NAME(S): Elatha
AGE: Young
AFFILIATION(S)/PURPOSE(S): A god of the Moon, and Princes. Was once a Sun god as well, but is no longer such.
FORM(S): Elatha most often takes the form of a twenty-something year old man with pale skin (often tinted blue) and golden hair. He always dresses in the best clothes of when/wherever he is, and often has a heavy metal ring around his neck.
POWERS(*): As a young god, Elatha possess only very basic, and typical divine powers, granting small wishes, changing his shape, so one and so forth. Elatha can however, also play an influence over the moon, and the tides.
REALM: Elatha has a realm, but due to his weakness, it is a very small castle on an island and little more. Is realm is locked in an eternal night, and many moons are present, all in different phases.
SUBJECTS: Elatha was once a prince of a divine race called the Fomorians. Most of them are gone now, but a small handful remain in his realm, acting only as servants and messengers.
ACOLYTES: Elatha’s daughter, Bres, is a quiet and timid princess who lives in her father’s realm, and serves as his primary ally and confidant.
SOURCE OF WORSHIP: Elatha is worshiped only the Celtic Irish. The smallness of his worshipers has caused him to be a weaker god with few powers.
BACKSTORY: Elatha was once the prince of the Fomorians- a divine race that existed in a realm outside of any Earth realm. As their kind became fewer and fewer, he became a god of the Sun thanks to a much older deity, hoping to use divine power to save his race. Unable to obtain a following, he became a darker being- a god of the moon. The Fomorians are almost entirely gone now, but he remains a god, and protects the few that exist.
17-Nov-2014 00:24:29
- Last edited on
17-Nov-2014 00:31:36