
The Roads We Must Travel

Quick find code: 49-50-748-66032477

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
was understandably unimpressed, but apparently he would be given extended leave for doing the favour - which had been a favour owed to the noble by his CO in the first place - and could 'see the sights' while he was off.

Resigned to his duty, Isaac did just that - and wweeks later he had managed to dump the whiny nobleman off on his house guard and take a well deserved rest at this strange, old-fashioned tavern. Well... At least he was getting a short vacation, right?

Other: Woo!
I am Inferi.

15-Aug-2018 04:28:38 - Last edited on 15-Aug-2018 04:28:58 by George Rozas



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The interior of the tavern was quiet this night, although this was hardly a change from the norm. Although travel had increased between countries in the more recent years due to increasing ease of transportation, the increased travel often came in forms that made a waystation such as this an unnecessary stop. Add in the fact that increasing tension between countries, as well as an increase in monster activity outside the established bastions of civilization, made those that did not need to travel stay in the safety of their communities, and it was a recipe for the old places like this to begin to fade away.

However, that did not seem to change anything about the place itself. Two waitresses walked around the quiet main room, occasionally asking patrons the common questions of their profession: would the individual like another drink, or was their order satisfactory, for example. Both were rather attractive, one with the paler skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair that was more native to Tias while the other was taller and had brown hair and a freckled complexion that, with her slightly darker skin, marked her as from either western Beral or eastern Netheris. Both wore rather old-fashioned outfits, inspired by that of ages past while still managing to look as though they were not quite an antique.

The tavernmaster himself remained behind the bar, speaking sparingly with those that engaged him in conversation. He was a large man, and well-built, but it wasn’t those things that made it feel like his presence was...more. His gaze was intense, and the aura that permeated into the room was one that held more than what one would expect from the common bartender. It was not overpowering, but it was there, and it gave the impression that, in here, he was the one in control.

It made a certain amount of sense; after all, this place had weathered countless years and had never once been greatly damaged.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

18-Aug-2018 02:25:38



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The law of the tavern prevented it. By the order of the man in charge, there was to be no violence in the building. There was no justice in here that belonged to any country, not could any country declare that they held authority. It was a neutral ground, sovereign to only the man himself, and although few ever dared to violate the rule, there were rumors about those that had in the past.

As for the patrons, there were few this night. One individual, their gender and any features unidentifiable, sat over in the corner, a hood over what looked like a masked face. Their back was to the wall, and a thick cloak obscured most of them from view. All that really could be seen was their boots, which looked rather old and worn, and the glass that sat on th table in front of them, containing a bubbling drink of some kind.

A middle-aged, rather pompous gentleman sat at the bar, a glass of wine in his right hand and a sabre at his side. His clothing looked fancy, but not overly expensive, and the fact that he was here likely meant that, despite his fanciness, he didn’t have the quick means of transportation that many rich folks did.

Two soldiers sat at a table in the center of the tavern room, and their somewhat intoxicated discussion was one of the few noise sources in the room. Both wore equipment declaring that they were from Beral, but since this section of the border between Tias and Halai, where the tavern was located, wasn’t too far from Beral, it wasn’t entirely unusual to see members of that army around. One carried a handaxe while the other had a crossbow on the floor next to his chair. Both had packs with what looked like a fair amount of provisions in them.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

18-Aug-2018 02:25:53



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Apart from them, the only other person around had been a dark-haired young woman with a rather battle-scarred uniform that had indicated she was part of the Tias military. She had arrived a short while before and held a rather quick discussion with the tavernmaster before limping up the stairs and disappearing into one of the rooms on the second floor.

It was currently dusk, and the light was vanishing quickly.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

18-Aug-2018 02:26:00

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The cool air that came with dusk in these lands was still a strange experience for Isaac. What passed for cold around here came across as pleasantly lukewarm to the mountain-raised soldier, and the heat earlier in the day was still something he wasn't sure if he enjoyed. Long had he removed his gloves and loosened his fur-lined fatigues, accepting more of the evening chill to ward away the discomforting warmth that he simply couldn't grow used to.

With his irritating burden finally lifted the man could let loose a sigh of relief, watching as the nobleman departed in a carriage escorted by a few members of his house guard. In truth, Isaac had never even asked why the nobleman had been so far away from home without any of his men around - and he didn't regret it one bit. Every moment he could get peace from the prick was a blessing, like hell he would start a new conversation when the man fell silent.

It hadn't sunk in yet, the realization that he was free - his expression only showing his fatigue from the extended journey as he turned away from the fading outlines and looked towards the roadhouse that had been the rendezvous point. Why here and not elsewhere? He didn't know, didn't really care either, he just hoped the place would have a room for him to rest his weary bones and something cool to drink.

When Isaac pushed open the door and walked inside he gave the room he entered a once-over, pleasantly noting in his mind that it seemed like a quiet evening. The noisiest part was the animated discussion between two uniformed soldiers on one side of the room - Beral colours if he wasn't mistaken. Pressing the door shut behind him Isaac made a beeline for a small table he'd scouted a few comfortable spaces from the bar, a brief scraping heard as he pulled out one of the two chairs surrounding it and sat down.

Running a hand through his hair the man let out a loosely held breath, taking his time in removing and setting down his rifle - resting the weapon against
I am Inferi.

18-Aug-2018 03:55:27

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
his table and following it up with his sheathed blade. The heavy package thumped against the floorboards as he removed the straps keeping it attached to his back, leaning it against the side of his table right beside his rifle. With how he'd set them up they were unlikely to fall over.

" Ma'am? " Once he was setlled he raised his head and waited for one of the waitresses to pass closeby before trying to get their attention, waiting patiently until they could get to him - which probably wasn't long. " I don't suppose you know if there's still an empty room I could get for the night? "

Whether she confirmed or denied it he would nod tiredly, then ask if he could get a cold ale and something hot to fill his stomach - food when traveling was rarely great, and his rations were no exception.

