Name: Harry Richard
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Appearance: Harry stands at 6'5", with dark brown hair, dark green eyes, and a short brown beard. He has a slightly tanned skin tone, and is in excellent shape. There is a scar across the left side of his forehead, just above his eye.
For clothing, he wears an old brown leather jacket, a grey shirt, a pair of jeans, and sturdy brown boots. He also has a black fedora.
-Excellent horsemanship.
-Good shot.
-Adept at hand to hand combat.
-Decent stealth capability.
-Proficient in lockpicking.
Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:
-A sawed-off double-barrel shotgun, kept concealed in his coat.
-A knife kept hidden in his boot.
-A pair of brass knuckles in his pocket.
-A set of lockpicks.
-A black horse named Diligence.
History: Harry had... a colourful past. He was born in Netheris, to a middle class family - his father a lawyer, and his mother an accountant. Then when Harry was thirteen, his mother died, and his father fell into despair, turning to alcohol in his time of crisis, which eventually cost him his job.
His father sold their house, and they bought a cheaper property in a much worse neighborhood. Harry's father quickly began to squander their remaining funds in order to feed his addiction, and eventually became abusive.
When Harry was fifteen, he returned home to find his father dead, having drank himself to death. The next day, Harry took all their remaining money and food, and walked out of the house.
Life on the streets was hard, and Harry was eventually forced to get involved with some shady characters. They mainly acted as hired muscle, or performed some small muggings.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
23-Aug-2018 01:53:35
- Last edited on
23-Aug-2018 02:05:59