
[RP* Eonfold

Quick find code: 49-50-876-65641702



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This list includes all accepted players, followed by the names of their characters, the page number of said characters's bios, and lastly the affiliations of their gods.

GrimMagister - Elatha - Page 4 - The Moon and Princes

D F Angel - Abo - Page 4 - Slavery and Freedom

Lord Ikra - Nyx - Page 4 - Stories and Lies

Solracdragon - Sol -Page 5 - Life, Fire, and Light

Inferi – Eleria – Page 6 – Knowledge and Time

Xefaro – Shango – Page 6 - Storms, Warriors, and Virility

Mark Agron - Torig - Page 7 - the Hunt, Autumn, Wild Things

qewrty566 - Randell - Page 11 - Technology and Progress

Sukiringu - Grey - Page 14 - Death and Mourning

Reaper Ben - Aequitas - Pages 14 & 15 - Justice

*on Varr - Adrian - Pages 21 and 22 - Fear and Courage

Madacombo - Ranehk’Elkrahum - Page 23 - Trade, Deceit, Cunning

17-Nov-2014 00:18:04 - Last edited on 22-Jun-2015 06:40:18 by GrimMagister



Posts: 15,065 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
CHARACTERS: These are plot significant characters, controlled by me.

The First

The first force to appear in Existence. It is a god-like thing that “became” along side only a few others, and with them, it wrote the Story of the universe, from beginning to end, before sealing itself away to sleep.
It has faith in humanity, and a plan for them. It expects that they can survive until the end of the Story.

The Second

The second force to appear in the universe- a god-like entity that came into existence with the first, and perhaps, some others. It helped to write the Story of the universe, and is suspected to be playing a hand in the recent deaths of certain gods. It has no faith in humanity’s ability to survive until the end of the Story.
It made a contest with the First, wagering that humanity would not survive. However… the stakes of their contest are unknown, but apparently very extreme.

The Young Lady with Dark Hair

A very ancient being. She seems to be “like” a god… but she’s certainly something else. She claims to have been there at the beginning of the Story, and seems to be planning on being there at the end. She also seems to hope that the First will win.
She appears young, in her later-twenties, has long black hair, and dresses casually in modern attire.

17-Nov-2014 00:18:11 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2015 07:28:45 by GrimMagister



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A rather old goddess, often appearing as a catlike woman who is very tall and dressed in fine silks. She is affiliated with protection, lovingness, dance and music, and joy.
She is very suspicious of the recent god deaths, and seeking to come to some conclusion about them. She fears that the Story is nearly over, and is concerned about what will happen when it concludes. Knowing that gods decide what happens to humans upon their deaths, she expresses great concern for the gods that die- uncertain of what becomes of them.
After calling a meeting to discuss a course of action against the murders, the world eating monster, Apep, destoryed her realm and in turn- her physical body. It will take her time, and much energy to rebuild herself.


An Angel… a minor god who seems to serve humanity rather than represent some part of them.
He has a great deal of concern for death, and often visits those humans have died. Like Bastet, he is worried about the deaths of gods in recent times, and expresses much concern for them.


A powerful god, revered and feared by most. He is worshiped by many and respected by most other gods. He fought a war, so long ago that many gods consider it ancient, against Prometheus, who created humanity- which seemed to scare, or enrage Zeus.


A violent god of war, known for his harsh attitude, and powerful desire to stir discord.


A loving goddess of the sun, and the life it brings. She commands her servants, the kitsune.

The Morrigan/Macha/Badb

Three sister goddesses that are one and the same. The Morrigan is a goddess of war and death, and crows- the Phantom Queen who commands beings called Dulahan. She is callous and often thought be quite cruel.

17-Nov-2014 00:18:23 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2015 07:32:06 by GrimMagister



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A terrible eater of suns with the power to turn entire worlds to nothing in little time. Apep is chaos and destruction incarnate. It is said to have a connection to other world-enders called Nidhoggr, and the Red Dragon. Perhaps they are the same being? Or three parts of a whole?
The god, Set has always kept Apep in check, fighting an almost eternal battle against it. Recently though, Apep has become freed and is destroying worlds as it swims through the universe

A powerful god of chaos, killing, and war. In the past he has been a jealous and violent being who's goals were to usurp power from other gods such as Osiris. However, he his not often thought of as "evil" by his peers.
His primary purpose in the world has always been not to create chaos, but to control it. To that end, he has long kept the chaos serpent, Apep at bay. Recently, however, he has failed to perform this task for as of yet unknown reasons, allowing Apep to swim rampant through the Eonfold.
Without his link to Apep, Set has become very weak.

The Fates/The Norns/The Stygian Witches
Perhaps the eldest of all gods today. They are fate, and destiny in physical form. The Story was written for them to transcribe, and their existence is devoted to seeing that every detail of the story takes place properly. There are three of these mysterious women- and they are aware of all the Eonfold.

17-Nov-2014 00:18:30 - Last edited on 21-Feb-2015 07:37:38 by GrimMagister



Posts: 15,065 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A small Celtic goddess who is connected to the Morrigan in ways that have never been clear to anyone- though it is believed she in some way kin to them. She is a goddess with dealings in warfare, but is otherwise little more than a patroness.
Elatha enlisted her help in investigating Osiris and Isis, and the possibility that they are responsible for Apep's rampage in some way.

The Scorpion Goddess who resides over matters of protection, healing, poisons, nature, and magic. She is a powerful goddess from the same Pantheon as Bast, and she was watching Bast's world as it was destroyed by Apep.
Fearing that the strong of murders and destruction were growing to quickly without resolution, she approached another god Adrian, wishing to become involved in the investigation.

17-Nov-2014 00:18:38 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2015 21:21:31 by GrimMagister

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