
The Roads We Must Travel

Quick find code: 49-50-748-66032477



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Name: Harry Richard
Age: 27
Gender: Male

Appearance: Harry stands at 6'5", with dark brown hair, dark green eyes, and a short brown beard. He has a slightly tanned skin tone, and is in excellent shape. There is a scar across the left side of his forehead, just above his eye.

For clothing, he wears an old brown leather jacket, a grey shirt, a pair of jeans, and sturdy brown boots. He also has a black fedora.

-Excellent horsemanship.
-Good shot.
-Adept at hand to hand combat.
-Decent stealth capability.
-Proficient in lockpicking.

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:
-A sawed-off double-barrel shotgun, kept concealed in his coat.
-A knife kept hidden in his boot.
-A pair of brass knuckles in his pocket.
-A set of lockpicks.
-A black horse named Diligence.

History: Harry had... a colourful past. He was born in Netheris, to a middle class family - his father a lawyer, and his mother an accountant. Then when Harry was thirteen, his mother died, and his father fell into despair, turning to alcohol in his time of crisis, which eventually cost him his job.

His father sold their house, and they bought a cheaper property in a much worse neighborhood. Harry's father quickly began to squander their remaining funds in order to feed his addiction, and eventually became abusive.

When Harry was fifteen, he returned home to find his father dead, having drank himself to death. The next day, Harry took all their remaining money and food, and walked out of the house.

Life on the streets was hard, and Harry was eventually forced to get involved with some shady characters. They mainly acted as hired muscle, or performed some small muggings.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

23-Aug-2018 01:53:35 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2018 02:05:59 by NotFishing



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Then their leader began to grow more ambitious, and they began holding up small stores. Most of the time, they were successful.

Eventually, the leader of their gang brought someone new to them. The stranger was apparently a bank robber, and he had a plan to rob one of the richer banks in the city, but he needed a crew. Most of the gang was nervous and uncomfortable, but they had all appeared to accept.

At first, everything had gone according to plan. They went in, got the money, and got out... only to discover that their getaway driver had bailed. They were forced to flee on foot, and that didn't end well. Half their group was captured - only Harry and two others made it out.

They fled into the countryside. Harry quickly assumed control of their small group, and proved to be a capable leader. They stuck up multiple stores, and in one case even managed to rob a train. They even acquired some new members. But like the leader before him, Harry made the mistake of becoming too ambitious.

He plotted to rob another bank, this time making sure the driver was someone he could trust. Unfortunately, the driver wasn't the problem; another member of the group had ratted him out. They walked right into a trap, and were all arrested.

Harry managed to escape, but he was the only one to make it out. He fled the town on horseback, and didn't stop. He has been traveling for several weeks now, and recently crossed the border.

Other: He has a large sum of money stashed away somewhere. Don't know if this will ever become relevant.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

23-Aug-2018 02:02:33 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2018 02:05:29 by NotFishing



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The first waitress to get to Isaac was the blonde, very shortly after he sat down. It seemed that nobody else was in great need of attention, and as one might expect a newcomer would get preferential treatment until they were taken care of at the start.

I do, and there is. I can get you the key if you’d like.
” she told him, taking note of the response before leaving and disappearing into the room behind the bar. She was gone for a short time before returning with the food that Isaac had requested - a bowl of surprisingly not-questionable soup - and his ale. Setting them down on the table in front of him, along with the key if he had asked for it, she finished with, “
Is there anything else you would like?

Of course, sir! I will have that for you in a moment.
" was the response of the other waitress to the inquiry for whisky. She moved quickly back to the bar, procuring a bottle, a shot glass, and a normal-sized glass before coming back to him and placing them on the table. Whether it was exactly what he had been looking for or not, at least in terms of who had distilled and processed it, was something only he knew, but he would also likely know enough to know that it was probably the only kind they had if she had brought it out directly rather than asking for specifics.

WIll that be all for now, sir?
" she asked, a smile on her face as well as she waited for his answer.

As for Annie, the bartender looked down at her for a moment before nodding. “
I do. Are you staying for a single night, or for longer?
” was all he said. Although some might question one of her age traveling alone, that was clearly not the case due to the other similar-aged girl already sitting alone at a table nearby.

Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Aug-2018 23:15:45



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Anything further was cut short by another arrival through the front door. Unlike the more recent ones, though, this was not a single person. Instead, it was a group of five, all of them wearing unmarked military equipment and armed heavily for the type of people that came in normally. All of them had firearms at their sides, new ones by the look of it, and each of them had at least one melee weapon as well. None of the weapons were large, however, and all of them were blades of some sort.

That is, until the sixth person entered. He was clearly the one in charge, since although most of his equipment was not much different from the rest he moved in a way that said he thought rather highly of himself and his position. Everyone else also deferred to him by means of action, and with nobody else that seemed to occupy a leadership position it looked to be placed neatly upon him. He also had two rather unique weapons on him: a baton of some kind hanging on his right side an oversized pistol on his left. The former looked as though it had a charge pack of some kind near the handle, while the latter had a larger barrel than normal, both in length and radius, and an extended area above the trigger that looked like it could spin in place. It was almost like an extremely oversized version of the loading mechanism of a revolver, although it spun horizontally rather than vertically.

Their entrance changed the atmosphere inside the building from relaxed to tense, almost in the blink of an eye. While there was no immediate reaction from anyone, the looks that all three of those working in the building gave towards the new party indicated that they were already aware this wasn’t a social visit.

The leader paused once inside, looking around with eyes narrowed before sighing, running a hand through short, immaculately kept black hair, and saying, "Find her. She's here."
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Aug-2018 23:16:03



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As the group began to move out, one of the barmaids, the blond, moved slightly in front of them and asked, "
Is there anything I can do for you?

The response was immediate, and came from the leader.

"You can, and will, stay out of my way. I'm here to bring in a fugitive, and I know that she is here. Move, or you will be a target as well."

The barmaid glanced to the side, at the man beside the bar. He gave her a nod, and she did the same, stepping to the side and allowing them to pass. She did add, however, "
In the interest of not having you everywhere in here, the girl you are looking for is upstairs. Just be warned: if she does not wish to go with you, then you are violating the laws of this establishment, and action will be taken accordingly.

The man didn't respond, simply scoffed at her before motioning the soldiers towards the stairs. When they made it there, though, he stopped, giving one of them the order to remain down here. At that, the rest of them went up the stairs and out of sight.

While nothing seemed to overtly change in the room, it was clear that something was going on. The barmaids stopped going around to the tables, and the brown-haired one casually walked over to shut the still-open entrance door while the other began straightening tables and pushing in extended chairs, focusing on the area by the base of the stairs. Both of these acts were normal, but they were done very deliberately and carefully, looking like they were preparing for something.

The man at the bar had placed what remained of his wine on the counter, asking, "
Laying down the law, hm?
" to the bartender, who responded, "
If necessary.
" The posh man sighed, shaking his head, but did not pick up his wine glass again.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Aug-2018 23:16:14 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2018 03:33:25 by Inferi



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The only ones who seemed unaffected by this were the soldiers in the center of the room. They had fallen silent for a few moments when the soldiers had walked in, but had shown them little care after that, going back to talking as they had been before.

Meanwhile, the hooded individual had stood up, walking over to the girl that was deliberately avoiding everyone. Stopping next to the table, they spoke, a woman's voice coming out from under the hood. Even in the light, their face wasn't entirely visible, but from what could be seen - which was only the right side, strangely enough - she looked to be in her late twenties to early thirties, with blue-brown eyes and a complexion that didn't quite fit any nationality.

Excuse me.
" she said, her voice quite normal and actually sounding like she wasn't sure how to start the conversation, "
I would advise that you move your seat. You don't want to be this close to the stairs right now.

She paused for a second before turning to walk away. Almost as an afterthought, she stopped and added, "
You can come sit at my table, if you'd like. I can guarantee you it'll be safe.

Everything she said was in a normal volume, and it was clear that the soldier by the stairs had heard it, but they did nothing other than give the woman a rather suspicious look. They didn't exactly look nervous, but they did not look like they felt at ease right now. The atmosphere was clearly noticeable to them as well.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.

25-Aug-2018 23:16:25

Jul Member 2011


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Annie replied to the bartender,"I don't know actually how long I am going to stay here sir. I been traveling for a long time. " That's when she saw the group of five all of them wearing unmarked military equipment and armed heavily in unmarked armor. She had a bad feeling about this and then a sixth guy came in and commented the barmaid. Then she saw the barmaid move to the side and told them what they came here for and they went up the stairs. She felt very nervous what was about to happen.

