Azi Demonica
Hey, even I manage to be clever sometimes.
Yeah, but, like, you're always a step ahead of me somehow :/
If you're a step behind, does that make me lost?
Huh. That almost inspires me to write a poem. Almost.
Ooh, look! Angel's back.
I guess so! Lost, luckily and foolishly.
Oh, and I noticed I made posting mistakes in Wake Up, which I just fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
So I've spent the day thinking over the inevitable that is
Into The Fire
. I was considering it on Annie's request, because I personally do not feel like forcing upon you that tease and disappointment once more. However every other time I've explained this trepidation you have told me to get over myself, so I will just lay the cards out on the table.
ITF was meant to be the set-up, the opening up of my world for future RPing, the thread that launched a thousand plot hooks. This being the case, ITF is slightly more railroaded than I would want traditionally. And now that it's, y'know, probably years since I started it and at this pace there probably won't be future threads, we come to the issue that this thread might be a bit more story-focused (following the narrative I have devised,) than adventure-focused (following the characters' arcs,) and I think the latter should really be how things are played here. After all, you're not really here for my story, you're here to play your characters who just happen to be in my story.
So if ITF was to come back, I think I would start it as a new thread. It's been so long that I would need to reintroduce the world anyway so that sort of soft reboot would go well, I feel. I'd let it be more sandbox, let players go off and do their own thing if they so please. But still have the central plot-threads, (Etheldredda has returned home to Myrkvior so her story is 'complete' so to say, leaving only Soahc's arc and whatever is happening in the land of the ogres.)
D F Angel
So I've spent the day thinking over the inevitable that is
Into The Fire
. I was considering it on Annie's request, because I personally do not feel like forcing upon you that tease and disappointment once more. However every other time I've explained this trepidation you have told me to get over myself, so I will just lay the cards out on the table.
ITF was meant to be the set-up, the opening up of my world for future RPing, the thread that launched a thousand plot hooks. This being the case, ITF is slightly more railroaded than I would want traditionally. And now that it's, y'know, probably years since I started it and at this pace there probably won't be future threads, we come to the issue that this thread might be a bit more story-focused (following the narrative I have devised,) than adventure-focused (following the characters' arcs,) and I think the latter should really be how things are played here. After all, you're not really here for my story, you're here to play your characters who just happen to be in my story.
So if ITF was to come back, I think I would start it as a new thread. It's been so long that I would need to reintroduce the world anyway so that sort of soft reboot would go well, I feel. I'd let it be more sandbox, let players go off and do their own thing if they so please. But still have the central plot-threads, (Etheldredda has returned home to Myrkvior so her story is 'complete' so to say, leaving only Soahc's arc and whatever is happening in the land of the ogres.)
If anyone has any opinion on this then feel free to weigh in. The job of the thread owner is to tailor the experience to the roleplayer, after all.
I both agree and disagree with you on the story part. I honestly am here both for your story and to be part of it, and as long as it feels like I'm actually part of it - meaning, of course, that character interactions and actions feel like they have meaning - I really don't care if it's railroaded. Sandbox stuff isn't what I really like anyways, as I used to be very proud of proclaiming, and one of the main reasons I like joining other people's stuff is for the story. Sure, I want a character that feels involved, but I also want to actually be anticipating what is happening next.
Granted, this can happen any number of ways, so maybe my point is invalid and I'm just babbling.
Even so, all I would ask is that what was happening - particularly with Siera, as I'm sure you know from the amount we've talked about it - continues in some way. I really don't want her story to just restart, since there's no way it could ever get to the same point again.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
Granted, this can happen any number of ways, so maybe my point is invalid and I'm just babbling.
Even so, all I would ask is that what was happening - particularly with Siera, as I'm sure you know from the amount we've talked about it - continues in some way. I really don't want her story to just restart, since there's no way it could ever get to the same point again.
Your opinion being invalid would match up with my memory of you.
Any chance of you getting on Skype, seeing as Wakk so helpfully ignored my plea for friendship?
As for Siera... I wouldn't be rewriting what people were doing, necessarily. Part of my instinct says I shouldn't reboot the Hag fight because it's been so long that people probably don't care to be fighting in it. But if I timeskip that then I suppose I rob everyone of the reward that years of anticipation has built up towards. I think I'll have to see what people who were fighting the hags think, (Annie, Notfishing, etc.) I imagine most of the people who were on ITF at the start are no longer around.
I unfortunately can't skype right now; playing stuff with friends.
I wouldn't be surprised if your perception is different, since you have a different view overall being the TM, and if you feel as though a reboot is better that's your choice. I'd argue against it, since I think we have enough people, but that's possibly just my extreme desire to see this story finish speaking.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.