With that he would lean back in his seat, settling in comfortably and not focusing on any one thing in particular - effectively just becoming another quiet patron of the odd establishment.
I am Inferi.

18-Aug-2018 03:56:41

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

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Quiet. The barmaids and soldiers made a little noise, doing their thing, one limping soldier having gone upstairs earlier. Another soldier entered the tavern, but Elizabeth had kept her distance from him as well as the carriage. She was a little cold on the face, and stopped perhaps fifty feet before the tavern, and just stared.

Elizabeth often felt a little nervous beholding just about anything. She should have been used to it, but even after a few years of wandering for a living, the churning in her chest, and the lump in her throat, never went away. Her head and eyes lowered. Her cold cheeks encouraged her to do something. So, after taking a breath, she stroked her hair with both hands and approached the inn.

The dainty brunette opened the door, just enough to slip through, her violin case slung over the shoulder knocking against the doorframe. She paused halfway through the doorway upon hearing that, staring at the floor, hoping she didn’t embarrass herself.

“Ya gonna go er whut?” a voice asked behind Elizabeth, but she did not react for a second. She didn't even know someone was behind her.

Keeping her gaze low, slightly blushing, she silently scuttled to an available table. Taking her violin case off, she put it on the floor, and took her seat, the tip of her scabbard knocking against the floor. Being short meant her hidden sabre was a bit longer than her own leg, and even worn slanted, it hit the floor once in a while.

Elizabeth turned her head to see who spoke to her moments ago. It was a gruff, scruffy, confident guy with a broad jaw, wearing some makeshift armour, and two immense revolvers holstered at either side. Rory wasn’t a big man, but looked capable.

Suddenly, his demeanour changed drastically. He smiled, showing the teeth, and stepped to an available table.

“Ey! D’we have any whiskey? I be needin’ some o it!” Rory exclaimed, taking his seat at an available table, and then...

18-Aug-2018 06:01:47



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The faint glow of the evening sunset filtered through the dim window, a young woman lying in a straw cot soaking in its soft orange light. Her platinum blonde hair was strewn about the pillow, beads of sweat dripping off her furled brow. She was evidentially not having a pleasant dream.

The woman roused, not to the familiar drapes of her four poster bed, but to a lonely inn room. “Have I been sleeping all day?” She pondered. Her stiff neck all but confirmed the accusation as she slipped her abused and blistered feet onto the rough wooden floor. Wincing, she endured the discomfort as she pushed off to start the… evening.

It took several minutes for Elyssia to fully get her bearings, and several more to settle her unruly hair. Her ‘chic’ clothing was a little more ruffled than she would have liked, and her hair was still an unruly mess. Old Martha, the head maid, would have surely had a fit if she dared present herself in such a condition on the manor. Managing a wry smile, she felt a sharp twinge of sadness as she did whenever she had thought of home. Her former home.

Slapping her cheeks, the nostalgia faded away, giving rise to a new feeling she had not felt until recently. Hunger. As if on cue, her stomach released a furious growl, evidentially angry at the loss of three square meals. Hurried along by a newfound sense of urgency, she stopped fiddling with her hair and climbed into the colossal bush jacket. The jacket which, if she was honest, made her feel like a child playing dress up in her parent’s clothes – but it was delightfully warm, so she made do.

Assured that she only looked half horrible, she exited the room, passing the dark haired woman on her way down the stairs. She paused at the sight of the new patrons, but seemed to shake off her initial apprehension. Gingerly treading down the staircase, she took the nearest table, casting her gaze downward so as not to attract attention.

20-Aug-2018 13:56:07 - Last edited on 21-Aug-2018 03:03:23 by Westenev

Jul Member 2011


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Name: Annie Wells

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Appearance: She has long black straight hair and her eye are green. She has a short straight nose. Her skin is tan.She is 5 feet 3 inches tall. She weighs 119 pounds. Her body is covered in hard muscle and show’s very little fatty deposit anywhere on her body. That's because she has been training to fight all her life and traveling.

Attire/Armour:She wore a light green top with black pants, and boots. She also has a backpack that has all her food, clothes,First Aid and everything else she needed to travel.

Skills: martial arts, survival skills, shooting

Weapon(s): dagger in it’s sheaths and a 9mm pistol in it's holder on her waist

Short Character History: a smart girl from a small village called Tuba. Her father was a warrior and trained her how to become a warrior. Her father taught her how to Shoot a gun from a young age. He also taught her martial arts and survival skills . One night an bandits attacked her village. She quickly packed what she needed just in case she needed to escape. After that she fought along with her father and the other men to kill the bandits. Then she was told by her father to run so, she ran. She looked behind her and saw her village was destroyed. Now she on the run from the bandits.

22-Aug-2018 02:10:32 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2018 04:04:31 by Annie1227

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Annie been traveling for many days away from her village. She felt scared and missed home but knows she has to get away. She been lucky that with the weather and haven't been bandits around that made her feel calm but still on guard. Her clothes are in bad condition from the fight in her village and the traveling. She relized that she was out of food on the thrid day of traveling and camping that's when she started to hunt to kept her fed but her body was tired of many miles she traveled.

As she was traveling, she relized it was getting dark and knew she had to make camp. She was looking for a place to camp that's when she saw a tavern a few feet away. She hoped to get clean clothes,food, bath,a bed to sleep in and many more. So she decided to go into the tavern. She felt very nervous but got brave enough to go to the bartender and asked in a nervous,tired voice, " excuse me sir, do you have a room open?"

22-Aug-2018 03:20:16 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2018 02:59:21 by Annie1227

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