She looked over to the barmaids and saw them began straightening tables and pushing in extended chairs, focusing on the area by the base of the stairs like they where getting ready for something bad going to happen very soon. She put her hand on her pistol just in case she needed it.

26-Aug-2018 02:06:57 - Last edited on 27-Aug-2018 07:27:55 by Annie1227



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Harry Richard

Harry had arrived at the inn only a day before, and was taking a long-needed break from the weeks spent galloping. Both he and his horse needed it. And besides, he had already the border. There was no way they were on his trail, and even if they were, he was confident he was well enough ahead of them to take two or three days off.

He sat in a corner, his hat tilted downward, and had sitting there for most of the day. Only occasionally would he call one of the barmaids over, to politely order a water, a fruit drink, or a meal. Unlike the traditional outlaw stereotype, Harry did not drink. Partly due to what it did to his own father, and also due to the fact that he saw no reason to dull his own senses.

He glanced up when the door opened, and felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up when some soldiers, walked in, but otherwise maintained a calm composure. He tilted his head back down, focusing on his plate of half-eaten food. He lifted his fork and took a bite, while secretly contemplating his next action.

Were they here for him? How? Wasn't this tavern meant to neutral ground? Then he noticed that there were no markings on their uniforms. That was odd. Perhaps they were not soldiers after all, and instead some highly professional mercenary group? Or maybe they were soldiers that had removed their markings so as not to alarm the person they were after?

Either way, they weren't here for him. They were looking for a girl. Why they wanted her, or what she had done, was anyone's guess, but they wouldn't be allowed to take her by force.

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

26-Aug-2018 02:56:08



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Though they probably could take her by force, if they wanted. They had the numbers, after all. The soldiers went upstairs in pursuit of their quarry, while the barmaids began pushing in chairs and straightening tables, in preparation of... what, exactly? A hooded individual told someone to get away from the stairs. And a girl, no older than fifteen or sixteen, put a hand on the pistol at her belt.

Fool, Harry thought, looking at the blonde teenager. Never put your hand on a gun unless you intend to fire it. Visibly putting your hand on a weapon was a surefire way to get other people to point their own guns at you. Harry had half a mind to tell her as much, but decided he would rather not draw attention to himself.

Instead, he turned to look at the stairs, and tried to listen for any sounds from above. He rested one hand on his empty cup, and another between his plate and the table knife. There was a very real possibility that the situation could escalate, and he did not want to be caught unprepared.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

26-Aug-2018 03:04:18



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Upon overhearing the man’s first comment, Elyssia’s hood flew over her head, her clasped hands pressed against her sternum. She could feel her pulse racing, her lungs seizing. ‘Find her’, he said? It couldn’t be… did mother? No, she wouldn’t…

Hyperventilating, she reeled around for a panic stricken glance. Around the lining of her hood, she could see six men dressed in what looked like military garb. Even at a glance, it wasn’t hard to spot the leader by his demeanor.

The man surveyed the room. As he looked in her direction, a chill ran up her spine. She didn’t dare make eye contact, instead turning back towards the table. Nope, she decided, this wouldn’t concern her.

The men made for the staircase, though if there were any justice in the world, this wouldn’t concern her.

Yet, closer they came.

“Please, don’t come any closer…” She muttered, closing her eyes…

The men dutifully marched on by, taking their positions by the staircase. Tense as the situation maybe, Elyssia couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief – never before had she felt so glad to be ignored. Still, she didn’t dare glance at the men directly as they made their way up the stairs. She’d rather keep her head down and…

“Excuse me” A voice came out of the blue.

Elyssia shuddered, looking up at the woman with the wide eyes of a possum in the headlights of a homicidal truck.

“Oh. Uhm. S-sure. Sorry!” Elyssia stuttered after a few seconds, recovering enough to return an awkward smile as she rose to her feet. Normally she would have refused on the principal of “stranger danger”, but she figured she was safer with this girl than being beside that eavesdropping soldier.

“I-is something wrong?” Elyssia continued, following the cloaked woman.

26-Aug-2018 04:20:12

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