Continued from Above. Chapter 24: Second Post of the Chapter.
Sweat beads appeared on their faces, the lifetime of a guard is not a safe or a lengthy one.
You go from telling what the guards faces are doing, to narrating what the life of a guard is like with a comma. Doesn't seem quite right. Maybe a comma and then the word 'for.' ",For the lifetime..."
Also in this sentence, it would be much better to say instead of: "the lifetime of a guard is not a safe or a lengthy one."
"The lifetime of a guard is not safe or lengthy."
*Chapter 24: Third Post of the Chapter*
Adam extended his hand to Rachel who accepted his assistance to get up.
"To get up" doesn't look as smooth. Maybe remove it and leave it as "Who accepted his assistance."
As they walked down the street children and parents wandered past, salesmen promoted their wares, hammers clanged on anvils and smoke wafted into the air from food, the city was like one big advertisement.
Run on sentence. Put a comma between 'street' and children' and a period after food. Make "The city was like on big advertisement" it's own sentence.
They reached the grand exchange and stepped inside, only to be blasted with thunderous noise from the hustle and bustle of stock brokers, salesmen, and adventurers as they all demanded attention among the massive crowd.
Capitalize Grand Exchange.
*Chapter 24: Fourth Post of the Chapter*
“Thanks!” Adam shouted, and moved to another counter to talk to a Grand Exchange Employee, his withdrawn items in his backpack.
Wow, Adam got that backpack loaded pretty fast, didn't he? When I first read it, I got the impression he was still holding the items when he moved to the Employee.
He once again had a shouted conversation with the staff member to put up his money for a few sharks and a new rune platebody, to replace the one that was destroyed by the archer in Al-Kharid Dueling Arena.
THE Al-Kharid Dueling Arena
16-Aug-2009 00:05:55
- Last edited on
16-Aug-2009 00:07:41