Your name aren't sure, and you aren't sure what you are doing in this EMPTY ROOM. The name is on the tip of your tongue. What was it?...
You find in your pocket a HASTILY-SCRAWLED NOTE.
look n othr pkt (pocket)
Doing so, you find an INTRODUCTION.
yor name s ZRS (zaros), n u hav trble rmmbering thngs. u dnt no y, but u r sumwhat MPTY-HEDDED. yor frnd n srvant s zmrk (zamorak), who u cn trst. mtl (metal) thng n other pkt (pocket) s SIENS BOX, whch lets u tlk to zmrk (zamorak). u fight with CRSKND (cursekind) n try to mnmze (minimize) wht u say rflxvly (reflexively).
How odd. Well, your name is Zaros. What do you do?