I don’t have much money, most people don’t. But yes, if there is a epic financial crash, it’s the wealthy with electronic money that’ll lose the most. Thus, the true value of money is buying land, I suppose, as you can always own land (unless the government is socialist, marxist, fascist or communist, of course). Once the BC forest fires are done, I’d like to get a hunting licence and start practising hunting with an old-fashioned firelock, as well as spears and a longbow.
Ha, in my case, I am basically in poverty. For most of my life, I’ve lived in poverty, so that’s what I’m used to, but a simple, inexpensive life is quite rewarding. I have time to work on literature, and that’s all I really need.
Knowing how to survive without money is more useful than having money. Learning, and real life experience, are what matter the most.
Speaking of cosplay, does anyone do that? I don’t. Iron Mountain armoury sells decent historic samurai armours, maybe I’ll cosplay a samurai one day.
18-Aug-2018 04:02:10