By chapter 13, you keep recreating RuneScape gameplay. It's 'blah blah blah he did this, blah blah blah he did that, blah blah blah he is now doing that, blah blah blah he will now do this.'
Who cares what he's doing. You can make your reader care by offering a foundation of your story. Throwing words into a reader's face doesn't do anything, especially if your reader is someone such as myself, or who is passed the age of seventeen.
You can't really afford to assume that all your readers have never played M-rated games nor have seen R-rated movies.
I am not trying to make you to model the story in a way that best suits my own style, as the world would fare better with less people who have my personality, but you should note that your story feels like a Japanese cartoon for kids.
" "YOU RUN FAST SKINNY BOY!" said Lazaar, panting and gasping.
"Yeah? Well, know this. You are so weak that you can't even defeat a goblin!" sneered Zen.
"Yes, how dare I insult you." said Zen. He threw some ash at Lazaar's eyes and ran away. "
How is that an insult? Using peccadilloes too often is another way to kill a sense of maturity in your story. Did you type this story only for kids? It really feels like a kid's story, so this is the biggest issue that kills my interest in the story. I just can't find a story enjoyable when it was not typed for my level.
But what I noticed is that your story's grammar and spelling gets better later on, specifically after chapter 12. If you have Word, use it, and then copy and paste the words into the post message.
I don't have much else to say, but your storyline turns into a clichéd one. Your antagonist must antagonize the protagonist, and the protagonist must 'protagonize' the antagonist. Your villains have no family, no life, no bodily urges, no feelings, and all of your characters are utterly robots who speak as if talking to a wall.
31-Jul-2011 04:44:31