Hey Azi, can Darius have a prayer that negates demonic power?
I really wanted to give him this holy warrior vibe, but there wasn't a whole lot of explanation on how prayers/magic worked.
Are there any other prayers he could use? Being a militaristic organization, the Inquisition would probably know a lot of combat-based ones.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
28-Jan-2016 19:00:56
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28-Jan-2016 19:03:04
Hey Azi, can Darius have a prayer that negates demonic power?
I really wanted to give him this holy warrior vibe, but there wasn't a whole lot of explanation on how prayers/magic worked.
Are there any other prayers he could use? Being a militaristic organization, the Inquisition would probably know a lot of combat-based ones.
Sure, go ahead, as long as it's not an absolute force. It would work on most generic demonic things, but maybe not so much against more powerful demons.
Prayers are ushered, thought of, meditated of, imagined, read from a scroll, used by the power of a relic or holy artifact, or summons the powers of the divine or godly, or directly summoned from God or gods, depending on how holy the individual is. For example, a saint could summon the powers of the gods, an angel could do even better, an arch angel could directly cast the power of a god, and a god could probably manipulate the laws of physics at will. Basically, how magic and the divine is used is very open, with many ways to do so, varying on your imagination and character.
The example I use in the thread is to base magic off generic fantasy games like Skyrim, RuneScape, Warcraft series, or what have you, as well as forming your own way of doing things.
28-Jan-2016 19:31:19
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28-Jan-2016 19:32:08
Imagine if Zaphiren had gone instead. He would be kneeling in front of the Grand Inquisitor and a cardinal of the Holy See, praying to their god as they casually discuss better ways to hunt and kill demons.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
28-Jan-2016 21:09:03
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28-Jan-2016 21:09:28
Does the Inquisition only use human peons, or would they use demons to destroy other demons?
The following is roughly paraphrased from the Inquisition handbook:
**** The Demons
Of course, thou shalt not literally **** the demons, as that will only create more infernal hellspawn that need to be eradicated. So, a more accurate phrase would simply be 'kill all demons on sight.' We shall not work with any demon, unless whatever threat we are facing makes that demon appear insignificant by comparison, and cooperating with said demon is the only way of dealing with said threat, but even then they are to be closely watched and mistrusted. And we will need more than that demon's word to decide when this is appropriate.
Of course, an important inquiry must be raised: what happens when all demons have been slain? In that case, we shall remain vigilant, watching for their return. Once we are certain that will not come, we will put down our swords.
So remember: Literal demon****ing is to be kept to the minimum (as in, zero), and literal demonslaying is to be kept to the maximum. Be ever vigilant as you continue working towards a demon-free world!
So, at the present time, a demon allying with the Inquisition will not happen. Only if an archdemon has risen, or the demons have somehow organized their own civilization/army that rivals other nations, will the Inquisition consider it.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
28-Jan-2016 22:13:14
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28-Jan-2016 22:14:38
But if you somehow manage to hide your demonic presence from them, then what they don't know won't hurt them. Unless your plan is to infiltrate their ranks and backstab them at some point.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
28-Jan-2016 22:16:19
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28-Jan-2016 22:16:42