field and he was facing north. The rest of the contestants had already gone north. Zen ran north and saw the waterfall. It was like a huge lake, except the water flows down a steep slope and crashed down below. Zen noticed a small piece of rock in the area of the steep slope. It had a small dead tree growing on it.
Slightly above the rock, was a small boulder which was close to the otherside of the waterfall. Just then, Zen was struck with an idea. Zen began to sprint north. "Good thing I brought a rope with me.."thought Zen. As he ran, Zen noticed a few dwarves in an enclosure fighting goblins. The dwarves had a huge stand-type structure in the enclosure which fired large, round metal spheres. However, he didnt have time to observe the battle.
Zen noticed a small house facing the waterfall. It appeared to be empty at the moment[Author Note:Two people wont make a house look full!]. After crossing the house, Zen started to see the start of a waterfall. It was a large body of water. Zen thought he saw a small cave-like entrance inside the water. Zen continued northwards and eventually reached the other side of the waterfall.
Zen took out a rope from his bag. He saw the small boulder was closer to him. Zen flung the rope towards the boulder. The rope gripped the boulder, allowing Zen to wade into the water without getting carried away. Zen began to wade into the water. It was not very deep, but Zen found it extremely difficult to walk. Zen finally reached walked upto the boulder.

05-Jul-2011 09:16:26 - Last edited on 09-Jul-2011 08:53:51 by Anenemus



Posts: 2,328 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Slightly beyond the stone was the waterfall. Zen could hear the water crash down below. Zen began to tie himself with the rope near his hip. One end was tied to Zen, while the other was tied to the rock. Withot thinking about what he was doing, Zen waded closer to the waterfall and jumped.
Zen plunged through the air, feeling the breezy wind. He was occasionally bumping into the strong water, causing him to slightly sink into the water occasionally. Suddenly, Zen got sucked backwards into the water and reached the small chunk of land with the dead tree. Zen looked towards the cave entrance. It looked as if it was empty. Zen untied himself and tugged his rope, causing the rope to fall from the boulder, back towards its owner.
"That was fun, though I wouldn't do that again."gasped Zen. He felt slightly tired. He readied his weapons and walked towards the cavern.
the cavern was quite large although the entrance was small. Zen could see a few lights far away which kept sprouting like volcanoes. There were two different paths in front of Zen. Suddenly, Zen felt someone push him. Zen fell to the ground as he heard a loud voice behind him.
"Whatch where you are going fool!"sneered the voice. Zen sprang up and turned around to meet Lazaar. He was not wearing any armour or weapons, except for a hardleather body and leather chaps. He was carrying a Rune Two Handed Sword this time.
"Well, I was just standing here. Whatch where YOU are going."snapped Zen. "Anyways, how did you get here?"
Lazaar laughed. "I have been brought up here by my Fremmenik father. I used to swim here almost everyday."
Zen noticed the pride in Lazaar's voice. He decided not to harm Lazaar's pride. "Nice! Anyways, I'll take the right path, you take the left path."
Lazaar started to shake. He looked around and quickly mumbled something.
"Lazaar? You okay, pal?"asked Zen.
But Lazaar wouldnt move. Suddenly, he got covered in a great block of ice. In a few seconds, the block disappeared.

09-Jul-2011 09:02:59 - Last edited on 25-Jul-2011 16:23:53 by Anenemus

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