“There ya go, but somehow I doubt spendin’ months at sea in a boat will assist yer social life.”
“I’ll figure something out...” He sat down and began deep thinking.
Back at the apartment.
A sudden wet “Thump” woke Anastasia from her sleep, unusual considering the fact she had plenty to drink earlier. She sat up in bed and tried to see what it might’ve been. Just as she settled back down into bed, she saw a slight glimmer appear from her creaked bedroom door. Pulling her sword from under the bed, she ran at the door and flung it open, prepared to fight. But she saw nothing in her moonlight bathed living room.And then it moved, quickly and awkwardly past the window and back into a shadow. Roughly two feet tall, with a mess of appendages flopping around ungracefully as it moved.
She tossed a piece of paper into the air, and used her necklace to combust it, giving a momentary shine of light, just long enough to catch a glimpse of it hop into the kitchen. Snatching a half melted candle off the living room candle, she lit it and quickly chased the thing, sword firmly in hand. She did*’t sharpen it after the task today, but she knew it was still very capable of chopping up an unarmored... thing.
Standing in her small gown with her weapon and light, she glanced around and saw nothing on the ground, or on the counters. She looked at the sink, filled with water and noticed the water was shaking, as if something had just entered. She leaned over to take a look, and the intruder leapt from the water and hopped a long the ground towards her bedroom. “Damn it!” She screamed chasing the Karamthulhu Overlord, there was no doubt, it was her summoning creature Pikkupstix had just gifted to her.
Spilling water out of it’s glass bowl, it hopped at an alarmingly quick rate, and seem to levitate when turning corners, if only for a second or two. “What is it?” Ko shouted running out of the bedroom in just his boxers, armed with his fighting knife.
11-Feb-2010 20:54:10